Apart from dickwaving, what does it really bring to the table?
I currently now have a i5 4690k + GTX 970 combo.
If im only going to play my games Vsynced at 1080/60fps, does it really matter if a 0.5ghz over clock gives me an extra 10fps?
Right now my system is extremely cool, even under load (typically 40c at best so far)
Because of that, its extremely quiet, which is far more important to me.
Im just not sure overclocking brings anything more in real world benefits outside a system that runs hotter and noiser.
Apart from dickwaving, what does it really bring to the table?
I currently now have a i5 4690k + GTX 970 combo.
If im only going to play my games Vsynced at 1080/60fps, does it really matter if a 0.5ghz over clock gives me an extra 10fps?
Right now my system is extremely cool, even under load (typically 40c at best so far)
Because of that, its extremely quiet, which is far more important to me.
Im just not sure overclocking brings anything more in real world benefits outside a system that runs hotter and noiser.