You probably forgot to apply a promo code.Man what the hell? So I order the MSI X99S from newegg, which supposedly comes with a free 30 bucks mouse, but then when I check my bank account I was also charged for it.
Bolded for emphasis. I'm quite interested in results of what sort of practical improvement this allows.We really need to discuss this ASUS "Socket 2084" thing. It's one of the strangest and most interesting events in mainboards in the last decade. I mean, WTF?
As I understand it currently, it starts with Intel puting lots of additional pins on their new CPUs, but not telling anyone to use them. In fact, they only certify sockets which don't use them. Then ASUS comes along and somehow figures out that they can use those additional pins to improve OC voltage stability. What? This sounds like fanfiction more than something which actually happened. But apparently it did.
I dunno, but from what everyone here says, dedicated PhysX cards don't really improve performance.Random question, if you have a primary GPU, like a 780, and want to use a dedicated PhysX card like a 660, do you need to use the SLI bridge on them?
I dunno, but from what everyone here says, dedicated PhysX cards don't really improve performance.
We really need to discuss this ASUS "Socket 2084" thing. It's one of the strangest and most interesting events in mainboards in the last decade. I mean, WTF?
As I understand it currently, it starts with Intel puting lots of additional pins on their new CPUs, but not telling anyone to use them. In fact, they only certify sockets which don't use them. Then ASUS comes along and somehow figures out that they can use those additional pins to improve OC voltage stability. What? This sounds like fanfiction more than something which actually happened. But apparently it did.
You would not use a bridgeI had considered it, but after seeing some of the benchmarks, it's not really worth it. At this point I was just curious if you needed to use an SLI bridge or not.
Ok so I'm about to plug everything up and turn it on. If plugged a cable in wrong or anything, I'm going to fry the motherboard or will it be okay and just not turn on?
I mean, I'm sure its theoretically possible for you to have plugged something in incorrectly and frying your mobo, but the odds of that are so remote that its not worth discussing. Like, you'd need to REALLY mess up to fry your mobo just by plugging something in wrong haha.
I'm just going to wait until I get another case before going forward. But which version of the NZXT Source 210 should I go for? The standard or the elite?
The difference between the two is that the Elite model features a USB3.0 port on the front and an additional exhaust fan in the roof of the case.
Have the mounting of CPU heatsinks changed at all in the last 5 years? I have an old Noctua on my i7 920. Wondering if I could reuse it on a 4690K, or should I just get a 212 evo?
Random question, if you have a primary GPU, like a 780, and want to use a dedicated PhysX card like a 660, do you need to use the SLI bridge on them?
Have the mounting of CPU heatsinks changed at all in the last 5 years? I have an old Noctua on my i7 920. Wondering if I could reuse it on a 4690K, or should I just get a 212 evo?
Even with the case on it, the computer is really fucking loud. I think I fucked up T_T
I'm guessing I didn't install the fan correctly?
Whats your case, CPU fan, and GPU? And anything else that would have a fan in your computer.
Hm, I'm not too familiar with any of those parts (well, I did use the stock Intel cooler a few years ago and don't remember it being too loud, but thats it), so maybe someone else can say more. But just check everything to make sure there's nothing blocking/hitting/stopping/etc. any of the fans. Also try to isolate the problem, to see which fan it is that's actually making the most noise.
Have the mounting of CPU heatsinks changed at all in the last 5 years? I have an old Noctua on my i7 920. Wondering if I could reuse it on a 4690K, or should I just get a 212 evo?
Email Noctua. They will send you a mounting kit for free. If you can't find a receipt you literally just take a picture of your cooler and send it to them.
How much will I be spending if my goal is ultra /1080p/60fps and video games editing
what is "video games editing"?
Cooler master 212.My i5 2500k stock fan is getting REALLY noisy, but if I stop it a couple of time with SpeedFan often it stops.
Anyways... I'm thinking about changing it.
No overclock here.
The mobo is an AsRock P67 Extreme Sandy Bridge.
Any suggestion? I don't want to invest much.
How's the resale market like for videocards?
So I took out the nhd-15, reapplied the thermal paste, put the cooler back on, this time making sure to not make it too tight, run Prime and the 4790k goes to 4400hz and the temperatures drop to 98ºC.
Any ideas? Is it too tight still? Should I try to take the cpu out and remount everything? With regular use (browsing, watching videos, running steam on the background and installing stuff) things go to 50ºC.
So I took out the nhd-15, reapplied the thermal paste, put the cooler back on, this time making sure to not make it too tight, run Prime and the 4790k goes to 4400hz and the temperatures drop to 98ºC.
Any ideas? Is it too tight still? Should I try to take the cpu out and remount everything? With regular use (browsing, watching videos, running steam on the background and installing stuff) things go to 50ºC.
Cooler master 212.
And you should be overclocking
You should be tightening it as far as it goes.
Update the motherboard BIOS.
I'm planning on getting a 880/980 whenever it comes out, would it be worth it to keep a 760 as a PhysX card, or should I just sell that and stick with only an 880/980?
And the bios was the culprit!
Revision 6 and it's in the high 70s.
Thank you all!