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"I Need a New PC!" 2015 Part 2. Read the OP. Rocking 2500K's until HBM2 and beyond.

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Hah, fair enough. I can imagine the bios update and then trying to overclock being a bit screwy at times but it still feels like "did they even run a stress test?" but anyway I took the battery out, leaving it for a little bit while I calm myself down. I'm assuming this will revert he bios back to whatever version it had when it left the factory? Is it possible the bios was bad?

Removing the battery will only reset the settings but won't revert the BIOS version :/
Removing the battery will only reset the settings but won't revert the BIOS version :/

Ok, I wasn't really sure. That's cool though because I can at least get onto Windows for now (yay!) but I don't really have time to go through the OCing process at the moment. That's not me being sick and tired of it, just other things. The only "demanding" game I was in the midst of playing was Witcher 3 anyway...otherwise I was playing HoTs or Clannad so at the moment it's not the biggest problem.

Thanks for help though!
Does that include taxes or not? Rebates before or after $1300? Do you need a copy of Windows as well? Do you prefer to order from Memory Express or are other retailers okay? Keep in mind that Memory Express and NCIX both offer pricematching, but I'm sure ME has the better pricematching policy.

Here's a starting list of parts to consider. There's always room for change.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
CPU: Intel Core i5-6500 3.2GHz Quad-Core Processor ($259.01 @ Vuugo)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z170X-Gaming 3 ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($145.40 @ Amazon Canada)
Memory: Mushkin Redline 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-3200 Memory ($76.99 @ Canada Computers)
Video Card: Sapphire Radeon R9 390 8GB Nitro Video Card ($399.88 @ Canada Computers)
Case: Corsair Graphite Series 230T Black ATX Mid Tower Case ($71.19 @ Amazon Canada)
Total: $952.47
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-12-12 04:19 EST-0500

Most of the parts are quite good for price to performance. I went with the i5 6500 because you said you didn't have much of an interest in overclocking, although it appears that it may be possible to overclock it in the future if needed [1][2], although in a more limited and less capable manner than the i5 6600K would allow for. The Z170 motherboard was chosen because it's at an excellent price right now (normally retails for closer to $200 CAD), and there actually aren't a lot of reviews for the cheaper H170 and B150 motherboards so I'm a bit hesitant to recommend any of those.

The R9 390 is my recommendation if you think you'll be interested in VR. It has comparable performance to a GTX 970 yet has more than enough VRAM to spare for VR. If you prefer Nvidia, then I recommend the Asus Strix GTX 970 for $414 after $20 rebate.

That should come in at well under your budget, just in case you do need Windows or any other changes to the parts list.

The number is kind of a best guess situation right now, haha. Im really bad for mail in rebates too, so they basically just dont exist to me! I have a copy of windows 7 (Which I turned into 10 on my current machine, I assume I can bring 10 over to my new PC?). I really like Memory Express, they have been good to me, and they are nice and close.

This is all super helpful, thank you very much. I can drop it down to a 6500 instead of the 6600k if thats the best option in the long run. I like Nvidia, I've only had one 3D card die on me, and it was a Radeon, so now I'm irrationally (haha) against using them again, plus all the geforce experience stuff is nice. I was thinking of sticking 16gb of RAM in there too, mostly just because its so cheap, so why not, haha. (plus Oculus says 8+, haha)

This was very helpful, thank you again.


Yeah else you go crazy rebooting all the time :p And seems like you hit a very nice limit there! :D As for the guide, thanks that will come in handy although I'm a bit surprised that it mentions increasing the VCore afterall, atleast before I was told that for moderate overclocks I ideally want stock VCore values hence the offset calculation as most Intel CPUs can reach 4.0-4.3ghz easily without a Vcore increase o.o And are they? :p

It's only an offset of +0.005v, hardly anything. It's actually the very first option for offset. You could probably leave it stock if you wanted.

Yeah, they are. They report a few key values wrong, like vcore I'm pretty sure lol. I don't exactly remember, but almost all asrock z77 boards have this problem.






Hmm, what's exactly the difference in a i5 4690 vs a i5 4690k?

Both have turbo mode to make them 3.9ghz, does it mean that the k series can go further into that limit?

is it safe to keep a 4690 at turbo mode all the time?


Hmm, what's exactly the difference in a i5 4690 vs a i5 4690k?

Both have turbo mode to make them 3.9ghz, does it mean that the k series can go further into that limit?

is it safe to keep a 4690 at turbo mode all the time?

You can't overclock the non-k version.

Turbo mode isn't under user control.
Yeah, sorry I must have forgotten to throw it on there. I have the 250GB Samsung 850 EVO (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produ...&cm_re=samsung_evo_850-_-20-147-372-_-Product). In fact, I've actually already ordered and received the SSD, case, and power supply. I just included them to get your guys' thoughts on the entire build.

edit: here's the build with the SSD included: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/FvRYvK

Unless you need the six core CPU, you could go with this which would offer a significantly better gaming experience.

I disagree. I'd go for the 5820k. You can OC the 5820k to make up the clock speed difference to a pretty decent degree.

Jharp, one thing to keep in mind is that you might need a better cooler depending on how far you're going to push it (they're 140W CPUs, I think). I would suggest looking up some benchmarks and see how well the Evo works with Haswell-E (I honestly don't know).


Hmm, what's exactly the difference in a i5 4690 vs a i5 4690k?

Both have turbo mode to make them 3.9ghz, does it mean that the k series can go further into that limit?

is it safe to keep a 4690 at turbo mode all the time?

K has unlocked multiplier, meaning you can overclock it.
The regular 4690 will perform the same as the 4690k if you dont overclock the 4690k.
I don't think six cores will make a big difference in the vast majority of games.

That's not what you said though. You said that the 4790k would offer a "significantly better gaming experience" than the 5820k. I don't think that's true, as long as you're willing to overclock.

edit: and then you get all the productivity benefits of the hexacore... and some games are starting to benefit from having more than a quad. For the difference in price if I was building today I would definitely go for X99, but these are all just my preferences.
Ok, I wasn't really sure. That's cool though because I can at least get onto Windows for now (yay!) but I don't really have time to go through the OCing process at the moment. That's not me being sick and tired of it, just other things. The only "demanding" game I was in the midst of playing was Witcher 3 anyway...otherwise I was playing HoTs or Clannad so at the moment it's not the biggest problem.

Thanks for help though!

You're welcome :) And hmm okay yeah then you should be fine for now. Although Clanned would totally benefit from an overclock, I mean you need to see the scenery-changes in 120fps! :p

It's only an offset of +0.005v, hardly anything. It's actually the very first option for offset. You could probably leave it stock if you wanted.

Yeah, they are. They report a few key values wrong, like vcore I'm pretty sure lol. I don't exactly remember, but almost all asrock z77 boards have this problem.

Hmm I guess you're right, I'll try that tomorrow! But wouldn't I have to go for negative Vcore instead stock as stock would be auto and that would automatically raise the Vcore if I increase the turbo-multiplier? And okay that's the first time I heard about this o.o Damn I shouldn't have been so cheap and should have gotten a GIGABYTE board :( Anyway to check and make sure?


Unless you need the six core CPU, you could go with this which would offer a significantly better gaming experience.

Hmmm, is that the same build I put up with different video card, processor, and motherboard? Am I losing out by going for a cheaper motherboard, and am I gaining a significant jump by going with the 980ti over the gtx 970? I mean, for $300 I damn well better, I suppose.

As for the processor, I'd happily go for the cheaper quad core at 4.0ghz. Would the coolermaster EVO be good with that or should I look into a different cpu cooling solution?


Hmm I guess you're right, I'll try that tomorrow! But wouldn't I have to go for negative Vcore instead stock as stock would be auto and that would automatically raise the Vcore if I increase the turbo-multiplier? And okay that's the first time I heard about this o.o Damn I shouldn't have been so cheap and should have gotten a GIGABYTE board :( Anyway to check and make sure?

I can't exactly remember what the bios looked like, but I think to make it as simple as possible, add the +0.005 volts haha.

There's a lot of forum threads about it. I actually only learned about it recently on here, lol. But same, I shouldn't have been so cheap either, but back then I probably wasn't thinking about it, lol. I wouldn't necessarily worry if you're going to go as high as 4.3 anyway. You'll still have lots of headroom at that speed.
Hmmm, is that the same build I put up with different video card, processor, and motherboard? Am I losing out by going for a cheaper motherboard, and am I gaining a significant jump by going with the 980ti over the gtx 970? I mean, for $300 I damn well better, I suppose.

As for the processor, I'd happily go for the cheaper quad core at 4.0ghz. Would the coolermaster EVO be good with that or should I look into a different cpu cooling solution?

980 Ti will be about 50% faster than the 970. And the 212 Evo is a very good choice for that CPU.


Odd question. The PC I'm building is for my brother. He's still young. As far as O/S goes, I want to severely limit what he can do. Basically I don't want him to be able to go to Google chrome and start browsing away unrestricted. I want to block all browser options among other programs. The only thing I want him to be able to do is open steam and play installed games. I cannot confirm myself but does Windows 10 allow for this? Or should I install Steam OS instead of windows?

He's still too young for the internet, guys.
I currently have an i7 4770k paired with an Evo 212, I also have a gtx 760 Asus strix.

Is it a worthwhile upgrade to jump to the strix 960 4gb ram model? I keep seeing it around 230-210.

I am beginning to do more PC gaming and mostly at 1080p on an old junky aver monitor. Any thoughts, I would still continue I play at 1080, but in the future may upgrade to a 120ghz refresh rate.


Your Current Specs: i5-2500K / 8 GB DDR3 / MSI 65 something / Asus Strix GTX 970 / Old PSU / Fractal Define XL / OCZ Vertex 3 + 1 TB HDD
Budget: 1.000 Euro Austria/Germany
Main Use: Rate 1-5. 5 being Highest: Gaming, general usage and work are all important. I work as an independent translator.
Monitor Resolution: Currently playing at 1080p with a Benq XL2411T at 120Hz. I may want to upgrade to a 4K monitor that has at least 100Hz sometime later (depending on the launch of Pascal or DP 1.3 cards).
List SPECIFIC games or applications that you MUST be able to run well: Rocket League, The Division, Lost Ark, Paragon at 60 high settings (no downsampling etc. really necessary), CS:GO and Overwatch as high as possible.
Looking to reuse any parts?: I want to reuse the 970 until Pascal arrives and my Fractal Define XL.
When will you build?: Last two weeks of January.
Will you be overclocking?: Yes (if there is a motherboard button like I have on my MSI 65 mobo, that would be great. Otherwise may also try manual overclocking.)

I don't know if this is really smart, but looking at http://www.cpubenchmark.net/high_end_cpus.html I want the new CPU to be well above the i5-2500K. I can see that the i7-4790K is well above, but that is probably because i7 vs. i5. An i5-6600K does not have as many benchmark points, so not sure what to think about that. I just wanted to throw that in!

Generally there is the question then do I build a Skylake PC or Devil's Canyon?

Thinking about storage, I would want to use a Samsung 850 Evo 512GB and a WD Red 1TB.

As for the Fractal Define XL, I may want to swap the standard fans that come with the case with even better ones.

I already have a Windows 10 license.

I probably forgot something, but that's it currently. Thanks all in advance.


I know it's a long shot, but anyone in here with a older Gigabyte GA-Z87-DS3H? My board refuses to boot with 16GB in it. Crucial Ballstix Sport, specifically. I got 16GB just sitting on my desk that can't be used. I'm more than likely going to sell them if anyone is interested.


I know it's a long shot, but anyone in here with a older Gigabyte GA-Z87-DS3H? My board refuses to boot with 16GB in it. Crucial Ballstix Sport, specifically. I got 16GB just sitting on my desk that can't be used. I'm more than likely going to sell them if anyone is interested.

You place your ram in the right channels?
I know it's a long shot, but anyone in here with a older Gigabyte GA-Z87-DS3H? My board refuses to boot with 16GB in it. Crucial Ballstix Sport, specifically. I got 16GB just sitting on my desk that can't be used. I'm more than likely going to sell them if anyone is interested.

Check for BIOS updates that might address compatibility issues.
Did that. Nothing. Tried all possible configurations. The modules post individually

Did that, too. Latest version is the F3 BIOS, which I've been running for some time, now.

Which configurations fail? I assume there are 4 slots. Do you have a 2x8 or 4x4 kit?

Were you using different memory before that was working? If so, how many dimms and in what slots were they placed?


is there a smaller cube type case with a handle that will take normal motherboards and components?

and i have no clue what to do for next gen monitor. i keep reading about freesync and gsync, is amd's path with the next directx the best route? i think i need more than 1080p and atleast 27"?

no budget, just want to make the right choices.


Which configurations fail? I assume there are 4 slots. Do you have a 2x8 or 4x4 kit?

Were you using different memory before that was working? If so, how many dimms and in what slots were they placed?

2x8. Corsair Vengeance 2x4 works fine, which is what I'm using now. They're always in the 0 and 1 slots.


Are they in colour-matched slots? Apparently there are two blue and two black.

If one pair doesn't work, try the other to see what happens.

Yep. No POST. Modules boot individually, though. I saw there was a beta BIOS, F3c, released for my board. I'm thinking about giving that a flash and see what happens...
Yep. No POST. Modules boot individually, though. I saw there was a beta BIOS, F3c, released for my board. I'm thinking about giving that a flash and see what happens...

When you say individually you mean you tried each stick in each of the four slots? Or just the two ones you were previously using?

Maybe someone else has had the same problem with that motherboard and ram... what ram in particular are they?


When you say individually you mean you tried each stick in each of the four slots? Or just the two ones you were previously using?

Maybe someone else has had the same problem with that motherboard and ram... what ram in particular are they?

Each module of the 16GB kit POST individually in both DIMM slots 0 and 1. I have both of modules of my 8GB kit in right now and it POSTs fine.
Each module of the 16GB kit POST individually in both DIMM slots 0 and 1. I have both of modules of my 8GB kit in right now and it POSTs fine.

You have a Gigabyte GA-Z87-DS3H right?


When you say slots 0 and 1, do you mean the blue ones or the black ones?


I currently have an i7 4770k paired with an Evo 212, I also have a gtx 760 Asus strix.

Is it a worthwhile upgrade to jump to the strix 960 4gb ram model? I keep seeing it around 230-210.

I am beginning to do more PC gaming and mostly at 1080p on an old junky aver monitor. Any thoughts, I would still continue I play at 1080, but in the future may upgrade to a 120ghz refresh rate.
No. The 960 and the 760 are actually very close in performance. You'd need to go 970 or higher to get a bump worth the money.
Wanted a quick once over from you gents on this build:
http://pcpartpicker.com/p/PDcthM it was largely based on Haz's Skylake LGA1151 build.

I've been out of PC Gaming since Q3A, so yeah, long time.

The excuse I'm using to justify this build is the new Doom coming out - but of course it's to enjoy a variety of games that I've been wish listing on steam for too long & ones that I've half enjoyed on consoles that I'd like to have real control of. I've been slowly saving for a while and I'm pretty close to pulling the trigger. Was hoping for some advice on a couple of points:

1) Liquid cooling VS fan? I don't plan on overclocking and as of now I've spec'd a Corsair H105 73.0 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler which I'm pretty sure is compatible with the Corsair Air 540 ATX Mid Tower Case. Don't really care too much about the sound either way - just want something that performs and will fit in that case without too much hassle on the install. Any strong opinions on this?

2) Video card choice for max frames in FPS games - I went with MSI GeForce GTX 980 Ti 6GB Video Card, but I admittedly know squat about graphics cards. Any strong supporters / opposition on this card VS. say it's ATI equivalent or Nvidia cousins?

3) i5 VS. i7? I went with the Intel Core i5-6600K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor but I'm open to choosing the i7, but I was wondering if the i7 would actually be a significant upgrade over the i5 in terms of frames per second in FPS games?

4) Motherboard / Memory / Case - I went with Asus Z170-A ATX LGA1151 Motherboard / G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-2800 Memory / Corsair Air 540 ATX Mid Tower Case. Any glaring pitfalls here? Is it silly to choose a smaller case just because the design looks slick and it semi-resembles a storm trooperish? Give it to me straight.

5) Timing of purchase. I know that the second you buy anything, it's on it's exponentially way to becoming a tier down, but also I recognize that having somebody in the know in your corner can be invaluable as it can save you some cash & or help you pick a certain piece of hardware that will be valuable for longer based on knowledge of upcoming hardware. Just wanted to see if anybody had any tips or strong opinions on any piece in my build here that in the next few months might change in value enough where it'd be prudent to wait a bit.

You'll notice there's no monitor listed on the partpicker page - as of the other day I was planning on using a PSTV 24" 1080p screen for a monitor (as I already have a few of them lying around). Of course I've just recently realized how the PC I spec'd can do GSYNC and 4K and a lot of other potentially great things that the PSTV monitor couldn't even dream of. Eye balled the ASUS ROG Swift, but damn, that's a chunk of change. Think I'm going to start with this monitor and then maybe upgrade in the future, but I'm interested to know ya'll's opinions on the import of if my PSTV will be robbing me of the new build's potential, or if it'll be just fine?

Sorry for the long post & thanks in advance for your time and info as I respect all of your opinions!
ok I am updating my sons PC and I have a question...

He is currently using a pc with windows 7 on it. I built him a new PC and I want to use the same windows 7 key. If I update the new PC with the original windows 7 key and immediately update to windows 10 from that, will his original windows 7 key still be valid on the old pc?

The reason I ask is I dont want him to NOT have his old PC from now until xmas. I am giving him his new one on christmas.

I can't exactly remember what the bios looked like, but I think to make it as simple as possible, add the +0.005 volts haha.

There's a lot of forum threads about it. I actually only learned about it recently on here, lol. But same, I shouldn't have been so cheap either, but back then I probably wasn't thinking about it, lol. I wouldn't necessarily worry if you're going to go as high as 4.3 anyway. You'll still have lots of headroom at that speed.

Hmm that's okay I know the UEFI well enough thanks for that I'll figure it out :) And ah I see, well other than my two RAM slots not working I'm perfectly happy with the board so far. But yeah same here, I usually always went GIGABYTE but wanted to save money here as it was my first Intel CPU and they are so expensive compared to what I was used to. Sounds like I will be fine then though.

Chris R

Figured it was time to get my desktop up to Windows 10.

Can I use a DVD someone else has made of the installation media for a clean install or do I need to download it and create it on my own machine?
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