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"I Need a New PC!" 2015 Part 2. Read the OP. Rocking 2500K's until HBM2 and beyond.

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Neo Member
Yeah, we planned on using Geizhals and stuff like Idealo. They are the best price comparing sites here, hands down. Thanks to both of you, because we tweaked the build again and now we are at 974€ (without shipping) and the price will pretty much be arround that value, due to buying several parts by the same vendor and discounts/deals. Here is the updated build:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i5-6600K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor (€260.84 @ Mindfactory)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler (€36.15 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z170-HD3P ATX LGA1151 Motherboard (€121.66 @ Mindfactory)
Memory: Crucial 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-2133 Memory (€48.05 @ Mindfactory)
Storage: Crucial BX100 120GB 2.5" Solid State Drive (€64.99 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive (€52.89 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Video Card: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 970 4GB Video Card (€330.64 @ Mindfactory)
Case: BitFenix Comrade ATX Mid Tower Case (€40.86 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Power Supply: Corsair CX 430W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply (€58.43 @ Mindfactory)
Base Total: €974.56
Total(with shipping): €1014.51

-Removed the Optical Drive for now. He needs one, but can purchase it later on. Maybe someone has one laying arround somewhere. :p
-Went down to 8GB RAM total, since that is easily upgradeable.
-Picked an other PSU that seems sufficient.
-Switched out the GPU for a GTX970 mini. Basically the same performance right?
-Added a Case from the OP.

Final thoughts? Otherwise, I will send him the list this evening (in about 7-8 hours) and he will start ordering soon.

Change the PSU!!!430W low quality wont cut it! Get one at least 550w. XFX 550W or EVGA 550W G2


Change the PSU!!!430W low quality wont cut it! Get one at least 550w. XFX 550W or EVGA 550W G2

Why is it a low quality one? Estimated Wattage is at 351W and this one has good ratings and is a 80+ Bronze one. Does he really need > 500W? Your recommendations aren't specific enough. When I search for these I get like 10+ results. What am I looking at? Sorry for bothering you, but could you please link them? I really don't have a clue about PSU's either way.

Also, what about the other parts? Are they all good for that price? Anything that I have overlooked?
I finally have all the pieces together ... but I didn't know that the micro doesn't have the cooler included. Weekend fail.

Any quiet suggestion? water cooling kit better than a fan?


Estimated ETA?

Bad call to drop $1200 on GPUs right now? I'd be willing to wait 3-4 months. More than that and it'll be far off.
Not sure what you're on now, but it wouldn't be a bad idea to get a 970 to use while waiting. Still no "solid" release for Pascal, and we don't know what cards are even coming first. (Hopefully the enthusiast ones)

I got an EVGA 970 for $309 and returned my 980ti. The hit I will take to upgrade will be relatively low for when it's time to upgrade vs keeping the 980ti.
Hi guys, can someone help me out on choosing a CPU cooler?

I'm upgrading my current system to a Skylake build, and I build around trying to make my rig quiet when it's running idle. I currently have an older Hyper 212 CPU cooler and was wondering if that is still a good cooler to go for. Are there any good coolers that are also quiet? Been looking at the Corsair water cooling stuff, but I believe the pumps make noticeable noise. I'll be looking to over clock a little bit (like up to 4.5Ghz or so).

Also, are there any PSUs that specialize in being quiet?
I have an H100i GTX, and I don't think the pump is noisy. Probably just a tiny bit louder vs if I had been using an air cooler. (4 fans for push/pull on the rad) No complaints since it keeps my 6600k at a nice and cool 55c under load @ 4.5 in an Air 240.
Why is it a low quality one? Estimated Wattage is at 351W and this one has good ratings and is a 80+ Bronze one. Does he really need > 500W? Your recommendations aren't specific enough. When I search for these I get like 10+ results. What am I looking at? Sorry for bothering you, but could you please link them? I really don't have a clue about PSU's either way.

Also, what about the other parts? Are they all good for that price? Anything that I have overlooked?

It's not necessarily low quality. I actually use an older model now in 600w that I bought almost 4 years ago, and it's still working just fine.

The price is kinda high, I think I paid like $50 USD, but I know the market is not the same.


Why is it a low quality one? Estimated Wattage is at 351W and this one has good ratings and is a 80+ Bronze one. Does he really need > 500W? Your recommendations aren't specific enough. When I search for these I get like 10+ results. What am I looking at? Sorry for bothering you, but could you please link them? I really don't have a clue about PSU's either way.

Also, what about the other parts? Are they all good for that price? Anything that I have overlooked?

Like people have mentioned 430w would be cutting it quite close especially once you add any overclocking 500w - 600w will give you more headroom like this - Power Supply: XFX 550W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply (€69.90 @ Caseking)

Which is well reviewed -



Yeah, we planned on using Geizhals and stuff like Idealo. They are the best price comparing sites here, hands down. Thanks to both of you, because we tweaked the build again and now we are at 974€ (without shipping) and the price will pretty much be arround that value, due to buying several parts by the same vendor and discounts/deals. Here is the updated build:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i5-6600K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor (€260.84 @ Mindfactory)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler (€36.15 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z170-HD3P ATX LGA1151 Motherboard (€121.66 @ Mindfactory)
Memory: Crucial 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-2133 Memory (€48.05 @ Mindfactory)
Storage: Crucial BX100 120GB 2.5" Solid State Drive (€64.99 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive (€52.89 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Video Card: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 970 4GB Video Card (€330.64 @ Mindfactory)
Case: BitFenix Comrade ATX Mid Tower Case (€40.86 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Power Supply: Corsair CX 430W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply (€58.43 @ Mindfactory)
Base Total: €974.56
Total(with shipping): €1014.51

-Removed the Optical Drive for now. He needs one, but can purchase it later on. Maybe someone has one laying arround somewhere. :p
-Went down to 8GB RAM total, since that is easily upgradeable.
-Picked an other PSU that seems sufficient.
-Switched out the GPU for a GTX970 mini. Basically the same performance right?
-Added a Case from the OP.

Final thoughts? Otherwise, I will send him the list this evening (in about 7-8 hours) and he will start ordering soon.

The mini GTX 970 is okay, it has slightly lower performance and less overclocking capability compared to a more normal sized model though. Also while that Corsair 430 watt PSU is technically enough to power the parts list, it is somewhat weak and will hold back your PC when it comes to future upgrades and overclocking. If you want to do any of that in the future, you will need to replace the power supply as it's actually only rated for ~384 watts on the 12V rail.

I finally have all the pieces together ... but I didn't know that the micro doesn't have the cooler included. Weekend fail.

Any quiet suggestion? water cooling kit better than a fan?

Water cooling isn't necessarily quieter than a air cooler. Both water and air cooling will still have a fan, and sometimes pump noises can be loud. I recommend the Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo (30 Euros) as it's quite well proven as a cheap but very capable model. Otherwise there are quieter options such as Noctua heatsinks like this NH-U12S (60 Euros). However it does not offer twice the performance of the 212 Evo despite costing twice as much. For most intents and purposes, the 212 Evo is a far more effective use of your money that is adequate for nearly most situations.
So, got a Rift pre-ordered. My i5-3570k and R9-290 will move into my fiance's PC eventually. For now I would like to upgrade my Motherboard and CPU to something that really will work well with VR and eventually a newer card (980ti or whatever new hotness comes out in the next couple months).

I would like to keep it under $500 for the combo, but if there is a "for $100 more you really could _____ " I will for sure consider it.

I don't really overclock or anything, used to but I had issues with cooling in my upstairs because it just stays pretty warm all the time up there ... so OC really isn't something I care about all that much.

I have all the other stuff, just upgraded to an EVGA 850w PSU a few days ago.


It's not necessarily low quality. I actually use an older model now in 600w that I bought almost 4 years ago, and it's still working just fine.

The price is kinda high, I think I paid like $50 USD, but I know the market is not the same.

The prices are sometimes rough, yeah. Something like Microcenter is really needed over here, since they have really good deals sometimes.

Like people have mentioned 430w would be cutting it quite close especially once you add any overclocking 500w - 600w will give you more headroom like this - Power Supply: XFX 550W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply (€69.90 @ Caseking)

The mini GTX 970 is okay, it has slightly lower performance and less overclocking capability compared to a more normal sized model though. Also while that Corsair 430 watt PSU is technically enough to power the parts list, it is somewhat weak and will hold back your PC when it comes to future upgrades and overclocking. If you want to do any of that in the future, you will need to replace the power supply as it's actually only rated for ~384 watts on the 12V rail.

OC'ing will not be done on the GPU, I believe. Friend only showed interest in the CPU OC'ing, so far. But that is really good to know, because I haven't even thought of that. This is exactly why I need help with this kind of stuff and the help has been pretty good. Thanks guys, it's really appreciated.

This should be the finalized build then: http://de.pcpartpicker.com/p/vNr2XL


Neo Member
The prices are sometimes rough, yeah. Something like Microcenter is really needed over here, since they have really good deals sometimes.

OC'ing will not be done on the GPU, I believe. Friend only showed interest in the CPU OC'ing, so far. But that is really good to know, because I haven't even thought of that. This is exactly why I need help with this kind of stuff and the help has been pretty good. Thanks guys, it's really appreciated.

This should be the finalized build then: http://de.pcpartpicker.com/p/vNr2XL

Is it possible to change the GPU for this? https://www.compuland.de/product_in...e-3X-Aktiv-PCIe-3-0-x16--Retail-_1000817.html

The mini card is slower and less powerfull and its only 20 euros more.Plus he can overclock it and gain good performance due to windforce cooler


Hi, I need help.

I'm currently essembling my first build and i'm at the power supply part. There is a cable written PSU on it but can't find any place to plug it into the motherboard. It has 8 pin, looks like I can Split it in half to get 2x4 pins but unsure. Then I've plugged the hard drive with the câble that could fit in, do I need to plug another one, there defenitely another hole where I could fit one.


I might have other questions :S

I'm using corsair cx500, h97m pro4 and blackhawk rosewill mid tower.


Neo Member
Hi, I need help.

I'm currently essembling my first build and i'm at the power supply part. There is a cable written PSU on it but can't find any place to plug it into the motherboard. It has 8 pin, looks like I can Split it in half to get 2x4 pins but unsure. Then I've plugged the hard drive with the câble that could fit in, do I need to plug another one, there defenitely another hole where I could fit one.


I might have other questions :S

I'm using corsair cx500, h97m pro4 and blackhawk rosewill mid tower.
Is it the 2nd from left?

I believe it should be installed here http://imgur.com/A8WpghZ

I believe its the cpu power cable


Hi, I need help.

I'm currently essembling my first build and i'm at the power supply part. There is a cable written PSU on it but can't find any place to plug it into the motherboard. It has 8 pin, looks like I can Split it in half to get 2x4 pins but unsure. Then I've plugged the hard drive with the câble that could fit in, do I need to plug another one, there defenitely another hole where I could fit one.


I might have other questions :S

I'm using corsair cx500, h97m pro4 and blackhawk rosewill mid tower.

If it's an 8 pin power cable that can split in half to have two 4 pin connectors, that's the CPU power cable. Plug it into the spot on the motherboard circled in red. It's near the top left corner of the motherboard.

What other "hole where I could fit one" are you talking about? What's your full list of parts? Have you plugged in the 24 pin motherboard power cable? Graphics card power cables if you have a graphics card?

It really feels bad to build a PC now when the next generation is coming in a few months.
The only thing new coming out are graphics cards, and we barely have any decent information on them. Building a new PC with a placeholder graphics card or even none at all is alright if one can live with it.


If it's an 8 pin power cable that can split in half to have two 4 pin connectors, that's the CPU power cable. Plug it into the spot on the motherboard circled in red. It's near the top left corner of the motherboard.

What other "hole where I could fit one" are you talking about? What's your list of parts?

The only thing new coming out are graphics cards, and we barely have any decent information on them. Building a new PC with a placeholder graphics card or even none at all is alright if one can live with it.

Great I found the CPU at the top of the mother board. Now, how many cable does a HDD need? I plugged a sata into it from the power supply and a second one wich I could not identify, it just fits right in, and nowhere else.

Then my case comes with 5 fans! I've plugged the top one on pwr fan on the motherboard. The back one on cha fan2 the 2 front directly using the power supply cable( the one that as 4x4 pins plug,like a chain). Then there's a white plastic 4 hole I've plugged in the chain of 4 pin plug.

Anything is incorrect? Sorry for my english.


Great I found the CPU at the top of the mother board. Now, how many cable does a HDD need? I plugged a sata into it from the power supply and a second one wich I could not identify, it just fits right in, and nowhere else.

Then my case comes with 5 fans! I've plugged the top one on pwr fan on the motherboard. The back one on cha fan2 the 2 front directly using the power supply cable( the one that as 4x4 pins plug,like a chain). Then there's a white plastic 4 hole I've plugged in the chain of 4 pin plug.

Anything is incorrect? Sorry for my english.

Hard drives require two cables. One to the power supply for power, and the second is for data to the motherboard. Your motherboard comes with two SATA cables. They have L shaped connectors. They may be a different color or have 90 degree connectors, but it will fit the smaller plug on the hard drive. Both ends are the same. Plug one end into the smaller connector on the hard drive, and the other end into the SATA ports on your motherboard, located here circled in red.

It sounds like you've plugged in the fans correctly.


Hard drives require two cables. One to the power supply for power, and the second is for data to the motherboard. Your motherboard comes with two SATA cables. They have L shaped connectors. They may be a different color or have 90 degree connectors, but it will fit the smaller plug on the hard drive. Both ends are the same. Plug one end into the smaller connector on the hard drive, and the other end into the SATA ports on your motherboard, located here circled in red.

It sounds like you've plugged in the fans correctly.

Perfect, I've turned it on and felt great to see everything working just fine and very quiet too. A big thanks for your time. Have à good day.


It really feels bad to build a PC now when the next generation is coming in a few months.

There's never a perfect time. If you buy brand new stuff when it's released, you risk getting something that later proves to be known for unreliability. If you wait for bug fix revisions and a good number of reviews to go by, then you get stuff that's closer to being outdated.

Right now is a pretty great time for a new system, IMO. The DDR4 standard won't be changing anytime soon, so that stay modern for a long time. CPU performance on desktop has slowed to a crawl with no sign of accelerating in the near future, so a new Skylake platform will probably last you a long time. Kaby Lake is supposed to be LGA1151 also, so it might even be compatible with current motherboards if you feel the need to upgrade. SSDs are constantly improving in speed, cost, and size without many clear generational leaps - a few months later will always be better here.

The only upcoming "next generation" that's likely to be meaningful is the Pascal GPUs from nVidia, and that's an easy enough component to replace when the time comes. Their launches usually tend to go pretty slowly though, with little supply and no guarantee that the model you really want will be included in the initial lineup. Remember that people who jumped on the GTX 980 or especially the Titan X felt pretty silly when they put out the 980 Ti not long after.


People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
There's no need to downgrade anything. Just some min-maxing, that's all. This PC is functionally the same when it comes to performance:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

I would prefer if he kept the FTW+,higher clocks and backplate for just extra 20 and also the Noctua cooler will actually allow him to hard OC the cpu instead of a basic one like EVO 212.Also isnt the 650 G2 just 10$ more expensive?I would totally go for it

I think the extra cost is worth it
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Alright thank you both for your suggestions! I talked to my friend about these two list and he said that he will think about which build he wants but he wouldn't mind waiting an extra week or two to increase his budget cap of $1200. He plans to invest into a PC in February or March (tax returns ahoy!) so we will see what he chooses.


I think my HD7970 is dying. I'm starting to see severe artifacts everywhere even during boot before I get to Windows. It's 4 years old now and the warranty was for only 3.

I want to replace it with something equal or better in performance and am looking to spend $300-350.

Seems like my best options are a gtx 970 or r9 390. The 390 seems like it may be a little more for the money, but I wanted to ask, because none of the build suggestions in the OP list it.

What would y'all recommend for a graphics card in the $300-350 range?


I'm thinking about building my first PC, and I was going to use the OP's great category as a guideline. If I have a bit of extra money what should I upgrade first the cpu from the i5 4690 or the AMD r9 380? I'd be using it almost exclusively for playing games.


I think my HD7970 is dying. I'm starting to see severe artifacts everywhere even during boot before I get to Windows. It's 4 years old now and the warranty was for only 3.

I want to replace it with something equal or better in performance and am looking to spend $300-350.

Seems like my best options are a gtx 970 or r9 390. The 390 seems like it may be a little more for the money, but I wanted to ask, because none of the build suggestions in the OP list it.

What would y'all recommend for a graphics card in the $300-350 range?
I haven't got it yet, but I just researched it this week and ordered the EVGA 970 FTW+ 4GB. I'm more of an nVidia guy though, so I'm not sure how it stacks against the 390. I'm guessing the 390 gets a few more FPS but nVidia gets drivers faster
So what I am trying to do is have my sound output to a pair of headphones AND my existing speakers without having to constantly go into the sound settings and switching the default player back and forth. I am currently using onboard audio from my motherboard for my speakers and my headset will be either an Astro a40 w/ mixamp or an usb headset from Lenovo. Any help or suggestions would be great


Neo Member
Thinking of grabbing a new monitor for my build without breaking the bank.

I'm spoiled by 1440p on my iMac, but I think a 1080 panel may better suit a 970.

Thinking of grabbing this one, any input welcome: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/samsung...lack/3435032.p?id=1219581292827&skuId=3435032

I would suggest checking DELL U2415,Samsung S24D390HL,Samsung S24E650PL,Dell UltraSharp U2414H

I have personally seen the U2414H on person and it is a damn fine monitor...U can check for reviews and prices and decide


I would suggest checking DELL U2415,Samsung S24D390HL,Samsung S24E650PL,Dell UltraSharp U2414H

I have personally seen the U2414H on person and it is a damn fine monitor...U can check for reviews and prices and decide
Thanks - I think the one I linked to is the updated version of the Samsung S24D390HL, I'll probably grab it since its on sale and I don't want to look at a 'DELL' logo for unreasonable purposes, lol.


I'm thinking about building my first PC, and I was going to use the OP's great category as a guideline. If I have a bit of extra money what should I upgrade first the cpu from the i5 4690 or the AMD r9 380? I'd be using it almost exclusively for playing games.

What's your budget for a new PC? I'll assume you're in the US. If possible, I recommend you aim for an i5 4690K or i5 6600K rather than the non-overclocking i5 4690. After that, then consider a stronger graphics card like an R9 390 or GTX 970.

So what I am trying to do is have my sound output to a pair of headphones AND my existing speakers without having to constantly go into the sound settings and switching the default player back and forth. I am currently using onboard audio from my motherboard for my speakers and my headset will be either an Astro a40 w/ mixamp or an usb headset from Lenovo. Any help or suggestions would be great

Do you want sound to output to both devices? Or an easier way to switch the default sound output device? How will you be connecting the Astro Mixamp to the PC?


So what I am trying to do is have my sound output to a pair of headphones AND my existing speakers without having to constantly go into the sound settings and switching the default player back and forth. I am currently using onboard audio from my motherboard for my speakers and my headset will be either an Astro a40 w/ mixamp or an usb headset from Lenovo. Any help or suggestions would be great

What onboard audio chipset/drivers do you have?

That's how mine works, but I don't really understand how or why. I have Realtek HD Audio ALC892. In the upper right corner of the audio manager there's a "Device advanced settings" button with two options. I have it set to "Mute the rear output device, when a front headphone plugged in", but by some lucky chance it still outputs to both.


What's your budget for a new PC? I'll assume you're in the US. If possible, I recommend you aim for an i5 4690K or i5 6600K rather than the non-overclocking i5 4690. After that, then consider a stronger graphics card like an R9 390 or GTX 970.

Do you want sound to output to both devices? Or an easier way to switch the default sound output device? How will you be connecting the Astro Mixamp to the PC?

I was hoping not to go too far north of 900 dollars. I also need bluetooth and wireless, any idea about the best value for an expansion for those?


I was hoping not to go too far north of 900 dollars. I also need bluetooth and wireless, any idea about the best value for an expansion for those?
Sure, I think this will work for you. It should meet all of your needs

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
CPU: Intel Core i5-6600K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor ($253.87 @ OutletPC)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($24.88 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z170XP-SLI ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($118.98 @ Newegg)
Memory: Team Dark 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-2800 Memory ($49.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($49.98 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: XFX Radeon R9 390 8GB Double Dissipation Video Card ($274.99 @ Newegg)
Case: NZXT Source 210 Elite (White) ATX Mid Tower Case ($41.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Power Supply: XFX 550W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($55.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Wireless Network Adapter: Gigabyte GC-WB867D-I 802.11a/b/g/n/ac PCI-Express x1 Wi-Fi Adapter ($29.89 @ OutletPC)
Total: $900.56
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-01-08 17:05 EST-0500

Some mobos have Bluetooth built in if you look around

There are, but they're quite expensive. It's cheaper to get it as a separate adaptor.
OK, I've had my new PC built and running for the past week now, and I was thinking about some of the potential upgrades I might make. Just out of curiosity, would getting a second R7 370 to supplement the one I already have be a worthwhile budget alternative to upgrading to a better card or would a R9 390 just be that much better?


Neo Member
Sure, I think this will work for you. It should meet all of your needs

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
CPU: Intel Core i5-6600K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor ($253.87 @ OutletPC)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($24.88 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z170XP-SLI ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($118.98 @ Newegg)
Memory: Team Dark 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-2800 Memory ($49.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($49.98 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: XFX Radeon R9 390 8GB Double Dissipation Video Card ($274.99 @ Newegg)
Case: NZXT Source 210 Elite (White) ATX Mid Tower Case ($41.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Power Supply: XFX 550W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($55.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Wireless Network Adapter: Gigabyte GC-WB867D-I 802.11a/b/g/n/ac PCI-Express x1 Wi-Fi Adapter ($29.89 @ OutletPC)
Total: $900.56
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-01-08 17:05 EST-0500

There are, but they're quite expensive. It's cheaper to get it as a separate adaptor.

Totally agree with the build.
I would go for something slower but a better brandname RAM though
I dont really know how reliable Team memory is :D

OK, I've had my new PC built and running for the past week now, and I was thinking about some of the potential upgrades I might make. Just out of curiosity, would getting a second R7 370 to supplement the one I already have be a worthwhile budget alternative to upgrading to a better card or would a R9 390 just be that much better?

Crossfire is not worth it.There is bad support for games,microstutter and generally its not worth the hassle.When u can always go single card.Sell the 370 and buy this http://pcpartpicker.com/part/sapphire-video-card-100382ntoc2l


Hello people.

I got my computer, but how the fuck do I get the motherboard in place? All these small metal tabs on the I/O-shield blocks the I/O-panel on the motherboard. I try to bend them a bit, but no success so far. Very frustrating.


Neo Member
Hello people.

I got my computer, but how the fuck do I get the motherboard in place? All these small metal tabs on the I/O-shield blocks the I/O-panel on the motherboard. I try to bend them a bit, but no success so far. Very frustrating.

Motherboard name and case name?Did u read the manuals?
It really feels bad to build a PC now when the next generation is coming in a few months.

This generation only started 3 years ago if you're talking about consoles. I wouldn't call it a new generation just because Nintendo may be coming out with a new console so soon.

For me, I'm on the verge of building myself a good gaming PC (mostly because I have a tablet & don't exactly own a desktop PC).

What would typically be a good price range for a good gaming PC for great specs in which I can upgrade later? I'm thinking of saving up between $800 to $1,000.
Seems like my best options are a gtx 970 or r9 390. The 390 seems like it may be a little more for the money, but I wanted to ask, because none of the build suggestions in the OP list it.

What would y'all recommend for a graphics card in the $300-350 range?

390 uses more power, is huge, and is an AMD product. Even that last one might not be a big deal to you. If you have the power supply to handle the 390, I would get it. If not, get the 970.

It is cheaper or around the same price as the 970 and has a ton more ram. The ram probably won't play a big part unless you do a ton of texture replacement mods in games like Skyrim.
What's your budget for a new PC? I'll assume you're in the US. If possible, I recommend you aim for an i5 4690K or i5 6600K rather than the non-overclocking i5 4690. After that, then consider a stronger graphics card like an R9 390 or GTX 970.

Do you want sound to output to both devices? Or an easier way to switch the default sound output device? How will you be connecting the Astro Mixamp to the PC?

I want the sound to output to both devices. I personall would rather not have to do any switching if possible


Neo Member
I'm still holding off on my 670 2gb, i7 3770. I'm usually updating every 5 years. I bought my pc 3 years ago...

When you guys think we'll be able to play 4k at 144fps on a single GPU
So I upgraded my hardware on windows 10 last night. Obviously it's detected I have changed my hardware which is requiring me to reactivate. I used a shell to pull the key off my computer before I upgraded my hardware but it's not working (I don't know where my windows 8.1 sleeve is anymore). Am I out of luck? Do I need to buy a new key?


So I upgraded my hardware on windows 10 last night. Obviously it's detected I have changed my hardware which is requiring me to reactivate. I used a shell to pull the key off my computer before I upgraded my hardware but it's not working (I don't know where my windows 8.1 sleeve is anymore). Am I out of luck? Do I need to buy a new key?

Doesn't it give you an option to activate via phone?
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