Will the 980Ti see a price drop when the first Pascal cards release?
Can't be said for sure, the Ti series never got a huge price drop even with the new GPU releases. Time will tell.
Will the 980Ti see a price drop when the first Pascal cards release?
Very sadly no.
My brother is using a Gigabyte G1 980 and so am I. My card has coil whine above 70+ fps, his doesn't. But in general, yes I'm very happy with the Gigabyte G1 series. It needs more power and it's huge. But performance wise and when it comes to temperatures it's just great. It also overclocks descently with 1480 core clock and 8000 mhz on memory (max, but I'm just on 1450/7560) but other people seem to be able to go even higher.
Will do. I'm kind of confused between buying a cheap but OK 750W PSU (like the Aerocool VP-750W or a more reputable brand with a lower wattage like the Corsair CX600.. or maybe go even lower on wattage to 550 or so and get an even better brand?
Thanks for the helpful feedback! I really appreciate it.
There are a few more things I want to clarify/ask.
I put in the i7 6700k primarily because of the recording, streaming and emulation, but also to 'future proof' this for 4-5 years. Is it still overkill for these purposes? This is not a personal PC build, rather for a society who wishes to use this build for the above for at least 4-5 years. This is why I also went for a Skylake architecture. The budget is set in place i.e. there will be spare money on the table after this is finished that will be recouped by the organisers. This is why I wanted to reach the budget as close as possible. The majority of the gaming time on the PC will not be high end games, but they will be played occasionally on streams. Maxing out the games would not be a high objective on my list, but reaching the Occulus minimum specs of a 970 would be attractive.
Thanks again.
EDIT: Zotac products seem to have inconsistent QA. A good brand or one to give a miss?
What country are you in and how much of a budget do you have available to spend? We can find something to recommend to you.
Is this normal?
I ran Firestrike and I only got a score of 5000. When I had my old card my scores were double that.
My specs:
i5-4690k @ 4.5 GHz
8GB ram (1866hz)
Gigabyte G1 GTX 970 (I sold one back in September and re bought one on Saturday)
I had even oc'd my card too.
Any thought on what could be the issue?
I currently have a Zotac 770, and my case is a Corsair Carbide 300r. Seems like the 970 G1 is quite a bit bigger, but I think I should have enough space for it. Is a 650w PSU enough?
capped framerate
using a more demanding AA that overrides the applications settings
Yes. The 5770 is extremely dated nowadays. I just recently researched upgrades from a 5770 for a friend and was really surprised at the low performance.Hello. I have a HTPC that I use mostly for streaming movies and TV, but I occasionally use it for some light gaming. The specs are:
Case: Silverstone SG05BB w/ 450W PSU
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-F2A88XN-WIFI
CPU: AMD A10-7850K
Video card: AMD 5770
HD: Crucial MX100 256GB SSD & WD Blue 1TB SATA
I normally have this connected to my TV running at a custom resolution close to 720p (the TV does not support 1:1 pixel mapping), but I occasionally have it connected to a monitor running at 1080p. The video card was from a previous build and worked fine except when I wanted to run Divinity: OS EE in split-screen on the TV and it was a bit choppy. I assume that the video card is the bottleneck since it is several years older. Would the EVGA GeForce GTX 960 04G-P4-1962-KR 4GB SC GAMING video card be a good upgrade?
I currently have a Zotac 770, and my case is a Corsair Carbide 300r. Seems like the 970 G1 is quite a bit bigger, but I think I should have enough space for it. Is a 650w PSU enough?
Is this normal?
I ran Firestrike and I only got a score of 5000. When I had my old card my scores were double that.
My specs:
i5-4690k @ 4.5 GHz
8GB ram (1866hz)
Gigabyte G1 GTX 970 (I sold one back in September and re bought one on Saturday)
I had even oc'd my card too.
Any thought on what could be the issue?
Just another input for you, I actually own the 970 Gaming G1 and to echo the above comments its a fanastic card. Cool temps and great overclocks (I'm running 1540 and 8000) but I unfortunately do get a bit of coil whine. Though from what I understand its a pot luck of not just the card itself but also the combo of which PSU you have.
Yes. The 5770 is extremely dated nowadays. I just recently researched upgrades from a 5770 for a friend and was really surprised at the low performance.
An Nvidia 660 is about 200% performance of a 5770. 960 will wipe the floor with it.
So these are settings I can find in the Nvidia control panel?
Someone recommended the Fractal R5 to me. Is it really worth the $100? There seem to be like 5 different ones. Which is the one I want?
The Noctua is a BEAST. Have had mine for 5 years now and still keeping my overclocked i5 wonderfully cool.
Edit: The be quiet! Dark Rock 3 is also a good one and I saw some Cryogene H5 coolers recommended (not sure about the name).
What country are you in that you can't find the Hyper 212 Evo in stock? The NH-D15 is an excellent cooler, but it is also rather large, so we need to make sure it'll fit your case. What are your PC's specs? What case do you have?
No problem.
I have the fractal r4 and its the nicest case I've ever owned. I'm echoing another poster, but the soundproofing and build quality is top notch.Someone recommended the Fractal R5 to me. Is it really worth the $100? There seem to be like 5 different ones. Which is the one I want?
Location is the middle of nowhere so don't bother trying to look up prices where I am, but I'd be very open to suggestions for what would cost about the following would in the US:
Zalman ZM600-LX
Antec VP600P
Are any of these good PSUs by the way?
I keep seeing suggestions around the interwebs to not go with the included CPU cooler. Is that really an issue if I never intend to OC? I've been running the out of the box one an i5 3470 for close to a year now without issues.
I live in Israel.
Back when I built/upgraded this PC, I was looking for a CPU cooler and the EVO 212 was one of the suggestions. Pretty sure it was in stock in multiple stores back then, not sure what happened with that.
My current case is Antec 900 and spec are
Z97X-Gaming 7
Gigabyte G1 970 (big ass card)
16GB (4x4)
I looked up some info on the Noctua NH-D15 and it's apparently huge and could have some issues with RAM which is why you can move one of the fans slightly upwards? I'm not sure if it would fit with my card and memory, but I'm possibly looking to get a new case as well. Haven't done any real research into it but I've seen the Corsair Air 540 mentioned as a good case a couple of times and I like the look of it. Not sure if my PC would fit in there tho.
Are you sure you are running Firestrike, not Firestrike Extreme? Also I'd suggest installing MSI Afterburner and check the monitor window for the GPU frequency, make sure your GPU isn't stuck in low power mode, Rivatuner Statistics Server overlay works too.
Yes you can find settings for vsync and AA there and I really do not want to sound rude or unpolite. But as you have to ask where to find them makes me think that you never 'forced' a better AA solution, locked fps or forced vsync outside of a game before (and that's not a big deal or something that you have to do/know how to do).
1.) Are you sure you ran Firestrike and not Firestrike Extreme/Ultra?
2.) Did you ever download an overclocking tool like MSI Afterburner, something like the RTTS (Riva Tuner Static Server) or Nvidia Inspector?
Edit: and beaten![]()
Hi, PC-GAF. Question for you:
I'm still rocking:
CPU: 2500K (not overclocked currently w/ a water cooler)
GPU: EVGA GTX 570 x2 (SLI)
Wondering if I would benefit at all from upgrading the SLI to a single 970. Also wondering if the consensus is that the 2500k is still good.
Also wondering if the consensus is that the 2500k is still good.
Hi, PC-GAF. Question for you:
I'm still rocking:
CPU: 2500K (not overclocked currently w/ a water cooler)
GPU: EVGA GTX 570 x2 (SLI)
Wondering if I would benefit at all from upgrading the SLI to a single 970. Also wondering if the consensus is that the 2500k is still good.
Yes and yes. But you should:
- overclock your 2500k
- possibly consider Pascal depending on how soon you want to upgrade. The 970 successor is likely to come out in maybe May/June (though those dates are debatable).
I keep seeing suggestions around the interwebs to not go with the included CPU cooler. Is that really an issue if I never intend to OC? I've been running the out of the box one an i5 3470 for close to a year now without issues.
I'll look into OCing. It's been a while but shouldn't be too hard (especially with a water cooler).
As for the 970, I'm pretty sure I shouldnt' drop $350 on one, but if I can find a deal in the 200-250 range would it be worth jumping from the 570 SLI?
So I'm ready to oc my I5 6600k, thing is my mobo(msi z170 Krait) came with an overwhelming number of utilities for overclocking. Should I just start with the mobo game boost (puts the 6600k to 4.1) or go the bios method and test stability with prime95 after every increase ?
Will really only need the benefit of performance increase for gaming.
Edit: will be my first time overclocking
Do we have any hopes in seeing the i5-6600k or i7-6700k cone down to the MSRP? I can't find the i7 for anywhere near $350. Its $420-ish on Newegg and Amazon right now.
I'll look into OCing. It's been a while but shouldn't be too hard (especially with a water cooler).
As for the 970, I'm pretty sure I shouldnt' drop $350 on one, but if I can find a deal in the 200-250 range would it be worth jumping from the 570 SLI?
Do we have any hopes in seeing the i5-6600k or i7-6700k cone down to the MSRP? I can't find the i7 for anywhere near $350. Its $420-ish on Newegg and Amazon right now.
Eventually, but it might be a few months, who knows.
Do we have any hopes in seeing the i5-6600k or i7-6700k cone down to the MSRP? I can't find the i7 for anywhere near $350. Its $420-ish on Newegg and Amazon right now.
Edit: in the US
Setting the BIOS options yourself is preferable if you don't mind doing some reading and following a guide or two. That said, I hear the automatic motherboard overclocking isn't bad these days.
Do we have any hopes in seeing the i5-6600k or i7-6700k cone down to the MSRP? I can't find the i7 for anywhere near $350. Its $420-ish on Newegg and Amazon right now.
Edit: in the US
Yes. The 5770 is extremely dated nowadays. I just recently researched upgrades from a 5770 for a friend and was really surprised at the low performance.
An Nvidia 660 is about 200% performance of a 5770. 960 will wipe the floor with it.
Setting the BIOS options yourself is preferable if you don't mind doing some reading and following a guide or two. That said, I hear the automatic motherboard overclocking isn't bad these days.
Dumb question: How do you easily switch between outputting audio through headphones (USB) and the lime-green Stereo 2.1 connection on the motherboard??
If I want to play a game with my headphones(using Sony Pulse Elites via USB), I have to jump through so many godawful hoops every time I want to use them consisting of:
1) opening 'playback devices' in windows sound settings
2) selecting 'default' on the recognized Wireless headset
3) testing to make sure it actually is outputting sound to the headphones(its oftena crapshoot as the computer seems to not have any idea half the time where to direct my audio!)
4) Switching back when I finish playing the game has led to equal headaches and frustration and wasted time trying to get Windows to recognize my 2.1 speakers again!!!
Its so goddam aggravating that most of the time I consider just tossing my headphones in the garbage given the hassle of all this prep/post work to direct audio between the two sources. Hell Far Cry 4 even crashed my machine when I alt-tabbed last night because the audio was not going to either source for whatever reason when I loaded the game! This is rage-inducing stuff.
I MUST be missing something and need help!! Considering how much of GAF probably alternates between audio output devices, please share me your secret wisdom for Win 10!!!
Damn. Ordered my mobo and ram, just need the CPU and cooler, might just hang tight with my current setup (i5-3570k) until I can piece it all together. That $100+ difference could be put towards a GPU.
It might be a bit loud but it should be fine for no overclocking. In a worst case scenario (case with no ventilation, dusty interior, hot ambient room temperature, running CPU stress tests) then you'll run into issues with the CPU throttling itself and overheating.
The NH-D15 is surprisingly decent for RAM compatibility, there's a gap to allow for RAM to fit underneath and as you said, the fan is movable. The Air 540 should fit all of your existing parts and the NH-D15, but do you know what model of RAM you have?
Dumb question: How do you easily switch between outputting audio through headphones (USB) and the lime-green Stereo 2.1 connection on the motherboard??
If I want to play a game with my headphones(using Sony Pulse Elites via USB), I have to jump through so many godawful hoops every time I want to use them consisting of:
1) opening 'playback devices' in windows sound settings
2) selecting 'default' on the recognized Wireless headset
3) testing to make sure it actually is outputting sound to the headphones(its oftena crapshoot as the computer seems to not have any idea half the time where to direct my audio!)
4) Switching back when I finish playing the game has led to equal headaches and frustration and wasted time trying to get Windows to recognize my 2.1 speakers again!!!
Its so goddam aggravating that most of the time I consider just tossing my headphones in the garbage given the hassle of all this prep/post work to direct audio between the two sources. Hell Far Cry 4 even crashed my machine when I alt-tabbed last night because the audio was not going to either source for whatever reason when I loaded the game! This is rage-inducing stuff.
I MUST be missing something and need help!! Considering how much of GAF probably alternates between audio output devices, please share me your secret wisdom for Win 10!!!
4 of these
Not sure why its marked as 8GB and says so in the PDF when it's actually 4.. weird
It sucks. Micro Center used to offer the cheapest price, I think. Their prices are gradually going up.
Last time I checked, 6600k was at $270 and 6700k was at $400. I guess I should've bought a 6700k when it was $380
In games an overclocked i5 3570k is just as fast as an i5 6600k (@ stock clocks!) when paired with similar fast RAM.
So OC your i5 3570k to 4.2 (most of the time doable without having to increase voltage) or higher, cancel your order and wait for AMDs ZEN (may be good), Skylake-E and general lower prices.
I'm on an i5 3570k [@4.3ghz] and I'm definitely waiting for Skylake-E (or Zen...) before buying a new CPU.
Whats the easiest way of making a bootable windows 10 usb? Buying straight from Microsoft? I bought an new cd but I'm not putting in a disc drive and I don't have a usb plug in one.
It's already shipped, plus SL-E seems pretty far off? Late 2016 or early 2017 are most estimates after some searching, but I could be wrong. I wanted DDR4 as my current board doesn't support it.
Guess I'll just bite the bullet on the $70 for the i7...