Just finished my first PC build, I am very proud!!
Motherboard - MSi z170a gaming M7
CPU - I7 6700k 4ghz overclocked to 4.7ghz
CPU Cooler - Cooler Master hyper EVO 212
GPU - MSI GTX 970 - Overclocked to 1450mhz Core and 7000mhz Memory Clock.
What do you guys think? Am playing Battlefield 4 at 1440p at +60fps Ultra settings, am trying out what I can do with Crysis 3 this afternoon!
I am considering SLI the card do you think this is worthwhile? I have a 4k tv.
I don't know if I'd SLI 970's, I thought they had a 3.5Gb limit on the RAM? Somebody will chime in with more info though.
I have the exact build except for a R9 290 and the Asus version of that board. How stable are your temps with the 212? That's a pretty big OC!