Storage: Samsung 850 EVO-Series 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($87.89 @ OutletPC)
would it be better to sawp this SSD for this sandisk?
Storage: Samsung 850 EVO-Series 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($87.89 @ OutletPC)
I'd like to have that option open, though. This is my first heavy duty gaming PC and I want to overclock that mother fucker if I have to lol
I thought the liquid cooled ones were more quiet?
Friends, I have an issue.
I'm running Windows 10 on my PC and my second hard-drive keeps vanishing. My SSD shows up fine, I have 400GB of games installed but randomly, it just stops showing up under my PC.
Ran defrag and stress tests. Nothing came up.
What do I dooooo?
would it be better to sawp this SSD for this sandisk?
would it be better to sawp this SSD for this sandisk?
id say it would fit. Looks like the heatsink is barely higher than the ports.So I want to build a HTPC based on this board. Do you think it will fit in this case ?
The board is Mini-ATX (fanless CPU) but the case is Mini-ATX slim. I just don't know how big the CPU's heatsink is.
id say it would fit. Looks like the heatsink is barely higher than the ports.
The other issue is the case has an external power supply (I think it is 85w). That should be enough for Braswell, correct (even with a SDD and maybe a PCI-E card)?
Friends, I have an issue.
I'm running Windows 10 on my PC and my second hard-drive keeps vanishing. My SSD shows up fine, I have 400GB of games installed but randomly, it just stops showing up under my PC.
Ran defrag and stress tests. Nothing came up.
What do I dooooo?
would it be better to sawp this SSD for this sandisk?
So I want to build a HTPC based on this board. Do you think it will fit in this case ?
The board is Mini-ATX (fanless CPU) but the case is Mini-ATX slim. I just don't know how big the CPU's heatsink is.
That case is quite tacky in real life, my friend bought one. See if you can get an ITX case from wesena or streacom.
And you should consider an Intel NUC as it has built in Microsoft native IR far superior to USB ones.
The intel NUC only has 1 DIMM slot, which isn't good for smooth 4k HEVC playback. Dual-channel kills it on Braswell.
I'd like to have that option open, though. This is my first heavy duty gaming PC and I want to overclock that mother fucker if I have to lol
I thought the liquid cooled ones were more quiet?
According to this French review, the N3700-ITX was able to playback 4K video in their test as long as hardware acceleration was enabled.
I tried this on her computer and still no dice. I got my computer back with a windows recovery USB. It didn't say what happened so I don't know what happened to mine.
I tried the upgrade of the bios on hers with the H81 MSI board and it is still doing the attempted fix with spinning circles.
Easy way to tell if it's the hard drive, motherboard, or ram? Using the back USB doesn't change anything. It has no physical drive either so USB is all right now.
Trying a full windows 10 install USB instead of this recovery stuff.
Maybe the SATA Port is faulty? SATA cable defective?
Have you tested the SATA power cable ?
Tried new SATA cable, new port, and SATA power cable. Hard drive came directly out of last PC, where it was my OS drive. Still disconnects at random times, typically while playing a game installed on the drive. Sometimes while just sitting here.
Ran HDDScan S.M.A.R.T. Report:
Hm how old is the hard disk? Brand and exact name of the HDD you using?
This should be the exact drive according to SeaTools:
2k to spend on a build. 970 right now then sell it when new cards come out or get an 980ti right now ? I only plan to game at 1080p. No desire for 1440p BUT I plan to buy the vive or rift. The 2k will also cover brand new mouse, keyboard, headset, and a 144hz 1080p gsync monitor . Which card should I get guys? Planning on buying everything within the month .
I see, a Seagate Barracuda. Seagate have sometimes the habit to get all problematic over a certain time.
Could you use Crystal Disk Info an post a screenshot here?
Would be interesting to know how long it has already been running.
How old is the HDD?
Link to the software is here:
The harddrive is about 3 years old, maybe? Possibly 4.
Here's a Skylake-based parts list.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
CPU: Intel Core i5-6600K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor ($254.88 @ OutletPC)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($24.88 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z170XP-SLI ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($115.89 @ OutletPC)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws 4 Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-2800 Memory ($46.97 @ OutletPC)
Storage: Samsung 850 EVO-Series 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($87.89 @ OutletPC)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($49.98 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 970 4GB SSC ACX 2.0+ Video Card ($319.98 @ NCIX US)
Case: NZXT Source 210 Elite (White) ATX Mid Tower Case ($41.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Power Supply: EVGA 650W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($61.50 @ Newegg)
Total: $1003.96
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-01-19 01:58 EST-0500
You might as well overclock though. Even a small one can get you an extra chunk of performance for free. You don't need to worry about complex voltage stuff, just do the basics.
You can overclock the i7 6700K on even a cheap cooler like the Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo ($40). You do not have to pay $150 for a water cooler just to overclock. The Noctua options I mentioned are more than enough for moderate overclocking.
Looking at Tweaktown's testing results, the Corsair H110i GTX in quiet mode and Noctua NH-D15 are separated by less than one degree in the overclocked temperature chart (68.5 degrees C vs 69.3 degrees C) and produce the same level of noise at low voltage (7.5V). Not bad for costing $35~45 less.
When it comes to CPU cooling, the fans are what counts when it comes to noise. Water cooler pumps may also produce a bit of noise.
Not necessarily, but if you care about aesthetics at all, they are the better option. If you do a lot of work in your PC, they allow for a lot more maneuverability. If you don't care about any of the above, air coolers work fine and are cheaper.
I'm upgrading my wife's PC with a new motherboard, cpu, ram and video card. She did the free Windows 10 upgrade on her current system from Windows 7(retail dvd).
I've heard that the free Windows 10 upgrade cannot be transferred, and that it also eats up the previous Windows 7/8 product key and makes it invalid. Not sure what's true.
So, I'm wondering if and how I can reinstall Windows 10 on her new system. Her copy of Windows 7 is retail and not OEM, if that matters.
They all can, just the Braswell boards with dual-channel support do it better. The N3700-ITX has dual-channel support.
I'm upgrading my wife's PC with a new motherboard, cpu, ram and video card. She did the free Windows 10 upgrade on her current system from Windows 7(retail dvd).
I've heard that the free Windows 10 upgrade cannot be transferred, and that it also eats up the previous Windows 7/8 product key and makes it invalid. Not sure what's true.
So, I'm wondering if and how I can reinstall Windows 10 on her new system. Her copy of Windows 7 is retail and not OEM, if that matters.
I want to know this as well
I've ordered an new motherboard, CPU and RAM. I already upgraded Windows 8 to Windows 10 last year.
How do I clean install Windows 10 now?
Newegg has an ASRock Fatal1ty Z170 Professional Gaming i7 LGA 1151 ATX Motherboard for $180, which becomes $160 after a $20 rebate.
Good start for RGM79's suggested Skylake build?
I can spend a max of $1500 on parts.
Did a GPU/PSU upgrade and my two spinning drives have totally disappeared. The sata 6 SSD I'm booting from is fine but the others are nowhere to be found - nothing in device manager etc. Pretty sure they're getting power. Tried different sata 3 ports on motherboard (Asus p8Z77-V LK). Next stop is Micro Center for some fresh sata cables. Maybe a new drive to rule out the possibility that they both died at the same time, but that doesn't seem right.
edit: I should try the Sata 6 ports on the other side of the board - fingers crossed
Is it Skylake?Helped build my friend's/coworker's computer tonight
Put everything in and forgot to plug the mobo power when we tried to turn it on. Finally got that and it turned on!
Problem is, nothing displays to the monitor using either the gfx card or the on board / mother board HDMI. The keyboard doesn't seem to be on as well.
It's passed 2 am so we have to continue tomorrow. Hopefully the mobo wasn't DOA
The harddrive is about 3 years old, maybe? Possibly 4.
The harddrive is about 3 years old, maybe? Possibly 4.
How do you guys determine if an upgrade is worth it or not?
I'm still on a MSI GeForce GTX 580 from 2011.
Mostly play Blizzard games or CS:GO/Dota 2 and this card seems to still run them fine.
I have some extra cash, but can't seem to find like a chart or how to determine if a certain card would give me like a 2-4x performance upgrade (if that makes sense). I impulsively ordered a R9 380 4gb ($188 shipped), but I'll return it if it's not a significant boost.
The R9 380 4GB will give you more memory to spare since the GTX580 only had 1.5GB. But if vram was not an issue, the gains will be much smaller...
Is it Skylake?
Mine was doing something similar - turned on but never displayed BIOS - turned out the RAM was incompatible.
Double-check that you connected the CPU power connector as well
Yes, Skylake.
Whoa interesting. I'm looking up some information on that RAM - Skylake compatibility now.
There's a decently large difference
Skylake takes DDR4 ram not DDR3. Trying to use DDR3 ram can damage the processor.
What? I didn't know this was a thing. I don't intend to do it but isn't the skylake memory controller able to work with DDR4 and 3?
How's this build look?
I watched a bunch of YouTube videos and looked at lots of benchmarks of the GTX 960 4GB running the games I'm interested in playing (Overwatch, Killing Floor 2, CS:GO, Fallout 4, GTA V) at 1080p and it looks like as long as I'm okay with turning down certain settings in certain games, 60fps at that resolution is easily attainable.
The case choice is certainly not set in stone and as you may have seen in my previous posts, this will be my first time building a PC, so I am trying to choose the best case for a beginner (tool-less cases seem good for that). Also, if anyone knows a good 1080p 60hz monitor with minimal input lag/response time for under $200, I would appreciate it if you could point me in its direction.