Uhh. So I'm wanting to build my first PC but I'm feeling super overwhelmed by pretty much everything. I don't know what many of these terms mean or what different components do or what I need. I'm fairly handy so I think I could put everything together with a youtube video or something, unless its not recommended for a first time builder? Could anyone help me figure out what to buy? Brands? Recommendations? Should I just follow the parts list from the OP?
I'll use the list from the OP as a guide:
1) Budget is probably 500-800 maybe? Preferably lower I guess due to me being in university. I'm Canadian.
2) Main use would be largely be gaming. Along with some general usage, and maybe some emulation if i'm ambitious(?). Gaming doesn't need to be super high settings. I'd just like to get into PC gaming. Something that could play a game like Overwatch or dark souls smoothly I guess? Though I'm not sure if those are super intensive games or not for a entry PC.
3) General use is like school work and youtube/twitch/netflix.
4) Monitor resolution doesn't overly matter to me. 1080p 60fps is preferable I suppose. I'm not a big graphics/fps crazy guy, whatever works. 720/30fps always seemed fine to me but 1080/60 is always nicer. I'd upgrade it someday.
5) Specific games is probably Overwatch at the moment. other lesser important ones off of the top of my head are Dark souls, Counterstrike, TF, maaaaybe GTA5 if I could get away with it? And probably random RPGs. I feel like GTA5 is the most intensive of all those games? 30FPS is fine for me for most games. 60 is obviously a plus though. I don't know what PhysX / SuperSampling / CUDA even are.
6) I'd like to have it built by like August (before school year starts)
7) I don't know what overclocking is so maybe (yes?)?
8) I'm scared of overheating because of my laptop having issues so that would be a place where I'd be willing to spend a bit more. Plus I wouldn't mind having a PC that's able to grow a bit when I upgrade.
I'm really sorry if this is like helping a child. If it's too much work to help that's ok! But if someone could help me pick out some stuff/explain things, I'd be eternally grateful!