I'm willing to spend any kind of money is it's reasonable. Forgot to mention i also have an amd fx8350 and a 850 watts power supply.
I'm gonna play mostly single player games as multiplayer i do on consoles with friends. As long as i can get my 60fps, i'm happy with high-medium settings.
A GTX 970 or R9 390 is your best bet. Maybe the former, seeing as how someone in this thread is having issues with an R9 390 not giving expected performance. Specific recommendations will depend on what country you're in and what your system specs are like. Most importantly, what case you have so we don't recommend you a graphics card that is too large to fit.
Your CPU is OK. If overclocked, it'll help nail that 60FPS if you ever have difficulty reaching it.
Games aren't really bottlenecked by system RAM, so no worries about 1600MHz and CL11 latency.I'm a cheapo but a family member gave me a free i7 4770 (not k version just normal 4770) plus free 16gb memory 1600hz (CAL Latency 11 clocks. Cycle time 28 clocks.)
That memory timing good or too slow (for gaming?)
Ordered today a GA-H97-D3H mobo reccomended in the OP, but it's the ATX version not MATX, but is cheaper and has the same specs plus more which seems strange to me since the price gap seems big. Graphics card I only have an AMD Saphire 6670 which I'm gonna continue using cos I'm cheap. Thinking of getting a SSD but that can wait.
Overclocking CPU? If stock clocks then no, more eye candy than anything. Although there are cheap options out there similar to heatsinks at which point it's all about preference more than price, and whether your case allows it.
Exhibit A:
Edit: Why is an affiliate link popping up instead of the normal (clean url) I paste?
I don't see an affiliate link. I hope you don't have some kind of malware that's hijacking links.