So I'm about to pull the trigger on this EVGA GTX 970 that Newegg has on sale at the moment :
With my only concern at the moment being whether or not there's merit in picking up the factory overclocked version of the card. So with respect to factory overclocks ...
Are they worth the extra price if you're willing to manually overclock your card anyway?
Beyond that, does anyone have experience with EVGA cards and are willing to vouch for them? I like to think I've done my due diligence with respect to researching the thing and am aware of some minor controversy EVGA had with running their first batch of 970s, on finding some reviews that took apart the 970s and looked at their guts it seems that these have been addressed with their ACX 2.0+ coolers that they have setup on their more recent models. Suffice to say I'm not terribly concerned with the build quality of the things from their newest line.