Huh. This never happened when I was using an AMD build. Wondering if it's something with the motherboard or some drivers. I've already updated/reset BIOS settings. Seems to happen more often if I finish gaming within a few minutes of trying to turn off the PC.
Hello everyone,
Back in June, I posted here (PC specs included) mentioning that I wanted to upgrade my PC in August. Well, it is time.
Regarding the budget, I can go up to 600€. Maybe 700€, but I don't want to go higher.
So, I am planning to change my Mothercard, my CPU and, maybe, my GPU. Also need advices for the eventual cooler. I may need to change the RAM though, if the one I use is not compatible with the new motherboard (how to check that?).
Regarding the components:
Regarding the games I want to play, not much has changed: it is for The Witcher 3, also for older games that I haven't played for several reasons including performance (Dark Souls III, Dishonored, modded Skyrim, etc), and finally for future games which will require a better PC.
- CPU: I plan to buy an i7 (or an i5... I didn't expect i7s to be so expensive).
- Motherboard: I have really no idea what to take, so I hope you will be able to direct me to a good one.
- GPU: A friend talk about lending me his MSI 560 GTX, though it is not certain (he may need to move, and he is not taking his PC with him). I am still considering buying a better card, since the 560 is a little old and he is not sure to move. I want a NVIDIA, as AMD seems to be lagging behind. More importantly: which brand should I buy when it comes to a NVIDIA card? There are quite a few of them, and I really have no idea which to pick.
Thank you very much for your advices in advance!
- I'd go with the 6600K in your case given your budget doesn't allow you to move up to the 6700K without adversely impacting what you can spend on the GPU and you listed gaming as your highest priority. Additionally, I'd definitely overclock. The Hyper 212 Evo is a solid budget cooler.
- ASRock motherboards are cheap but not nasty. The Z170 Extreme4 would be fine.
- Personally, I only become concerned with brand name if I'm importing a GPU as international warranty policies are quite rare. I'd say ASUS, EVGA, Gigabyte and MSI are the four most popular choices, but if you're buying locally and need to opt for a different brand so as to not encroach beyond your budget, I wouldn't bother hemming and hawing over the choices. I'm not familiar with European hardware prices, but I assume you can accommodate a 1060.
I fixed my multiplier problem by updating my UEFI to the latest version though it seems my 3570k isn't a very good chip4.4ghz was crashing at even -0.010 vCore offset, 4.3ghz at -0.015 was seemingly stable and passed 20 minutes of Prime although Firefox was crashing every 5 minutes so now I'm back at 4.2ghz at -0.020 offset. Oh well...
I fixed my multiplier problem by updating my UEFI to the latest version though it seems my 3570k isn't a very good chip4.4ghz was crashing at even -0.010 vCore offset, 4.3ghz at -0.015 was seemingly stable and passed 20 minutes of Prime although Firefox was crashing every 5 minutes so now I'm back at 4.2ghz at -0.020 offset. Oh well...
Anyone know how much an old computer will bottleneck a good graphics card?
Back in 2012, I got a computer with an i5 2500 3.3GHZ Sandy Bridge CPU, 8GB DDR3 1600MHz of RAM, AMD 7850
I want to pick up a GTX 1070 but I'm wondering whether I need to replace everything or can I just swap the cards. If the perfomance gain for replacing everything is not significant, I'd rather save my money and wait till the next gen of graphics cards before rebuilding my comp from scratch.
Why not add voltage to get those higher clocks stable?
What absolute vcore is that? You most likely didn't go high enough.
I just saw the recommended specs for Deus Ex are 16 GB of ram. I only have 8 gb. I was wondering what people recommend for my older gaming PC. I have the P8Z77-I DELUXE and it says it supports
2 x DIMM, Max. 16GB, DDR3 2400(O.C.)/2200(O.C.)/2133(O.C.)/2000(O.C.)/1866(O.C.)/1800(O.C.)/1600/1333 MHz Non-ECC, Un-buffered Memory
Dual Channel Memory Architecture
Supports Intel® Extreme Memory Profile (XMP)
* Hyper DIMM support is subject to the physical characteristics of individual CPUs
What should I be getting to hit 16 gb?
Can someone help me choose the best ram for my motherboard?
My motherboard is, Asus Maximus Gen V.
Looking for 16GB in two 8GB sticks. Currently running 2x8GB at 1600mhz.
I want to upgrade to a GTX 1070 but there are so many damn versions. Am I pretty much good to buy whatever as long as not a Founder's Edition?
Well I have a decent cooler with the Coolermaster Hyper TX3 with two Arctic fans so temps shouldn't be too much of an issue but I still always heard that a high vCore isn't good for a CPU's health on the long run :/
If I remember correctly CPU-Z showed 1.080v while running a Prime95 Blend Test. The thing is I reach 4.1ghz at -0.035 so 4.2ghz at -0.020 seems still okay but I doubt that pushing more vCore for 4.3-4-4 is worth it unless I'm way too careful with my vCore levels? o.o
You both should go for this:
Newegg: CORSAIR Vengeance Pro 16GB DDR3 2400mhz
Amazon: CORSAIR Vengeance Pro 16GB DDR3 2400mhz
Anything over 2400mhz is CRAZY expensive.
Erm that not conservative, that's starving it. My 3770 did 4.3Ghz 1.1v and that was a good chip. Up to 1.2v is more than fine.
You both should go for this:
Newegg: CORSAIR Vengeance Pro 16GB DDR3 2400mhz
Amazon: CORSAIR Vengeance Pro 16GB DDR3 2400mhz
Anything over 2400mhz is CRAZY expensive.
Thanks. Would I see any improvements over my current ram?
Another question,
I'm using 1600mhz 2.x8gb as mentioned, do I put the new ram 2400mhz in the same two slots?
Thanks! This looks great. Should I be concerned over the 11 latency or does that literally not matter in real world scenarios?
Just picked up a 6700K ($299) and a Gigabyte GA-Z170MX-Gaming 5 ($115) at MicroCenter.
So much cheaper than online. <3 MicroCenter.
Just need to order a case and some RAM and I'll be upgrading my 2500K build from years ago.
Question - What speed RAM should I target? DDR4-3000 seems to be a sweet spot. Any reason to go higher or lower?
Twice as much and faster! So a bit of improvement I would think. Yeah just replace what you have there now.
You wont notice a difference.
Ehehe yeah I noticed, I compared it to a friends stock 3570k at 3.8ghz and it was running at 1.128v stock o.o So how do I go about this, first setting it to x44 multiplier and then just leaving the offset at +-0.0 to see what the voltages are and then upping it if needed?
Thank you very much for your answers!
@vector824: As for my PSU, I honestly have no idea and I don't know how to check what it is exactly.
Regarding the videocard, which is the best between the Zotac GeForce GTX 1060 6GB and the MSI GTX970 Gaming 4G? I found the latter on sales for 299€.
Welcome! I ask about the PSU because you're going to need one that's AT LEAST 550w with a new system. Plus it's easier to deal with a newer modular PSU vs the old style with cables coming from the inside. It should say somewhere on it what wattage it is.
DEFINITELY a 1060 because its newer, faster.
OK, thanks. I'll come back to you once I figured what I use exactly as my PSU (chances are I'm going to need to change it, as is seems the one I own is "old style").
Is it safe to run 1.65v ram on 1.5v motherboard?
Do I need to change any settings in the motherboard?
Lately my system has felt a little unstable, with a lot of hard lockups and games crashing out, and I'm been thinking about maybe doing a rebuild (though maybe I should start with a fresh copy of Windows!). So I started pricing some items and putting together a build list--I bought a GTX 970 about two years ago, but I'm about due for a CPU/mobo/RAM update.
Here's the thing: I have an i5 3570k, which I'm currently running at vanilla clock speeds. The mid-range processor du jour seems to be the i5 6500. Turns out the 6500 is not actually much faster than the 3570k? Am I missing something? How is it that in almost three years we seem to have barely advanced at all in this price bracket? Now I'm wondering if it's worth upgrading at all, since I can't imagine the improvements from DDR4 RAM and a better mobo chipset really doing much.
Yep that's fine. Might need to up it, or can try to lower it whilst testing with the latest Prime95. Use something like Realtemp to monitor CPU temps. CPUz to measure the vcore and monitor the CPU speed.
Keep temps below 75c.
And yes, 1.10v is around stock volts. Depends on the chip.
ThanksYeah I know how the process works but I wonder at what voltages should I start to worry about the longevity of my chip? Around 1.2v?
The max you should get is 3000mhz. Even 2400mhz is fast enough, and can be a little cheaper. The difference between 2400 and 3200 is literally just a few FPS while gaming. I have 3000mhz personally.
Hi PCGAF. I'd some advice on a new PC gaming build. All prices in CAD
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
CPU: Intel Core i5-6600K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor ($338.98 @ NCIX)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($45.18 @ NCIX)
Thermal Compound: Arctic Silver 5 High-Density Polysynthetic Silver 3.5g Thermal Paste (Purchased For $0.00)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z170MX-Gaming 5 Micro ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($203.38 @ NCIX)
Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3000 Memory ($127.67 @ NCIX)
Storage: Samsung 850 EVO-Series 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($71.17 @ NCIX)
Video Card: Asus GeForce GTX 970 4GB STRIX Video Card (Purchased For $0.00)
Case: Corsair 350D Window MicroATX Mid Tower Case ($135.58 @ NCIX)
Power Supply: Corsair RMx 650W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($163.82 @ NCIX)
Total: $1085.78
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-08-14 20:41 EDT-0400
Reasoning for some of the choices:
CPU: I'm only gaming with this PC so I figure I don't need the i7 and can save the extra $130
GPU: Bringing my 970 over from older build
Are there any parts I can optimize here?
- Memory: I have no idea if this particular module is good or overpriced. I looked for 16GB (8GB x2) of DDR4 3000 RAM & the reviews seem good.
- Power Supply: I also have no idea if this particular PSU is decent. It seems expensive. I'm not ever planning on doing any SLI. I've had bad experience in the past with PSU failures so I opted for a higher quality one - is this more than I need?
- Motherboard: Seems like a decent Gigabyte board. ASUS's mATX boards in the same price range don't seem to do anything special over Gigabyte
- Case: I'm struggling the most with this. I currently have a Fractal Design R5 that I love: it's super quiet, nice mounting options & had lots of room to build in. I'm having trouble finding a microATX equivalent. This PC is going to be sitting beside my TV so I'd like something low-key and that doesn't scream "I AM FOR GAMERZ". Anyone have any recommendations? It doesn't necessarily need to be microATX (I'd just make sure to get a ATX mobo as well)
Any advice would be greatly appreciated, especially on case selection.
i don't know if i should ask it here or not. i'm planning on getting a new headset for gaming. my motherboard is a Maximus VI Hero, i know it has a SupremeFX sound chip and i want to get a good headset that works well with it. I was thinking about getting the Audio Technica ATH-AD900X with a mod-mic. any audio advice?
i don't know if i should ask it here or not. i'm planning on getting a new headset for gaming. my motherboard is a Maximus VI Hero, i know it has a SupremeFX sound chip and i want to get a good headset that works well with it. I was thinking about getting the Audio Technica ATH-AD900X with a mod-mic. any audio advice?
Good call on the i5. That PSU is great, I have one. Gigabyte is a good brand, so stick with it. Memory is solid.
As for a case I'm not real versed on what you'll need specifically. A great mid ATX case is the NZXT S340 (Black) is low profile, but it's big.
Canadian prices really are terrible. They are the same prices as Australia essentially and that's before you do the currency conversion.
I currently have an i7-3770 processor, fitted for a LGA 1155 socket.
If I am looking at upgrading my processor to something like the i7-6700 or better, can my LGA 1155 motherboard still be supported? Or is the 1155 older tech that isn't supported anymore?
You'll need a new motherboard and new ram. And I don't think the jump from the 3770 to the 6700 is big enough to be worth.
I bought and installed Corsair 16GB (2x8GB) Vengeance DDR3 2133MHz CL10 (CMZ16GX3M2A2133C10)
From here
My motherboard is asus Maximus gen V
The ram defaults to 1333mhz. I was told to enable XMP profile, but when I do the screen stays black and I have to reset my bios manually.
How can I get this memory running at 2133MHz?
Turn on XMP in UEFI, then increase the attendant voltages in small increments until you get a stable boot.