Here's the Ars Technica write up:
"...the 960 Pro offers a blistering peak read speed of 3.5GB/s and a peak write speed of 2.1GB/s, while the Evo offers 3.2GB/s and 1.9GB/s respectively. The 950 topped out at a mere 2.5GB/s and 1.5GB/s. The 960 Pro and the 960 Evo are due for release in October. The Pro starts at $329 for 512GB of storage, rising up to a cool $1,299 for a 2TB version. The Evo is a little lighter on the wallet, starting at $129 for a 250GB version, rising to $479 for a 1TB version."
950 Evo: Read - 3.2GB/s Write - 1.9GB/s 250gb $129, 500gb $249, 1tb $479
960 Pro: Read - 3.5GB/s Write - 2.1GB/s [[No 250gb]], 512gb $329, 1tb $629, 2tb $1299
Thanks, this is a good write-up. I'll probably go with the 1tb Evo. The $150 markup for the Pro is hard to justify when the Evo speeds are already a big upgrade over the 950 Pro.
Really dodged a bullet not getting the 950 Pro!