Wife is giving 550 to start a new build. Decided to make a htpc. Want to know is there any reason to go i7 over i5 for gaming ?
Aka I'm tired of sitting at my desk and want that Big comfy couch
Thanks !Not if you are only working with $550. Stick with an i5 and put as much money into the Gpu as you can.
It sounds like, for whatever reason, power isn't being delivered to anything in a major capacity. Since the light does come on it seems like it'd be the motherboard or the CPU. As mentioned check the pins, but it could be either part just not working.
:/I'm checking it now and one of the corners of the CPU is bent and few of the motherboard pins are bent.
Are you looking for "gaming" headphones (i.e. with a boom mic) or will any set of headphones do, mic or not?
So I have 2 4GB sticks of ram... I assume if I want 16 I have to more or less take these out and get two sticks of 8 or 1 stick of 16, right?
EDIT: Actually, Could I just buy another set of 2X4 to fill the remaining slots? Shouldn't be much of a difference performance wise, right?
I'm checking it now and one of the corners of the CPU is bent and few of the motherboard pins are bent.
any would be fine although i am not planning to use the mic much if at all .
I have a weird question, and I can't find anything on Google.
I'm in the process of planning and building a pc-in-desk project.
My question is how far does a 120mm fan actually blow, with essentially no resistance, and how far does a 120mm pull air from with no resistance? Assume we're talking high-quality fans, so they'll be about as powerful as 120mm can get.
I need to figure out if my air is going to be moving or if it'll end up creating doldrums.
This is my current thought, but I'm definitely open to any suggestions.
Each cutout will be two 120mm fans.
I'm open to suggestions on moving the cutouts, as well.
If the space is closed, air goes in = air goes out. So the air will be moving, and since the space is big enough, I don't think doldrums will be a problem, remember, temperature difference alone can create air flow as well. What's your estimation of heat? I don't think you need more fans than in a normal case, if anything, it should need fewer.
There's nothing wrong with just adding two more 4gb sticks. I use 8gb and don't have any issues running out of memory, why are you finding that you need 16gb?
Is this Newegg Shellshocker deal for a $600 gtx1080 good?
Are the more expensive better cooled/factory overclocked ones significantly better?
Is this Newegg Shellshocker deal for a $600 gtx1080 good?
Are the more expensive better cooled/factory overclocked ones significantly better?
It's 20 bucks off Gigabytes new OC blower card. Would be ideal for a HTPC case. I wouldn't say significantly better. Maybe better for a certain setup.
My case is pretty open so would I be better with a different one?
Yep, make sure you clean the CPU well with rubbing alcohol. And the d15 does come with paste, so you're good to go.I just bought a Noctua NH-D15, does this come with thermal paste already applied or do I need to order that seperate?
Also I need to remove my old cooler. What's the best way to clean off the old thermal paste or should I not bother?
I just bought a Noctua NH-D15, does this come with thermal paste already applied or do I need to order that seperate?
Also I need to remove my old cooler. What's the best way to clean off the old thermal paste or should I not bother?
Alright guys, I need a recommendation, I'm looking to build a powerful (and my first) gaming PC. I already talked to Hazaro a bit about it, and he would recommend the $1000 build with a 6700K and a 1070 or RX480. I'd love to hear other suggestions as well, prince doesn't really matter too much with me, but diminishing returns and what not.
Thank you guys![]()
I just bought a Noctua NH-D15, does this come with thermal paste already applied or do I need to order that seperate?
Also I need to remove my old cooler. What's the best way to clean off the old thermal paste or should I not bother?
What is your preferred price range?
Also 1070-RX480 is a pretty big gap in cost and computing power.
Up towards $1500, even a bit more if I have to. Though Haz said spending over $1200 has diminishing returns and the money is better invested in saving towards the next gen of GPUS. Thoughts?
Up towards $1500, even a bit more if I have to. Though Haz said spending over $1200 has diminishing returns and the money is better invested in saving towards the next gen of GPUS. Thoughts?
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
CPU: Intel Core i7-6700K 4.0GHz Quad-Core Processor ($324.95 @ Amazon)
CPU Cooler: Corsair H75 54.0 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler ($64.99 @ Newegg)
Motherboard: MSI Z170A SLI ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($113.98 @ Newegg)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory ($74.99 @ NCIX US)
Storage: Sandisk SSD PLUS 240GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($63.82 @ Amazon)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($49.49 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: Asus GeForce GTX 1080 8GB TURBO Video Card ($599.99 @ B&H)
Case: Phanteks ECLIPSE P400S ATX Mid Tower Case ($69.99 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: EVGA 500W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($42.33 @ OutletPC)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 Home OEM 64-bit ($84.89 @ OutletPC)
Total: $1489.42
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-10-19 16:32 EDT-0400
I'm checking it now and one of the corners of the CPU is bent and few of the motherboard pins are bent. I tried turning it on again and noticed the fan light turns on and off.
That.. would certainly cause issues with booting. At least you found your problem. Perhaps try using a credit card to straighten the pins.
I don't know who "Haz" is but diminishing returns are a thing. However where money can be better invested is up to the individual and his/her budget. For $1500 you really don't need any compromises.
I mean there are ridiculous over the top things like getting a Quadro for $5k which actually has worse performance than a Titan but that's something different than getting a GPU which has a clear upgrade over a lesser model (ex rx480 to gtx 1080)
I'll see if I can come up with a list.
How about this? (includes Windows in the price)
If you don't like the dual hard drive approach (I personally prefer it) you could replace it with a single SSD with a lower storage capacity for the same price.
The 1080 was also chosen as a matter of being the cheapest but you could get slightly better performance if you spend more (stuff like that is where diminishing returns really kick in as it's only slight overclocks of the same card)
Oh, Sorry, I mean Hazaro, the guy who made the thread. Ahh, I see; thank you!
Does dual hard drive vs single SSD really matter that much? I'm pretty dumb when it comes to this kind of stuff, sorry!
Thank you for the input, I really appreciate it![]()
Well what it is is you buy a cheap Hard Drive with lots of storage for games etc (in this case 1tb HDD) and then get a smaller SSD for Windows. That way you get fast boot times and tons of storage without spending money on a massive SSD
How about this? (includes Windows in the price)
A breakdown of the choices/commentary
So I have finished my HTPC build with a 5820k and R9 Nano.
I worry though as the cramped nature of my case in tandem with the Scythe Big Shuriken 2 seem to only just be keeping my CPU at 90c when playing games (only really tried Battlefield 1). It could be I didn't do that good a job on the thermal paste but I think it should be okay, I really don't want to have to be doing that again.
Do you guys think I'll be alright or am I going to have to rethink things?
That temp seems really high to me. Definitely double check your cooler is seated correctly and all that.
Take a picture of your PC's interior and post it here.It's really late now so tomorrow when I am back from work I'll test it more thoroughly.
If it's going to be that hot then I might have to ditch the air cooler and look to a closed water cooler.
My Current build is
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4670K CPU @ 3.40GHz
8GB Ram
Radeon r7 200
If I had £150 to spend what would be more beneficial to upgrade for games? Im currently having an issue where Fifa is running super slow and I think its the cpu, but I cant be sure. I like the idea of a new cpu because my pc is running slow as is.
Only update your bios if you are having issues.wooooo
computer built wasn't too bad - had some fighting with the cooler and power supply but it all slotted in real nice.
updated W10 all the way - what's next?
i have an Asus Pro Gaming z170 mini itx - should i update my bios? from here:
You will have to be more specific on the GPU, 200 is a series and not a card.
But it sounds like a software problem, your CPU is fine apart from the fact you haven't overclocked it.
On system requirements lab it says AMD Radeon R7 200 Series, same with my device manager and windows specs, where would I go to find exact model?
GPUz would work, and it's portable so you don't have to install it.
But in all likelihood you just need to clean up the system. See what all runs in the background, make sure you don't have any malware or something hogging resources. There's no reason for a 4670K to run Windows slowly.
The CPU and Memory rarely is troubled while playing, sometimes the "Disk" section in task manager jumps to 99%.
There is a bunch of shit running but none of it is a program, I have ccleaner and turned everything off when I start up but still a bunch of stuff runs, perhaps I should just do a clean reboot.
The last windows 10 update hasnt helped anything either, its definitely made things worse.
Is the OS on a SSD or a mechanical drive (HDD)?
Take a picture of your PC's interior and post it here.