Chrome reducing speeds like that is definitely a coincidence. There is no way it could have that sort of effect.I haven't tried a wired connection yet, it's a pain to do because of the router's location but I will try that tonight. I had tried to use a wifi analyzer app on my phone, which shows my 5ghz network at around - 50 to - 60.
When I did the fresh install, I ran a speedtest using with Edge and I got 220mbps. A few minutes later I'd installed chrome, and the speeds have dropped. I'm not sure whether the speeds dropped the way they were doing anyways, or if somehow installing chrome is the issue? I have restarted the PC a couple times and only run Edge to do a speedtest, and the speeds were very low. THe only two programs I've installed since the fresh system install are Steam and Chrome.
I'd tried to change some of the WiFi settings, so changing from "auto" channel to specific ones, trying the "low" vs "high" setting on the 5ghz network, changing from a/n/ac to n/ac etc. I changed everything back to what I'd found it as - nothing seemed to work in any case but as you can probably tell I don't really know what I'm doing.
The drop is some sort of throttling applied somewhere along the chain, whether that's your ISP, your router, or your hardware. Given what you've tried, it might be worth speaking to your ISP and seeing if they can find any issues their side.