Tell your sister you don't think less of her, and women, who have premarital sex. Tell her you honestly believe men and women should have the agency to have sex if they want, and that you don't believe that having sex outside of marriage makes you a horrible person doomed to hell. Let her know that your first and only concern, as her sibling, is for her to be mentally and physically happy and healthy, and that you simply don't want her to do anything she's not comfortable with because you love her and just want her to be happy.
Let her know that if she's intimidated by this guy, you're more than happy to knock him out with a baseball bat, but if she really likes him you'd like to get to know him and you're supportive of her decisions. Emphasize you just want her to be with a man who respects her agency and desires.
aw man this feels kinda heartwarming :/
+1 to this post, op