We had casuals only playing fifa, pro evo, football manager, civilization, diablo or some browser game and stick to that thing forever back then too, you wouldn't buy Metal Gear Solid, FFVII or Ocarina of Time for their type either, they just weren't exploited as much yet (outside wow addicts).
Dota and later lol were other games you found people who didn't game outside them playing. Obviously other kids still play great (and crappy) normal games, all major systems have a solid % of kids using them and playing a wide range of games they make successful in their demographics.
Ian Miles Cheong is a living meme, appearing as a hardcore MAGA type ultra right blogger who likes to comment on the state of the USA and especially immigrant "issues" as such folk tend to do, except he has never left his mother land of Malaysia. Folks just lap that shit up so he makes $$$.