So a co-worker of mine developed a crush on me. I'm not the smartest person in the world but I picked up on that. Things like asking personal questions (like do you wanna have kids or get married), light touches while asking how was my day, laughing at my jokes (sexual ones too), and she talks to her mom about me. Her mom works there too so she approves of me.
Not gonna lie I started to like her too.
I know we're not supposed to shit where you eat but fuck dude, I've rarely had this happen to me. I was kinda settled into being forever alone kind-a-guy. Family members would ask when are you getting a girlfriend and I'll just give them a non-answer.
So one day, she hits me with the "So when are you gonna take me out?" Oh shit. My dumbass told her that I needed to get my shit together as in, I didn't have a car nor a driver's license to take her somewhere...However, She did say could pick me and so no worries.
Weeks later I was chatting around my co-workers about how I was getting a PS5. lol She kinda roasted me. "How are you gonna get your shit together then turn around and get a PS5". I knew I screw up at that point. She still flirts with me and even suggested that we hang out. But I think any romantic feelings she had for me are gone. Sucks because I thought my coomer days were ending.
What do you think, GAF?