I'm going to separate this into two bits of advice. One for the immediate situation and one for the long term.
1. Get it done. Ask her out, grab a drink, get to know her, get her off any pedestal you may have put her on. Sounds like she's less concerned about you having your shit together than you are, and you may just find that being with the right person gets your shit together. Certainly there's an element of that with my wife. Plus you won't get anywhere long term without building up some experience. She probably isn't 'the one' and that's ok. She might be a good practice girl. You need a practice girl.
2. If the above doesn't work, your job from here on in is to increase your dating market value. There are a few essential steps to that.
- i. Get your career in order. Do training courses, learn shit online, do whatever is needed, but get your career in order. At pushing 30 you want to be starting to make a move to your long-term career. If you're there already, great, skip this one.
- ii. Get your body in order, if there's any issues there. Are you overweight? Lose it. Balding? Cut your losses and go shaved.
- iii. Get your brain in order. Get enough sleep to make sure it's functioning well. Eat right, take vitamins, and jettison toxic people or people whose bad habits drag you down.
- iv. Find out what you really want. You've got fuck all dating experience so you need to fix that. Get on Tinder, accept that none of these is going to be the one, treat them as training exercises where you try different kinds of woman to see what it is that's good for you. You will meet many mad women and that'll help you get a handle on what it actually is you want.
Finally, be wary of changing who you are. I met my wife when I was flat broke sofa-surfing but frankly I got lucky. In my case I'd just come back from living abroad when a near civil war broke out so I got out fast - I had a good excuse to be fucked, but I also over the course of our first year got my shit together pretty quickly and have gotten it more together since - got the house, the car, the cats, the 2x national average salary, I was a good long-term investment! Had I remained a sofa-surfer I doubt we'd still be together because who wants to date a loser? In general you can get away with being a bit fucked temporarily so long as you can demonstrate a good trajectory. The point here is that the better you make yourself the more picky you can be, and believe me it's wise to be picky. There are a LOT of mad women out there who will fuck you up if you let them.
EDIT: Nearly forgot the most important point. Be the best version of yourself, rather than being someone else you think women will be attracted to. If you like metal don't be afraid to wear that band hoodie. If you like games don't be afraid to game. It's all good. So long as your wider life is good these things are fine. If you pretend to be someone you're not you'll attract a woman who is attracted to fake-you, not real-you. She'll then feel cheated when she finds out who you really are, and she will because nobody can live a lie consistently for years. Better to be you and attract someone who likes you as you are because life is a lot more fun that way and any compatibility will be genuine.