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I think the N64 is Nintendo's worst machine and era


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
I've been seeing a lot of nostalgia for this thing online, and I tried out a new dental office this week where I caught a glimpse of an N64 plugged in to an old tube television in the kids play area and memories of owning this disappointing machine as a child came flooding back.


The game library is woefully lacking
You have Mario 64 and Zelda OOT which changed the industry, I would never take that away from them. But other than that? Not much to choose from. There are ZERO good RPGs on this machine unless you count Paper Mario, a couple of decent Mario 64 clones like Banjo that haven't stood the test of time and you can forget about quality 2D games, those were few and far between (Mischief Makers is the only one I can even think of). The only truly important N64 games (Mario 64/Zelda OOT and Majora's Mask) have received updates or remasters to other systems. Even though the Wii U is a flop, it's library trounces the N64's. It's interesting that I don't own a single N64 Virtual Console game, yet have several from the SNES, GBA, etc. The N64 was also the era where Nintendo infamously pissed off Square by going with cartridges over CDs, causing PS1 to get Final Fantasy VII exclusively which is a big reason it succeeded and JRPGs became mainstream. Going with cartridges at the time was such a massive mistake. Only now with the Switch are we ready for cartridges/cards to hold the same amount of data as a disc at a reasonable price. People who rag on the Wii U's small but incredible library of games have no idea how bad N64 owners had it back in the day.

The graphics were a soupy, foggy mess
Mario 64 wowed when it first came out, and it's simplistic graphics helped it age well. However, most games suffered from that N64 fog. Almost every game had extremely blurry textures, and usually had fog 10 feet in front of you. It was the trademark N64 look. Yeah the N64 had Z-buffering but honestly, the PS1 and Saturn's games aged way better even with the texture warping. Since the N64 used cartridges with low memory, they also couldn't squeeze large games with pre rendered backgrounds on a cartridge like you could with a PS1 disc. 64 bit seemed so cool at the time vs. 32 bit, but clarity is king and pixels > blurry textures any day of the week. Yikes, remember that 4MB expansion pack or whatever that was required for a few games an plugged into that slot in the front of the console? I think it came with Donkey Kong 64 (awful game) and was required for that game, and also improved performance in Majora's Mask or was it required as well for MM? Let's hope Nintendo never requires an awkward add on to run a game again.

The console is Nintendo's worst looking machine and the controller looks like a claw and was uncomfortable to use
The controller was awkward to hold, looked like a monster's claw coming at you and the machine itself was okay, but a bit goofy with that swoop in the middle and the giant feet, it looks too "Fisher Price". Nothing like the iconic NES, cute Gamecube or slick Wii/Wii U designs. The SNES was a bit bland, but at least it's controller was nice. I'd place the N64 controller below the Dreamcast controller and original Xbox controller in comfort and design.

I honestly don't even remember what I did with my machine. I think I actually just threw it in the garbage instead of bothering trying to sell it once the Gamecube hit store shelves? I must have at least sold the games though. As a huge Nintendo fan, the N64 was the most disappointed I've ever been (the GBA comes in at a close 2nd though). I have a lot of love for the NES, SNES, Gamecube, Wii and Wii U, but the N64 was just a misfire all around for me. It's the most "off" Nintendo's ever been imo.

Would you consider the N64 console/era Nintendo's worst? Or do you have a soft spot for Nintendo's first foray into 3D? If yes, why?

It's library has aged the worse, by far. Even hard to be nostalgic about what the games look like, but I've yet to see it running via RGB in person.


I want to agree with you because I never cared much about the N64. But you can't ignore all the innovations Nintendo did to legitimize 3D games, so I would have to respectfully disagree.

The Gamecube was by far the most "boring" gen Nintendo has had. It was all about playing it safe (inb4 people defending its controller but whatevs), and is generally considered the "last place" console of its generation in the West.


I don't see how the controller is uncomfortable, it feels nice enough, the left hand sits well on the middle prong etc.


I still dont see how people find the controller uncomfortable. 2 ways to hold, and both felt fairly natural.

That being said, compared to the rest of the systems, it probably doesnt have that many great titles. There are some really good games, just not that many.

EXP pack was required for Majora's Mask.

N64 really brought in some greats regardless of its overall library though:

Mario 64
Paper Mario
Smash Bros
F-Zero X
Turok 1 and 2 (havent played 3 yet)
Star Soldier (people are sleeping on this shooter)
Mario Kart 64
Wave Race 64
Sin and Punishment
Ogre Battle 64
Goemons great adventure
Mystical Ninja 64
Pokemon Stadium series (paired with the transfer pack was nice)
Perfect Dark
Starfox 64
Killer Instinct Gold
Bomberman 64
Bomberman Hero

And more im forgetting.
I actually agree with you, but I'd go so far as to say that generation for ALL parties was the worst. The PSX/N64/Saturn generation pushed me toward PC gaming for almost everything. I played the big titles, the Zeldas, Marios, Final Fantasys, the Metal Gears, but most everything else was on PC for me. That was when EQ, the Sims, and Half-Life was out, though, so I was good.

Fortunately, the PS2/GCN/DC/Xbox brought me back to console gaming.


You have Mario 64 and Zelda OOT which changed the industry, I would never take that away from them. But other than that? Not much to choose from.

Diddy Kong Racing, Pokemon Stadium, Donkey Kong 64, Starfox 64, Mario Kart 64, Super Smash Bros, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark...

The Nintendo 64 had a loaded game library.


I love the N64 but you're still not wrong. Think about the home consoles Nintendo has put out and try to convince yourself any of them were worse than the N64. You can't.


One thing I love about the N64 is its durability. Mine has been thrown around, had milk chocolate spilled all over it (thanks, siblings), kicked, you name it, and still works 19 years later like a champion. Same as my equally beat-up cartridges.

But no, I disagree, but fully acknowledge it is childhood bias. I loved the games to death and I know if I return to many of them now the dream will end, as it did for when I revisited Goldeneye 007 last year.
Hell no.

The N64 had three generation defining games. That's more than can be said for all of their subsequent consoles. Nintendo as a software developer fell off dramatically after the N64.
I personally think N64 graphics are charming and much better looking than most PS1 games. Those triangles are hard to look at today. Moreso than Mario 64's 2D trees.


no way have PS1 games aged better than N64 games in my opinion. PS1 games, looking back, for the most part look like shit.


You're probably right, OP.

I was super-hyped for it. Loved it at first with Star Wars and Mario but the hype quickly faded. It was just so held back by carts

Loving RPGs, Quest 64 basically crushed me, and when I saw MGS and FFVII it was over.

Nintendo DS is. I don't think I really like a single Nintendo game from that system. Some good third party titles doe.
EBA/Ouendan, NSMB, publishing Dragon Quest, Pokémon, Mario Kart, Bowsers Inside Story, Super Princess Peach... there are tons of good/unique first party DS games that hold up well


In the context of what was available at the time it was the peak of Nintendo first-party output.
Also not many know that while SNES sold overall more software than N64, N64 actually sold more first-party software than what Nintendo did on SNES.



Some classics, but other than that, it was a really weak system. The GCN was a godsend compared to it.


Nope, Nintendo + Rare were a dream team. 4 player gaming was at its peak. Mario Kart, Goldeneye, PD, WWF Wrestlemania, WWF No Mercy. Then revolutionary games like SM64 and Zelda. Turok was unbelievable For the time.

In fact, it's very hard to name a machine that shook the industry with its games like N64 did. That was Nintendo at its best for me.
Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, No Mercy, Wrestlemania 2000, the batshit insane career RPG mode in International Superstar Soccer 2000, Blast Corps, Super Smash Bros all say you're wrong.


it might not have held well in the long run like its predecessors but the N64 era was good if you lived in it. things were exciting with the jump to 3D.

also, the blurry mess wasn't as noticeable on most CRTs of the era. it actually looked fine on the TVs from back then. it is now that it looks so dreadful next to the others now that we can get better video quality out of every old console.

Fox Mulder

That era just sucked visually. The ps1 has tons of ugly ass shit too.

Mario 64 was amazing at the time, but 3d platformers have almost died off now. Goldeneye was console multiplayer for a few years there too.

The controller is trash though, and it hurts my brain trying to downgrade to it to enjoy some nostalgia.
Loved the controller, and the look of the system.. But yeah, sort of hard to argue. Gamecube has a more solid all around library, and even though I think N64 hit higher highs than it did.. the n64's library is just so damn thin for me to consider it the better system.


Best single analog controller for FPS games ever.

Best FPS console games of the era.

Best 3D platform games of the era.

Best Action Adventure games of the era.

You couldn't be more wrong.


It has 3 of my all time favorite games (starfox 64, kirby 64 and harvest moon 64), but outside those the library has aged terribly for me. Its the only nintendo system I don't collect for.
Mario kart, OoT, Mario 64 and Goldeneye made the machine worth the purchase and the N64 moved things quickly into a 3D world.

I actually think Goldeneye did for FPS, what Mario 64 did for platforming.

N64 was the first console I bought off my own back and I've got a bit of nostalgia for it.
Majora's Mask. Best Zelda game so far. That is all. No argument.

Yes I know there is a 3DS remake but this is still where it began!


Hell no.

The N64 had three generation defining games. That's more than can be said for all of their subsequent consoles. Nintendo as a software developer fell off dramatically after the N64.
That's true. However, the PS1 had dozens upon dozens of amazing titles, but most of them didn't reach Mario 64 levels.

Barely anything worth playing but the ones that were happened to be masterpieces, versus lots of quality titles but not masterpieces.
In the context of what was available at the time it was the peak of Nintendo first-party output.
Also not many know that while SNES sold overall more software than N64, N64 actually sold more first-party software than what Nintendo did on SNES.

Maybe in the USA.
Just Super Mario World and Allstars for the SNES should be close at beating the complete first party lineup of the N64.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Worst controller I have ever used. The machine did have some good games though (hello Doom 64 and Waverace) even if it was nowhere near the PS1 or the NES/SNES/Mega Drive. There was precious little to play if you didn't like Nintendo's mainstay IPs, which I don't.


It was the best Nintendo era for games with friends if you had friends to play multiplayer with. I notice that you didn't mention multiplayer in your post.


Nope the worst Nintendo era is the Wii, It sold a bunch but it has such an underwhleming library. The n64 era was incredible with amazing multiplayer games like golden eye, perfect dark and smash brothers and with some top notch games like Orcania of time and Mario 64.


ITT: You're wrong and not wrong.

It's library wasn't about quantity but quality.

A very solid console and era for Nintendo IMO. Its impact on the industry itself alone justifies its praise.
I kind of agree that their internal output was the worst over this time. I think even the Wii U has better overall internal games or tied.

Orcarina and Mario 64 were revolutionary and past that there are quite a few gems like Paper Mario but I think Nintendo themselves did better before and after.
Having grown up during that era, I 100% agree. Like someone else stated, I always found the 5th gen to be the weakest and stuck mainly to PC gaming back then. Out of all of those systems I'd rank them PS>Saturn>N64>Jaguar>3DO.

I was never big on either Mario 64 or OoT either. There were a few great games for the N64 but overall I think it's Nintendo's worst effort (we'll have to let the dust settle on the Wii U before we add it to the discussion).


Maybe in the USA.

nope. overall Nintendo's own games sold more on N64.

if you catch a glimpse at a sales thread with old Nintendo data, you'll see Nintendo's N64 million sellers were more and sold a lot more than their SNES million sellers.

(also, bundles aren't counted for this, so that disqualifies SMW, which has like 20 million units sold)
That's true. However, the PS1 had dozens upon dozens of amazing titles, but most of them didn't reach Mario 64 levels.

Barely anything worth playing but the ones that were happened to be masterpieces, versus lots of quality titles but not masterpieces.

Nah. The PS1 had plenty of masterpieces. Its probably the greatest console of all time. It had quality and quantity.

As far as generation defining games, the Wii and Wii U had absolutely nothing, and the Gamecube had RE4, which was ported to the PS2 with extra content less than a year later.


Megaman Legends, Ogre Battle

Not a lot but it's not zero!
I don't think MML counts. Third person shooter action game with RPG elements maybe.

Uhh, no. The PS1 had plenty of masterpieces. Its probably the greatest console of all time. It had quality and quantity.

As far as generation defining games, the Wii and Wii U had absolutely nothing, and the Gamecube had RE4, which was ported to the PS2 with extra content less than a year later.

I suppose you're right - was trying to find a word for games that defined entire genres and totally changed the landscape.
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