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I think the N64 is Nintendo's worst machine and era

i notice the younger crowd seems to remember that era more fondly, i think that's because they didn't have the snes era to compare it to

There's a thought.

While I had an NES and remember it, most of my childhood was with the SNES and it's still my favourite console, the N64 never really reached the lofty levels of the SNES in terms of library, in quantity or quality, so it was always a disapponting console for me.


I think arguments can be made that it was the worst, I was very disappointed at the library at the time but personally the Wii U and the Gamecube fall lower down the list for me.

While there was a lack of titles on N64 that's been true of both of those systems as well, possibly more so, as IMO their Mario titles mid tier (or lower), Windwaker doesn't compete with Ocarina and there isn't even a Zelda game for Wii U. Metroid prime was no Goldeneye (I know not really the same thing).

The only game that stands above is RE4, A game that was only kind of exclusive.

I'd also say the Wii U controller is worse as well. While the N64 controller was a monstrosity it wasn't an expensive gimmick that raised the price of the system.
I mostly agree with the topic title, but this...

Yikes, remember that 4MB expansion pack or whatever that was required for a few games an plugged into that slot in the front of the console? I think it came with Donkey Kong 64 (awful game) and was required for that game, and also improved performance in Majora's Mask or was it required as well for MM? Let's hope Nintendo never requires an awkward add on to run a game again.

reads like a stream of consciousness. Couldn't you put 2 mins of research into your OP?
The WiiU has the worst software library of any of Nintendo's main home consoles and history will not look kind to it when most of the games you'd even want to play on it have better versions on the Switch.


I have a hard time going back to anything from the N64, Playstation or Saturn. The first generation of 3D accelerated consoles has not aged well at all. I tend to find Neo Geo, SNES and even Genesis games to be better looking and playing.
The N64/PS1 era has aged the worst, I find it hard to go back to a lot of those games.

It has amazing gems tho, it started the whole Smash series, still love Smash 64, and BK/BT(the 360 ports are fantastic). It also started the Paper Mario series which is one of my favourite gaming series.

The controller was utterly shit tho, and Mario Party ruined all my sticks.


I agree that quality is always better than quantity. I respect that. I get that when you got games like Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time that makes your console prestigious.

But where I'd have to penalize it is where some games didn't age well (Goldeneye) which is tough because I don't know whether to respect the games for what they were at their respective times or if I should judge their worth for what they are in contemporary times. I mean sometimes that just happens with the way a genre advances and it's not that Goldeneye should have been different for a 1997 console FPS or whatever year it was. In the long term the appeal to play through the campaign or bust out its multiplayer is very small.

The other thing I have to knock the N64 down for is that it was lacking in JRPGs and fighting games. Those were key generes in the 90s and the N64 had Killer Instinct instead of any of the other great one on one fighters of the second half of the 90s. Smash Bros. is a unique fighting game which sits alone and isn't within the same category.


As you said, where your console gave us the makers and codifiers of the 3D Adventure game (Ocarina), the 3D Platformer (Mario 64), the 3D First Person Shooter (Goldeneye), and Smash Bros, its really hard to argue its their worst era.

You could arguably have just 5 games and play for years and years and years.


The system outputting RGB without any AA looks pretty good actually. It does away with a lot of the systems image quality issues. But still fog and performance is a problem. I still prefer it strongly over the dithered PS1/Saturn look. Those pixels blown up on my screen just look the worst.


The Nintendo 64 offered something very new, immersive 3D console games and 4-player split screen multiplayer. The multiplayer alone was revolutionary at the time.

Outside of that, it had some of the best and most fondly remembered first-party software. It also had more exclusive third party published games than the GameCube and Wii U.


Best single analog controller for FPS games ever.

Best FPS console games of the era.

Best 3D platform games of the era.

Best Action Adventure games of the era.

You couldn't be more wrong.

RPGs? *crickets*

That was the major factor killed my interest in the N64 and forced me to go PS1. I missed out on SM64 and OoT at launch, but got to play them on VC/3DS in the end so it all worked out. My GCN and Wii/WiiU libraries are overflowing with games (aka backlog) while my N64 library remains at an unfazed 0.
N64 is the only system which I bought 2 times and 2 times I sold back...

SM64 was a milestone, Zelda OoT same (even if I don't like it), I still have Sin & Punishment and I also remember Bangaioh (Treasure did a good job on that machine), but lack of certain genres (racing just to say one), that fog and those textures I never liked.

Personally N64 loose against both PS1 and Saturn.

So I agree with you OP


Wii was way worse, imo

Probably something like



Wii U



You're entitled to your opinion op, I totally see why you feel that way

You ranked the n64 over the NES, the system that brought console gaming back from the brink of death and revolutionized the industry? Whaaa?


N64 still outsold the Gamecube and Wii U so it had to have done something right - even if the games have not aged well.


I agree. If I had to choose a Nintendo console, my last option would be the N64.

(Virtual Boy doesn't count)
Sorry but the WiiU exists.

Every faucet of the WiiU's design, hardware, and concept was a mistake and belongs in the trash. And at best, the greatest games were crisper iterative sequels based on previous games. Even Splatoon, the one true original title could have existed on the Wii (and utilized the spraying gimmick with Wiimotes in a more natural way) and will now have an enhanced version ported to the NX, further skewing the WiiU version and whatever benefit it served from being on the console further into obscurity. If you plucked the WiiU out of our timeline, no one would give a fuck because it's all stuff the NX, and the Gamecube before it will, and did accomplish better.

The WiiU wasn't a stepping stone to anything. It was a lateral move in Nintendo history that is best ignored and forgotten.


I can accept people not liking the games.

But this shit talk about the controller is just factually wrong. And it shows how most people are ignorant about what it allows you to do.

The N64 was known for it's high quality FPS games. The N64 controller actually allows you to play all these games with the same controller scheme as the standard we have today by holding it by it's left side. It was the only controller that allowed this before dual analog controllers became the standard.


The library is small but it has some of the best games ever made, so it's far from the worst for me. Also, I think the graphics for the good games are pretty good. Sure there are some really ugly, foggy messes but those are safe for me to ignore because I don't evaluate a console by its bad games.


But where I'd have to penalize it is where some games didn't age well (Goldeneye) which is tough because I don't know whether to respect the games for what they were at their respective times or if I should judge their worth for what they are in contemporary times. I mean sometimes that just happens with the way a genre advances and it's not that Goldeneye should have been different for a 1997 console FPS or whatever year it was. In the long term the appeal to play through the campaign or bust out its multiplayer is very small.

You have to give credit where credit is due. If you look at what other FPS games were doing at the time, there was little if anything that had the sophistication in level/mission design combined with the variety in weapons and gadgetry that Goldeneye achieved. It was absurdly ahead of its time. Especially considering it was running on a console.


Nah. The PS1 had plenty of masterpieces. Its probably the greatest console of all time. It had quality and quantity.

As far as generation defining games, the Wii and Wii U had absolutely nothing, and the Gamecube had RE4, which was ported to the PS2 with extra content less than a year later.
What about Metroid Prime and the Mario Galaxies? And more recently, Splatoon in Japan (best-selling new console IP there in a decade). And Wii Sports was generation-defining in its own way.
Would you consider the N64 console/era Nintendo's worst? Or do you have a soft spot for Nintendo's first foray into 3D? If yes, why?

Their internal software was quite strong and diverse. Nintendo was making games that appealed to their standard userbase by making games like Mario, Zelda, Yoshi etc. but they managed to expand their base by making games like Wave Race, 1080, and Goldeneye. There were also solid third party exclusives like AKI's wrestlers and the Turok franchise.

The Wii U and Gamecube are the weak links for Nintendo's consoles, at least for me. I really don't have any fond memories about the GC's lineup. Mario's are usually always standout games, but view Sunshine as the weakest 3D Mario. Although it's still better than any other 3D platform that doesn't carry the Mario name, and that just speaks to how much better Nintendo is at that genre compared to other developers. The Wii U at least had 3D World, Bayonetta 2, Splatoon, and MK8. But aside from those it felt like a huge step down compared to what they were doing on the Wii.

Another thing going for Gamecube over the N64 was, at least as far as I can remember, there was a better flow of games and less software droughts for the first few years. It fell off the rails after RE4 released as the system was on its way out, but it didn't have the same "ok the system's out now, but there's nothing more to play for another 8 months" type of situation that just killed the n64

While it's true that the software flow of the Gamecube was better, the problem it had is that the actual software wasn't as appealing as the N64's. I think that's obvious in the sales of GC games compared to the N64. The GC took a major hit on the multiplayer front when Nintendo decided not to push toward online gaming when literally every other platform maker (even Sega) during that generation was going for it. They went from being the kings of multiplayer during the N64 generation to be an afterthought. All because they were too stubborn to accept the direction of the industry.



Nah bruh, you ain't sorry.

2 Games that made console shooters relevant (Goldeneye, Perfect Dark)
3 of the top platformers of all time (Mario 64, OOT, Banjo)
2 of the best kart racers of all time (Mario Kart 64, Diddy Kong Racing)
1 of the most popular fighting games of all time (Smash)

Those are just the highlights that I can think of off the top of my head.

For those downplaying these games...uhm, look at this generation of games and really think how much impact it has had on gaming compared to these while at the same time having the mediocre games in between. N64 was an awesome system. Fuck what you heard. There's games in between like Conker, Wave Race, F-Zero, etc...

This is blasphemy.
The N64 is the last time that Nintendo had a great first-party output, and I'd go so far as to say that it has the greatest first-party output of any Nintendo console ever and maybe any console ever period.

It definitely has gaps. RPGs and 2D fighters, off the top of my head. On the other hand, it has high-level third-party exclusives such as Mischief Makers, Snowboard Kids, SK2, and the AKI wrestling games (of which WWF No Mercy is an all-time great game full-stop). Not as many as PSOne, but more than pretty much any Nintendo console since and maybe of any console since (the Dreamcast and OG XBox rival it, certainly).

I mean, it's a better console from a software standpoint than anything Nintendo has done since by a WIDE fucking margin. So no, I can't agree at all.
RPGs? *crickets*

That was the major factor killed my interest in the N64 and forced me to go PS1. I missed out on SM64 and OoT at launch, but got to play them on VC/3DS in the end so it all worked out. My GCN and Wii/WiiU libraries are overflowing with games (aka backlog) while my N64 library remains at an unfazed 0.

There's Paper Mario at least.

I can accept people not liking the games.

But this shit talk about the controller is just factually wrong. And it shows how most people are ignorant about what it allows you to do.

The N64 was known for it's high quality FPS games. The N64 controller actually allows you to play all these games with the same controller scheme as the standard we have today by holding it by it's left side. It was the only controller that allowed this before dual analog controllers became the standard.

Compared to something like the SNES, the controller really didn't age well. And the fork design is pretty weird looking back. It's fine though, it was their first 3D controller, so obviously it isn't going to be streamlined.


Mario 64 is my favorite game of all time. I love OoT and MM, they are my favorite Zelda with Link's Awakening. But I still have to agree.

The PlayStation... Well it's the PlayStation, nothing more to add. Even the Saturn had a lot lot lot of awesome games, when the 64 just had a few.

At the end it's a matter of opinion, but here is mine. ;)


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
It's easily Nintendo's worst console era. Compared with what Nintendo meant before? What an epic decline.

It just paradoxically has some of Nintendo's highest moments in the form of Zelda OoT and Mario 64, so its hard to judge it all that badly.



Though Nintendo released twice so many games for the N64 to archive that. Not sure if the narrative is so correct and not misleading.
Twice as many million sellers, not twice as many total releases. Nintendo published over 60 SNES games worldwide for example.


I picked up one used awhile back and bought several games. None of them "good" though I saw the appeal of Mario 64 and the 2 zeldas. But yea ended up selling it all because it had aged badly.
It's library has aged the worse, by far. Even hard to be nostalgic about what the games look like, but I've yet to see it running via RGB in person.

PS1/N64 era hasn't aged well tbh, it was the early days of "everything must go 3D!".

What made it hard as a former Nintendo die-hard was that every good third party went Playstation, and reading the history I honestly can't blame them. They never recovered fully from it, though funny enough Megaman and Castlevania (the 2D) lived on through the GBA-3DS, which I never could get into portable gaming - wanted to be like the big boys and get a Playstation.

Hated how most platformers were collectathons. Rare, while a good company was the worst offender. RPG and Fighting games were scarce, once again PS1 saved it from stagnation. Great for FPS games though, we got Goldeneye and Perfect Dark out of it, along with ports of Doom, Hexen, etc.

I'm glad Nintendo is taking a different approach with Switch, granted they're going to fight yet another uphill battle so we'll see if third parties are going to stay true to their word for supporting it aside from ports of old games.
The Wii was tiny, compact, had excellent controllers, Gamecube support, three Mario platformers, two Zelda games, two Metroid games, two Kirby games, Donkey Kong Country Returns, the better Mario Kart, the better Smash Bros, one of the best RPGs ever, and the ability to play a backlog of Nintendo games including the best of the N64's library and yet people are saying the N64 is better?


I agree though Mario 64 was probably one one of the best games of all time and OoT is considered timeless classic. There was Goldeneye and Mario Kart 64. But in terms of quantity of games it was lacking.


The N64 had Super Mario 64, it's the best game ever so nothing else really matters.

Also, the Wii and Wii U were terrible, those two machines have really put me off getting a Switch. Switch will be the first Nintendo console ever that I won;t buy at launch due to how poor the last two consoles were. I can honestly say that they were the only two consoles ever that I was disappointed with.


I mean sure, now you can play pretty much all of those games on newer systems, but at the time N64 had:

Blast Corps
Conker's Bad Fur Day
Donkey Kong 64
Majora's Mask
Ocarina of Time
Paper Mario
Perfect Dark
Super Mario 64
Wave Race 64

And those were games you could play only on Nintendo 64. As far as exclusives go, I'd say that's a much better offering than the Wii U's. Sure, the controller looked weird, but it was hardly uncomfortable. I'd say it's more comfortable than the Dreamcast controller at the very least.

Also, your opinions about Banjo and DK 64 are bad.


It's only "the worst" because every other Nintendo system has been better, including the Wii and Wii U. It's not a bad system by any means, though it does have many games that haven't aged well at all.


a couple of decent Mario 64 clones like Banjo that haven't stood the test of time

Even though the Wii U is a flop, it's library trounces the N64's.

The graphics were a soupy, foggy mess

What a load of bollocks. I'm sorry OP but what a load of absolute tripe.

How hasn't a game like Banjo-Kazooie stood the test of time when it is still revered for it's soundtrack, level design and humour? In fact it is still widely considered the second greatest platform game of all time (behind Banjo-Tooie), so much so that the original team's kickstarter for Yooka-Laylee broke all records. And you are trying to dismiss the game as a crap Mario clone? Farcical.

How does the Wii U library trounce anything? I've had both consoles and the N64 had indisputably a better library. Super Mario 64, Ocarina, Majora's Mask, Smash Bros, Mario Kart 64, Banjo-Kazooie, Banjo-Tooie, Donkey Kong, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Star Fox, Conkers Bad Fur Day. All god tier. The Wii U has Mario Kart 8 and Smash 4 which are god tier and a very good 2d side scroller in Tropical Freeze. Oh yeah and after 4 years Nintendo haven't managed to put out a new 3D Zelda or 3D Mario platformer on the bloody thing.

The graphics were a mess? What are you even talking about!? I suggest you go back and play Spyro or Crash and they are a jaggy mess with textures that resemble my boxers after a night on the lash (shit stains). Then try and say with a straight face that Ocarina looks like a soupy foggy mess with a straight face.

I'm going to bed now because it's 1am but I want you to know OP that you have put me in a very bad mood ahead of work tomorrow.
N64 seemed to have a LOT of big big hits, but far less of those hidden gems that can really make a system shine. I guess I would compare it to the 3DS, but make it the opposite of the DS or Wii (which had a lot of big hits, yeah, but the hidden gems make those systems SHINE).

I would probably have to disagree and say it was the GameCube. I feel like unless it has some extremely special games for you (Melee, Metroid Prime) that you put so far above everything else it's almost unfair, GC was probably the weakest/least standout


I think the Wii is the worst. I never felt that the motion controls were particularly good. And most of the games were just okay. The N64 had better games and the controller felt better. I just got back from a vacation with the parents and my 57 year old dad still loves to play rounds of Mario Golf and Pilotwings. He bought an older tube TV just to enjoy the N64 as it was. While it doesn't look amazing now it can still be appreciated for what it had done at the time. I had as great of a time playing Mario Golf last week as I did when it was first released.
I picked up one used awhile back and bought several games. None of them "good" though I saw the appeal of Mario 64 and the 2 zeldas. But yea ended up selling it all because it had aged badly.

You might enjoy the Zelda remakes if you have a 3DS.

Mario 64 doesn't really have a proper remake, the DS one is slow and clunky like the original. I imagine it's a difficult game to get into if you haven't experienced it back when it came out.
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