I agree with you. Some people here are over reacting and being rude to be honest.
With so much information being out and readily available about NK and its conditions from people who lived there and escaped to tell the story, you'll have to forgive people for a lack of patience with westerners who should be intelligent enough to know better taking a guided tour that we've all seen others take before and drinking any portion of the kook aid. As if what they have seen is a reflection of life for people in NK rather than seeing it for what it is: a well-curated propaganda experience best taken in as a cautionary take of what decades of oppression, brain washing and fear can breed.
"It's not so bad" is like saying the planet isn't warming because there's been a nip in the morning air this week. The longer you fight on that hill, the faster people will lose their patience with you. The irritation with the OP is of his own doing secondary to his own pride and defensive instinct. He believed his lying eyes and complicated the matter with doomed analogues, embarrassing arguments, and ridiculous comparisons (NYC, Detroit). All because of a refusal to not believe his lying eyes, but the volumes of information about what we know about NK outside of the tourism routes.
Did everyone just skip over the part where SuperBanana said everything felt scripted and fake, and the baffling inaccuracies in their historical accounts?
Everyone saw it. People are focused like a laser on the comments that "things aren't so bad" and the bizarre defense mechanisms being called out on his limited experience seemed to have invoked in him. He spent 5 minutes in NK and is ready to make positive pronouncements on the conditions of the state. But that couldn't have been influenced by propaganda, goodness no!