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Nice vid Ferrio. (I pulled something like that on my friend today, not as cool lookin' though..ha)

I've only recently got back to playing 3rd strike and Makoto is hands down the coolest 2D fighting game character ever.

I love throwing in Forward P P P after a short combo (gah, but recently my friend's been parrying my "surprise" attacks, so it hasn't been as successfull now.)

..........and now some Makoto fan art by yours truly....



Ferrio said:
It does, but it's *very* hard to do on the Dreamcast, that's one of those combos that got fucked up due to frame differences.

I'll have to try it again later on tonight. I was trying it earlier today, but instead of the jab machine gun blow I was trying to connect with a standing roundhouse. Didn't quite work, of course :p

About an hour ago I was trying to work on my skills on an arcade unit, then some asshole challenged me. He used Dudley as well and raped me pretty good, heh. Kept getting me with his standing roundhouse into a corkscrew blow (I'd parry the roundhouse only to get fucked by the corkscrew). One thing I noticed was you can cancel his low roundhouse into his hcf+k -> k for two extra hits. I knew I saw that done before, but it wouldn't work no matter how hard I tried on the DC. I'm guessing that's another frame difference thingy.

DM_Uselink: That's great! I like how you didn't exagerrate her jugs. I wish I could draw like that. I love sketches.


Ok, now I'm curious as to why Capcom changed the frame data for the Dreamcast release. Balance? Error? For kicks?


Takuan said:
Ok, now I'm curious as to why Capcom changed the frame data for the Dreamcast release. Balance? Error? For kicks?

For starters the dreamcast version is based on an arcade revision that no one likes.


Ferrio said:
For starters the dreamcast version is based on an arcade revision that no one likes.

Ah, ok. Thanks for helping me with the low roundhouse -> hcf+k, k. Finally got the timing down.


You really shouldn't play Dudley heavily based around machine-gun combos or air-juggles. Just really unreliable. Playing a mix-up ground game with your Target combos and etc are a much better way to do it IMO. That's not to say a good machine-gun combo isn't too shabby every once and awhile.

MP -> Corkscrew,
c.MP -> Corkscrew,
HK -> Corkscrew,
Rocket Upper -> Corkscew,
hcb+k -> Corkscrew
c.MP -> Rocket Upper -> Corkscrew

These are the main ones I use for it normally for SA3

Oh and for quick reference, c.hk -> LP Machine-Gun, f.HP is roughly the same damage as c.hk -> hcf+lk, k


Just got the Brady Games Street Fighter Anniversary Collection strategy guide in the mail. I didn't bother w/ anything but the SFIII section and there's frame info for each character and move (and frame info if said moves are blocked). Good shit so far. Actual strat tips are minimal but pretty on point (only speaking for Makoto).


You can't corkscrew after the combo I mentioned. You can after the lp Machine-gun blow

Frankly, I'd rather maximize Corkscrew damage which is why i don't use c.hk -> LP Machine gun Blow -> hcf-lk xx SAIII
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