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I was naive and thought people wouldn't use Apple Vr headset.

yeah, wearing this anywhere outdoor in a city is just asking to get that thing jacked. at the most I would probably only wear it on long flights or rides. I'm sure as the tech matures it would actually get better and more useful, but for now, it's a hard pass.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Looking forward to someone walking directly into a lampost and breaking it.
Or just getting caught in the rain. Or taking it off in the sun for a minute and burning the screens.

Apple might actually save the VR/AR industry.


A few early adopters wanting to show off their new toy is different than it getting a meaningful foothold with the public.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I’m definitely gonna buy one of these, either today or on Wednesday.

and then return it in 13 days… what… I wanna check out the tech!


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Pretty sure this is the new microwave your iPhone to charge it.
It's not an outdoor device, the lenses are like magnifying glasses and if you take it off and put it in the sun, those beautiful screens will have permanent scorch marks in seconds.


I remember laughing at iPhones when they first released. Then I got one and it was amazing going from my Nokia.

Thinking the Apple Watch was something I wouldn't use because I didn't really wear watches. Now I wear one daily and haven't taken it off (outside of a couple hours charging a day) in 4 years.
It makes managing my calendar, taking calls and listening to music on the run more effective than it was without it.

This is something I can absolutely see the use case for eventually once it gets smaller and batteries in it get better.
I don't think they're equivalent. The first two are small devices that when aren't being actively used are near enough non-existent, and are modifications to things that already existed but with more features.

Goggles fundamentally change the way you interact with the world around you, both socially and physically.

You could make more of an argument if it was indistinguishable from regular glasses, but we will cross that bridge if and when we come to it. Google's product years back didn't catch on, and I don't think these will.


Elden Member
is this wireless?
Yes and no, yes its a self contained device, but it does have a battery pack that connects to it to power it via a tether. They did that to cut down on the weight on your head (and even than, its still a heavy headset). We got several in the office now we are experimenting with. I'll give apple credit, the feel, quality and quality of the screens is beyond any other headset on the market by a super large margin. Super premium feeling. Though I do not like wearing it so far, to front heavy.


Biggest Trails Stan
Yes and no, yes its a self contained device, but it does have a battery pack that connects to it to power it via a tether. They did that to cut down on the weight on your head (and even than, its still a heavy headset). We got several in the office now we are experimenting with. I'll give apple credit, the feel, quality and quality of the screens is beyond any other headset on the market by a super large margin. Super premium feeling. Though I do not like wearing it so far, to front heavy.

Interesting but I find that just by looking at people wearing it, it doesn't look cool at all. Never been an Apple fan but if anyone can make VR popular they can. I would love for those goggles to look cooler like in hard Sci fi stuff like Ghost In The Shell. How is wearing it if you have glasses?

I personally think people wearing them look like dorks
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Gold Member
It is just new. So people are showing off. I don’t think it has much practical use.
When iPads came out, someone in the office got one and brought it to the office going around cubicle to cubicle showing people it. No joke. She's going around showing people..... Hey look, you can use the internet and swipe with your finger to use it. No keyboard needed.

I played the chill game and said ya that's cool. But inside, I thought she was an idiot and didnt give a shit. lol
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Elden Member
Interesting but I find that just by looking at people wearing it, it doesn't look cool at all. Never been an Apple fan but if anyone can make VR popular they can. I would love for those goggles to look cooler like in hard Sci fi stuff like Ghost In The Shell. How is wearing it if you have glasses?

I personally think people wearing them look like dorks
oh I 100% agree, I'm just saying it FEELS premium. The tech just isn't there yet though to make these smaller and better at the same time. I can't imagine them being mainstream untill they are sunglass sized. I remember right after Apple unvieled the vision pro, reports were Meta/Zuck sent an internal memo basically being a sigh of relief that apple had not discovered or found any ways around the same laws of physics that were keeping them from making things smaller.

If we get to a point where they are this size, I think EVERYONE will jump on them and they'll become the new iPhone, or at least apple watch, an item that just slowly becomes "normal/everyone has one"
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Gold Member
oh I 100% agree, I'm just saying it FEELS premium. The tech just isn't there yet though to make these smaller and better at the same time. I can't imagine them being mainstream untill they are sunglass sized. I remember right after Apple unvieled the vision pro, reports were Meta/Zuck sent an internal memo basically being a sigh of relief that apple had not discovered or found any ways around the same laws of physics that were keeping them from making things smaller.

If we get to a point where they are this size, I think EVERYONE will jump on them and they'll become the new iPhone, or at least apple watch, an item that just slowly becomes "normal/everyone has one"
As for size, it seems getting smaller and smaller is more difficult as every year or two as new VR set comes out with better and better specs. So on one hand companies want beefier specs, but that involves bigger chips. Just comes down to if chip size and wires reduction can outweigh specs power. What they could do is cut the cord on better specs if they are good enough and try to really scale down size of chips and perhaps we could already have glasses sized VR sets. Kind of like consoles getting shrunk into slims, or ridiculously small PS1s and PS2s back in the day the size where they were barely bigger than a gamepad. The overall dimensions and weight were probably 1/4 or 1/6 the size of OG as long as people are happy with the same power.

But the way VR sets work, it'll never be like glasses because it needs to cover the entire eyes with a lens to boot. So the smallest it can get is probably swimmers goggles. VR needs a framework that covers the entire eyes whereas normal glasses are off the face and it's natural for peripheral vision to even see the plastic frames especially if someone has super slim lenses. I'd say the smallest VR can get is big aviators lenses with a swimmers goggle kind of framework which are small and completely cover each eye.
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Gold Member
Some of these were recorded for clicks but it does look dystopian. Cyberpunk is here.
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Parody of actual AJUMP23
When iPads came out, someone in the office got one and brought it to the office going around cubicle to cubicle showing people it. No joke. She's going around showing people..... Hey look, you can use the internet and swipe with your finger to use it. No keyboard needed.

I played the chill game and said ya that's cool. But inside, I thought she was an idiot and didnt give a shit. lol
I set up the Wii at work one Christmas to let my coworkers check it out. We had a good day playing some wii sports.


These don’t work like that when you’re moving around that way (and with your environment changing), so people wearing that and pretending to be interacting with apps on the go are just going this for clout.

There’s Travel Mode you can enable, but that’s limited I believe


I set up the Wii at work one Christmas to let my coworkers check it out. We had a good day playing some wii sports.
I had the iPhone 5 on launch day and all my colleagues were all over it.

What I really like about the Vision Pro is that finally another company, especially safe-player (since Jobs died) Apple, took a risk. We don´t know the roadmap they have behind that thing, but I am sure that they have laid out a year-long plan and a business model. Watching "For all mankind" right now, I really miss the "be foolish, stay hungry" mentality of humanity in the last decades. Therefore, I hope that the VP will be a success, at least in its niche, so that we'll get the non-pro consumerversion soon.

K' Dash

the marketing for this thing is on another level, there's no way regular people are behaving like this, there's no way they risk getting the headset stolen o broken by using it on the street.


Looks like fabricated actions to achieve virality.

I think augmented reality in glasses is probably something that will catch on and might have some interesting use-cases, namely for the elderly and people with disabilities.
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Gold Member
I set up the Wii at work one Christmas to let my coworkers check it out. We had a good day playing some wii sports.
Fair enough. Sounds similar to the time a coworker wanted to do the same, but he never bothered even though it was his idea. lol

I think the key difference is bringing in a Wii sounds like you set it up in a room and whomever wants to come over and try it come on in. As opposed to someone walking around to every cube and jamming an iPad in your face selling it.

Diddy X

Using yout mac on the outside is one thing this does better than actual macs or iPhones so there is the market Apple will follow next gen. I gotta say it seems kinda cool but current headset doesn't seem too fit or thought out for the purpose.
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Is America really that dangerous on the streets or are people exaggerating?

It’s not uncommon to see people with phones sticking out their back pocket which in essence would be much easier to steal than a headset on someones face.

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Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Is America really that dangerous on the streets or are people exaggerating?

It’s not uncommon to see people with phones sticking out their back pocket which in essence would be much easier to steal than a headset on someones face.
America is a big, diverse place. Where I live, you will 100% get robbed wearing a $3,000 Apple VR headset in public. Hell, you're 95% likely to get robbed wearing a $500 Meta Quest 3. I've seen people robbed here for their noise-cancelling headphones (maybe $150? worth?).

Other parts of the country are a lot more laid back / nobody gives a shit / people aren't out looking to make quick drug money.
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