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(Idle Speculation Rumor) Sony could launch PStwo in late October, claims report


Rob Fahey 10:02 16/09/2004

Smaller version of PS2 with built-in network adapter at $149 price point?

A redesigned version of Sony's PlayStation 2 console, dubbed PStwo, could launch in the USA next month alongside GTA: San Andreas, according to a report in the US entertainment press citing industry analysts and retailers.

The new version of the console would be around 30 per cent smaller than the current hardware, according to the Hollywood Reporter, which claims that industry insiders expect the device to roll out on October 26th at a $149 price point.

Some retailers and industry executives in the USA have been calling on Sony to drop the price of the PS2 ahead of Christmas, despite a drop earlier this year, in an effort to boost Q4 sales - and while launching a redesigned console at the current price point isn't quite in line with those calls, it would probably have a similar effect on sales.

"Sony has not commented publicly about the device but has already applied for the copyright of PStwo," explained analyst P.J. McNealy of American Technology Research. "A new box and console design will make the system fresh."

If Sony really is going to launch the PStwo this Christmas, it would go some way towards explaining the ongoing low inventory levels of the PlayStation 2 in the USA - which could be down to the company trying to clear out the channel ahead of the new hardware launch.

However, the possibility of the PStwo emerging in October remains firmly in the realms of speculation, and a number of factors would seem to weigh heavily against the rumour - not least the fact that Sony hasn't announced anything in either the USA or Japan as yet, only six weeks before the suggested launch.

While that timescale isn't impossible by any means - the company cut the time between announcement and launch of the PSone quite fine as well, presumably in an effort to sustain sales of the original console for as long as possible - it's worth noting that the PSone didn't arrive until the launch of the PlayStation 2, and was seen as a repositioning of the console away from the new platform's market space.

With PlayStation 3 still over a year away, and PlayStation 2 still selling strongly, it would seem like an unusual move for Sony to roll out the PStwo ahead of that schedule - although the company may do so in an attempt to ensure that PlayStation sales remain firmly ahead of the Xbox in North America.

The timing would also, as McNealy points out, give Sony a "one-two punch" - launching a new console design alongside the biggest title of the year, GTA San Andreas, only weeks before Microsoft rolls Halo 2 out to retail.


I've heard the exact same thing about the Xbox. If not a redesign then a new bundle. Though the guy behind the counter in the game store I was in yesterday swore MS was releasing a slimmed down console without a harddrive for the holiday season.. Made no sense.


Sysgen said:
I've heard the exact same thing about the Xbox. If not a redesign then a new bundle. Though the guy behind the counter in the game store I was in yesterday swore MS was releasing a slimmed down console without a harddrive for the holiday season.. Made no sense.

That makes less sense since the Xbox relies more on the HD. Otherwise no saving at all in BO3 I guess :p


Yeah they did (very small percentage of first run JPN PS2 systems), but I have a hard time believing they will try to bring that thing back in Japan, or try to bring it for the first time to the US.

Musashi Wins!

I met a Sony rep for Target/Kmart/Walmart stores last week who swore to me that this was true and I would hear more about it in the next couple of weeks. I'm not sure if this supports his contention, or if the rumor has just spread further.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Musashi Wins! said:
I met a Sony rep for Target/Kmart/Walmart stores last week who swore to me that this was true and I would hear more about it in the next couple of weeks. I'm not sure if this supports his contention, or if the rumor has just spread further.

Sony reps aren't much better than game store employees when it comes to having real factual knowledge oftentimes. I mean the one's I've met are very friendly, but they don't always have the real scope. Not to say this couldn't be true...


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Can't imagine why they'd want to release a PSTwo during this holiday season when it would be better used to fend off the Xbox2 launch. If anything, drop the price to $129 for the PS2 + NA package. Or bundle in a game.
kaching said:
Can't imagine why they'd want to release a PSTwo during this holiday season when it would be better used to fend off the Xbox2 launch. If anything, drop the price to $129 for the PS2 + NA package. Or bundle in a game.

I agree. I hope this is simply idle speculation or else Sony is being much more reactive than I thought. Maybe they hear the footsteps?


sonycowboy said:
I agree. I hope this is simply idle speculation or else Sony is being much more reactive than I thought. Maybe they hear the footsteps?

Hear footsteps?? Microsoft is practically stomping their heads into the ground with their big, black BOOTS.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I agree. I hope this is simply idle speculation or else Sony is being much more reactive than I thought. Maybe they hear the footsteps?
You talk about it as if it's a bad thing. We have all seen how much the lenient thinking, 'following their own philosophy' and general non-reactiveness, has done for Nintendo's console business.

Hear footsteps?? Microsoft is practically stomping their heads into the ground with their big, black BOOTS.
open_mouth_ said:
Hear footsteps?? Microsoft is practically stomping their heads into the ground with their big, black BOOTS.

And you wonder why nobody takes you seriously. I give you a little rope and you hang yourself with it.
If there is a PSTwo, and if it has no fundamental design flaw where the machine wears down over normal usage, I'll buy one. It's really the only reason why I haven't bought a PS2 yet. Is it too much to ask for a console with the reliability and sturdiness of the Gamecube?


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Marconelly said:
You talk about it as if it's a bad thing. We have all seen how much the lenient thinking, 'following their own philosophy' and general non-reactiveness, has done for Nintendo's console business.
Marco, 'following their own philosophy' would entail releasing a PSTwo in lockstep with the PS3 launch and that's not what either myself or sonycowboy suggested should happen. PS2 will have a tighter battle with Xbox over retail sales this holiday season but they both have impressive software lineups to sustain momentum. A significant hardware redesign seems like overkill, esp. when they still have notable packaging options open to them with the current hardware design, like bundling a PS2, NA and HDD for $149 or less...

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Marco, 'following their own philosophy' would entail releasing a PSTwo in lockstep with the PS3 launch and that's not what either myself or sonycowboy suggested should happen. PS2 will have a tighter battle with Xbox over retail sales this holiday season but they both have impressive software lineups to sustain momentum. A significant hardware redesign seems like overkill, esp. when they still have notable packaging options open to them with the current hardware design, like bundling a PS2, NA and HDD for $149 or less...
You do have a point there. Moreover, launching one new hardware so close to another (PSP) may not be the best idea. Maybe, if this rumor is true, they will launch PSTwo in Japan only and then later in 2005 in US, when the hardware sales slow down. Then again, that would also mean lauching it at the same time as PSP, which I don't think is good.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Yes, the PSP is another factor here. I think it needs time to distinguish itself, one way or another.


And even i am moderately surprised
"Yes, the PSP is another factor here. I think it needs time to distinguish itself, one way or another."

the emergence of a PSTwo may even be good news for PSP fans (yes, me bitches).

If the PSTwo is around the corner, then this would suggest that the battery life issue (and possibly cost) is being over played. Reason being is that i fail to see why anyone would want a PSP if the battery life is 2 hours, when they couldhave a PS2+DVD player that they could plug into a wall socket anyways.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Reason being is that i fail to see why anyone would want a PSP if the battery life is 2 hours, when they couldhave a PS2+DVD player that they could plug into a wall socket anyways.
PSP, even with two hours of play time, would be great for daily commutes, lunch breaks, something to do before you fall asleep, something to play when you just sit somewhere and wait etc. Totally different thing, IMO.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Just the other night I was thinking about the PS2 and why they never released the alternate colors at a normal price. Now this... Which is even better. I think.

Pics should surface soon I hope.
You all seem to miss the point of what the PStwo is. It is a much lower cost version of the PS2. It has to do with making more money per unit sold than anything to do with competition. The PSone significantly lowered the manufacturing cost of the unit allowing the price of the unit to be dropped even lower. This is the point of the PStwo, as well as being a new look at an aging design.
Invertibrate said:
You all seem to miss the point of what the PStwo is. It is a much lower cost version of the PS2. It has to do with making more money per unit sold than anything to do with competition. The PSone significantly lowered the manufacturing cost of the unit allowing the price of the unit to be dropped even lower. This is the point of the PStwo, as well as being a new look at an aging design.

I think that's too simplistic. The lowered cost was very important, but the sales growth and the marketing push behind it were also substantial. They could reduce the cost substantially, while still using the same case and it would probably be cheaper than going with the redesign. It's very similar to assembly lines for cars. The Ford "Crown Victoria" is by far their most cost effective product, and they've been using the same design for over 20 years. It costs alot of money to change designs, both from a parts supply, as well as manufacturing standpoint. Conversely it gets cheaper and cheaper and cheaper, the longer you can keep a design in place.
sonycowboy said:
I think that's too simplistic. The lowered cost was very important, but the sales growth and the marketing push behind it were also substantial. They could reduce the cost substantially, while still using the same case and it would probably be cheaper than going with the redesign. It's very similar to assembly lines for cars. The Ford "Crown Victoria" is by far their most cost effective product, and they've been using the same design for over 20 years. It costs alot of money to change designs, both from a parts supply, as well as manufacturing standpoint. Conversely it gets cheaper and cheaper and cheaper, the longer you can keep a design in place.

You are correct and incorrect at the same time. While it does cost money to redesign things, the cost savings are so significant it negates the redesign costs. The PS2 has been constantly redesigned since release so most of that cost has already been paid for. It is all speculation at this point since we don't know what the redesign fully is, but on the PSone they integrated all the chips into one chip, I believe. This is how they so easily did backwards compatibility on PS2. If it is the same, the cost savings even over the volume savings from the 100 million or so PS2s produced to date would be significant. As well it allows Sony to reprice chips and retool for future consoles since they are no longer buying or manufacturing obsolete compenents which can prove to be more costly than updated technology.

The marketing push will come. It is the holiday season after all.

What I was really referring to in my previous post is the notion that Sony can't handle 2 hardware launches. This is not a hardware launch in the way PSP is. This is a refreshing of a console and lowering the manufacturing cost. This is not done with Japan in mind, the only place this would be a distraction from PSP, but for NA and Europe. This allows Sony to have a fresh look for the holidays and increase their already significant lead over the other 2 consoles. The sales growth is guaranteed because of the lower price.
And I just bought a brand new PS2 last week! Grrr...

No actually I'm not sad, the new PSTwo might have protection against HDLoader or something, which I can't live without at this point... If there's an official LCD screen for the PSTwo though, that will be extremely sexy and tempting.

If it has no reduced functionality whatsoever, then I might be pissed because I would have saved good money on network adapter and international shipping (calculated based on weight) by waiting a couple of weeks.
Some technical details of PStwo from http://gamefront.de. They also have a picture of a Sony DVD player. The Design of PStwo should look similar.

To see the picture you have to visit the site because you can't make a direct link to it (protected directory). Scroll down to the PS2 Logo and "Details zu Sonys PStwo-Konsole".

Remember, these specs are UNCONFIRMED and Sony hasn't announced something like PStwo yet.


Consider please: The following information is unconfirmed

- the power pack is to be outside of the console, similarly as with the Gamecube.

- the 'PlayStation BB Unit' available in Japan (broadband adapters with hard disk) no more cannot be inserted.

- the main colors are silver and blue.

- Slot-in drive.

- the price in Japan is to amount to approximately Yen 15,000 (euro 112/US$ 136).

- in Japan PStwo is to appear before Dragon Quest VIII.

- a Bundle with Gran Turismo 4 is planned.

- PS1-games are running presumably.

- the Design should looke similar to Sonys DVD Player DVP-F41MS.

It'd be awesome if it actually looked like that DVD player.

"- in Japan PStwo is to appear before Dragon Quest VIII.

- a Bundle with Gran Turismo 4 is planned."

Money money money.

Deku Tree

Was there any truth to the rumors (or speculation) that GTA:SA will utilize the add on HDD for the PS2? And does anyone think the PSTwo will have a built in HDD?
Deku Tree said:
Was there any truth to the rumors (or speculation) that GTA:SA will utilize the add on HDD for the PS2? And does anyone think the PSTwo will have a built in HDD?

I don't think Rockstar will confirm the harddrive support yet. But considering that the game won't have any city loading times (only loading for indoor areas) it seems likely that it'll use it.

A built in harddrive would make sense when you consider the report that Sony had GTASA delayed so they could ship the new PS2 along with it. Then GT4 which is going to take advantage of the harddrive in some way.




Ok so you telling me now that they be coming out with a PS2 well i cant say i'm surprised especially it coming out this year. Trying to take a little steam from DS this christmas. Fuck i want one and i own a ps2.



Well wouldnt you think they would be whoring the hell out of the PStwo? With millions of Dollars of Advertisment in media? Yeah, exactly. Were talking about sony there in the buisness of making money. And if they play there cards right, they just might kill a good portion of DS's hype with this preimptive strike of PStwo. And if the shortages of DS for xmas are true its gonna be hard to get a hold of. So where are people gonna go? You guessed it. Just like with PSone people who even own PStwo's will go and buy it.

They gonna market the shit out of this thing and saturate the market with all kinds of crap. And right when nintendo was actually looking to maybe have a good time to release a product.

Cant we all play Fare?
Then again i could be reading a little too into this.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Hooray for the memory stick support!
Horray for the design (if it looks anything like that DVD player)!

How reliable are those slot-in drives anyway?

Nintendo should have released a Gamecube-SP. Damn them for sticking with the original design!


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Deku Tree said:
And does anyone think the PSTwo will have a built in HDD?

If it doesn't Square will be very pissed.

4 days from now we will know.

This comes from italian PR ["Centimetri" stands for "Centimeters" while "Lei" means "her" ("PS2" is female in italy)]:


[not a fake. believe me]
SolidSnakex said:
I don't think Rockstar will confirm the harddrive support yet. But considering that the game won't have any city loading times (only loading for indoor areas) it seems likely that it'll use it.
Other than switching between the three major areas there wasn't apparent loading while going through the cities in GTA3.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
JoshuaJSlone said:
Other than switching between the three major areas there wasn't apparent loading while going through the cities in GTA3.

Yeah but the previews I've been reading say no loads anywhere... at all... and for a space as big as they are talking about... I just don't see how that's possible on the PS2 w/o the use of the HD. If it IS possible... then wow they are about the show developers something brand new....


GREAT plan on Sony's part if true.

If PSTwo actually makes it this year it'll take a lot of steam out of DS.
Also releasing it close to GTA:SA will deflate Xbox/Halo2 at the retail.


DarienA said:
Yeah but the previews I've been reading say no loads anywhere... at all... and for a space as big as they are talking about... I just don't see how that's possible on the PS2 w/o the use of the HD. If it IS possible... then wow they are about the show developers something brand new....

they're probably using some data streaming technique, Road Trip's one game I know that uses it cause you can drive from the 1st town all the way to 8th without ever seeing a loading screen, you can always hear the PS2 crunching the disc during the connecting roads and highways


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Link316 said:
they're probably using some data streaming technique, Road Trip's one game I know that uses it cause you can drive from the 1st town all the way to 8th without ever seeing a loading screen, you can always hear the PS2 crunching the disc during the connecting roads and highways

They already use data streaming right in the cities... I've REALLY curious to see how they pulled this off...
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