He's more of a mage. Sorcerer at best. But a pretty shitty wizard.
Well, fly him in then!Yeah, I'm in Act II. My thoughts on this game are fairly complex; I'm looking forward to discussing it. Although I wish Nick Breckon were here to do so with me.
It has now been two months guys. How long does take to hook up some microphones on a regularly scheduled basis. Love the podcast, but seriously. You got over $100,000 just to talk about videogames for a couple of hours a week. Start talking.
Well, fly him in then!
Maybe read a few posts up before asking...
Rolling it out like that is just unprofessional. No, it wouldnt matter to me and yes it's be nice to have some casts, but don't underestimate the value of a proper launch. These guys deserve it.
We like just had a podcast last week that I haven't even listened to all the way yet.
Pfft the Witch Doctor is where it's at anyway. That guy is Diablo 2 Act 3 as fuck.
I reckon they probably want to make it.My thoughts are if you pressure them to make something they don't want to make, you're going to get a trough full of crap.
Would anybody really care
We also bit off a lot with our Kickstarter rewards (again, a deliberate choice because we didn't want to half-ass it, and we wanted to use it as an exercise in learning what it takes to make all of those things) which, again, are taking a little longer than we expected to get done but we're rounding the corner now on basically all of them.
Hope your hand isn't cramped into a permanent shriveled claw =/
Should've used the extra money on that Ghostwriter, would've been even quicker!Postcards are fine, and pretty entertaining to do in a zen-like way. Wrangling shirts and art prints and an LP is just taking a while.
If you are referring to the "we want the website first and it is taking longer than we thoughT," I read that. I just think it's kind of a lame excuse. Would anybody really care if they just started doing regular podcasting, threw up a link and worked on the site in the meantime? This is not a freaking game launch that needs a proper PR roll out. It's some dudes talking a microphone. Thats what we wanted anyway. I don't give two flying flips about any website. I just liked the podcast. That's why I donated.
Yeah, I was the same. I wasn't donating to hear more, it was more to say "thanks" for what they'd done in the past. That it keeps/gets it going (again) is an amazing little bonus.I donated to repay them for the dozens of hours of entertainment they had already provided to me, not so that I could feel that they owed me more. Do I wish there were weekly casts right now? Sure. Would I throw the $100,000 figure in their faces and say hurry up give me what I paid for? No.
Even if you meant it as a light hearted thing, it doesn't come off that way.
Yeah, I was the same. I wasn't donating to hear more, it was more to say "thanks" for what they'd done in the past. That it keeps/gets it going (again) is an amazing little bonus.
Hear, hear! I've listened to the entire god damned back catalog at least 6 or 7 times, and the fact that I manage to be entertained by these guys talking about things that were current 3-5 years ago (especially in an online world of constant newsfeeds where every 5 seconds things happen everywhere always) alone, to me, makes them deserving of everything they've gotten - from the Kickstarter money and free advertising from that event to the adulation and double-fisted meme flurries in message board threads dedicated to the cast.
tl;dr: Sitting down and shitting out a podcast is the cheapest and easiest part of the process, which is why we're saving it for last.
They did that and then some people complained about the quality of it so they stopped doing it as much. I'm with you, I'd take low grade staticy echoey thumbs over none at all, but some don't agree, and if they'd rather not put their name to low quality stuff then I guess we just have to live with it.I think you guys could do a better job at communicating what's going on behind the scenes and generate content out of that.
Really? I thought it was disappointing and at times almost unreadable but I don't wanna spoil anything if you haven't finished it.Thanks for recommending Cloud Atlas. I'm reading it now and it's just incredible. Really, thanks.
Should've used the extra money on that Ghostwriter, would've been even quicker!
I'm interested in it because of the mOvie but don't really know slot about the book other then it spans different time erasReally? I thought it was disappointing and at times almost unreadable but I don't wanna spoil anything if you haven't finished it.
Wait, Idle Thumbs is gonna bring back PBS paranormal literacy crime-solvers show, Ghost Writer?
No no no no. Not at all. Jake tweeted about the handwriting thingy a while back.I think Shaenus meant they should have used the money on recording a folk reimagining of Ghostrider by the Rollins Band: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sX7k1okhuvY
It's been more than 3-5 years since Jeff Goldblum was "current".I manage to be entertained by these guys talking about things that were current 3-5 years ago
My hope is that show is just jazz piano peppered with obscure hollywood stories.
I (gladly) stand corrected. I also demand that some of the KS fundage goes toward getting at least one Thumb in there.
We would! We've done Idle Thumbs by the seat of our pants on and off, unsustainably, for almost a decade (only the last few years of that were as a podcast), and we're trying to take the time up front to give ourselves the infrastructure to do it properly. Idle Thumbs is a labor of love and I hope that love and effort shows in the output.
The actual act of sitting in front of the microphones and talking into it for an hour or so has always been the easiest part.
Editing, publishing, updating the site, managing what little community we have takes way longer than one would think. We're trying to give ourselves the tools to make all of that shit actually streamlined so that it doesn't destroy our lives the way it did before. People gave us $100,000 which is an opportunity to do this the actual correct way, and not just slap some shit up on the Internet.
At the base level -- the core, the most important part, obviously -- is the podcast itself. The audio file of us talking into a microphone at your ear. But all the stuff which has surrounded that, as long as Thumbs has existed, we've gone our of our way to not half-ass it, only cutting corners when we absolutely don't have time or money. We're proud of Idle Thumbs being more than a libsyn page or a stock WordPress blog. For some people that's not a big deal -- there are a ton of independent podcasts who don't care about their presentation, or just decide its not going to be a part of their core competency or brand or whatever it is, and move on. It's tough to be more than that when you're not affiliated with a real media outlet, believe it or not, but it's something we value.
Thanks for your response. I certainly never meant to imply that you guys weren't working. And after reading your message, I thought perhaps I misunderstood what the kickstarter was even about. So I went back and read the page again. I don't see a reference to any of that stuff you mention holding up the podcast on your kickstarter. The kickstarter doesn't mention a even mention a website start up or a new an independent media outlet or a brand for your website. In fact the only mention of the word "website" in the entire Kickstarter page is about donators name on the founder's wall. The entire kickstarter description seemed to be focused around bringing back a podcast and I think it is kind of a bummer that this is getting held up because of some other thing that isn't even mentioned in the kickstarter.
Not to be overly harsh, but frankly, if I thought I was donating toward a gaming website, I probably wouldn't have. I have more than enough of those to read--good thoughtful stuff like Gamasutra, Joystiq, the Escapist, Kotaku, GiantBomb, The Verge, etc. I just liked your guys podcast. You are intelligent and perceptive guys and I'm sure what you do on the site is great and is important to you, but at this point it feels a bit like a bait and switch in terms of your guys focus from podcast to a new website.
tl;dr I don't know why "sitting down and shitting out a podcast" is the last thing you guys are doing. It was the sole focus of the Kickstarter description.
Is Idle Thumbs to blame? Which fangirl is it ?
Ransom? Perfect last name.Is Idle Thumbs to blame? Which fangirl is it ?
One long post E3 conferences podblast is all I need.If you're reading this, dudes... any chance of anything to do with E3, either pre-show or during? A post-meet analysis is a given (however long after the event that happens) but I always enjoy hearing what you guys might expect and the reasoning behind it.
Just sayin'.
If you're reading this, dudes... any chance of anything to do with E3, either pre-show or during? A post-meet analysis is a given (however long after the event that happens) but I always enjoy hearing what you guys might expect and the reasoning behind it.
Just sayin'.