Cyberpunk 2077 |OT| The Future Is Now

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You’re limited to one section of the city during Act 1, very much equal to White Orchard in W3. Once Act 2 begins the whole map is opened up for the taking.

So yeah it sort of it the prologue.

And it took me around 15 hours. Doing everything in that one city zone.

I never ran into the limits to my ability to roam actually, that's how big and full of content the part you're in is. Never realized I was gated in at all.


I never ran into the limits to my ability to roam actually, that's how big and full of content the part you're in is. Never realized I was gated in at all.

I had a few side quests I couldn’t complete in Act 1 until the lockdown was over, which doesn’t happen until Act 2.

Watson is a large area. Though it feels like more than it is.
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Gold Member
Just a caveat to that Reddit AMD post ^^ Digital Foundry mentioned it in their article about pc performance and settings and found it to be unstable, prone to crashing and that they saw no performance gain.

I can't say as I'm on Intel but thought it was worth a mention.

Daffy Duck

The biggest problem with Cyberpunk 2077 is that I'm sitting at work reading about Cyberpunk 2077 and listening to Cyberpunk 2077's soundtrack while I wait to go home and play more Cyberpunk 2077. Haven't had this kind of need for a game since GTA3 on the PS2.

where are you listening to the soundtrack?


Anyone know if this runs ok on a i7 with GTX 1060?

Just lower the settings. I've got an RTX 2070 and a Xeon 1231 v3 - I've decided to go with DLSS "performance" and everything on "Medium" including the RTX. For 1440p it runs okay

City scenes in general are brutal. Really putting my G-Sync to work here
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Wow if you go reflexes and perk for crit damage and extra damage with sniper rifles (like headshots or "over x% health") / rifles and handguns, you just mutilate groups of enemies. Pop heads from afar and pick 'em to pieces with a revolver if they get close. I hope CDPR never balances this build because I am loving it. I want Johnny Silverhand rocking on a guitar in the background during every gun fight now.


What's your view on refunds? I saw some people are getting refund after finishing the game. That's not right. I mean 3-4 hours gameplay is at most you should be allowed to get a refund.


Ticking close to 20 hours and had my first hard crash on the PRO.

Man, jank aside, this game is fucking amazing. About two hours and two side quests (Yeah, they were that long) into act 2. Got me myself a certain special vehicle out of one of them and...mhmm... just loving it. Some stellar stuff here and probably too ambitious for it's own good at times. One thing is clear it's not lacking content and that content is not filler, the way you organically move in and out of missions is a leap ahead... fuck, so much here is a leap ahead like the way characters move around and do there own thing, it's like you're playing V's life. I've never seen it that emergent or organic in a game before and I hope, if other devs take one thing away from this, they take that.

9th Gen is going to be amazing if they all follow this level of openness but actually make it work clean and smoothly and mixed with the SSD's I can see that not being all too difficult on their part but man, this game should not have been released on 8th gen. They should have scraped it and it'll never reach it's potential even after a years worth of work and patching. I can see the Next gen patches and the PC versions being ironed out but that's a much smaller portion of the people who are playing the game right now, getting pissed and putting it aside. Pretty sure they cashed in their good will for this game and even if everyone who owns this game now on current and mid 8th gen hardware were to upgrade to ps5/XSX and get the next gen patch how many of them will actually install 2077 in six months, a year... two years down the line. First impressions down the toilet and such a pity cause it's so fantastic.


Lol, super noob moment... Yesterday I mentioned doing several side quests in Watson...which I did, but I thought I read that yellow question marks on the map were the "real" SQ's, & never bothered to verify this. Was thinking to myself after doing them, 'huh, well, I guess the more 'Witcher-y' SQ's are outside of Watson'. Turns out, no, I was doing was gigs, a rung down on the SQ hierarchy, if you will XD I blame low sleep! I mean, regardless, I did have fun, made progress wrt earning $$, bought some nice cyberware upgrades, etc. (double jump ftfw), just amazing how I was so tunnel-vision, & never unlike me, esp in open-world games!


In general, I'm finding the parts of the game that CPDR scripted to be far more appealing than any random events/encounters I might find exploring Night City. It's still all so glorious to look at, so there definitely is some enjoyment in driving around aimlessly, that's for sure. The game desperately needs transmog though - I've been wearing this same stupid fedora for hours for the additional armor. If it wasn't for joytoys, I would never get laid.

Also, digging the pop culture references. I've had this song stuck in my head since last night;



Just put that double jump and blades in hands. Now to deal with bad fuys is fast way just run towards and cut and who need roads with double jump just rum straight to point jumping and climbing suddenly you become climber. Ohh you can play this game later so much as action style if you want its so tempting just running jumping cutting ..did just that last hrs now. Forgot about story ,just had fun .





Gold Member
Just a simple question: can I continue the game after finishing the main story or is there a point of no return?

Please spoiler tag your answers.
Is it just me or is it extremely hard to aim on PS4 pro? I just got done with the beginning driving sequence after choosing Nomad and that part was incredibly hard to aim.

Is it because the FPS is so low?

Does the aiming/responsiveness improve on PS5?
Another thing is if you are on X Box one X or PS4 Pro force it to run at 1080P. It actually looks better and runs a lot more smoothly.

What's your PS4 Pro settings to force it to run 1080P? Set the PS4 Pro video output to 1080P, and turn on Boost Mode on the PS4 Pro as well? All my TVs are 4Ks.


What's your PS4 Pro settings to force it to run 1080P? Set the PS4 Pro video output to 1080P, and turn on Boost Mode on the PS4 Pro as well? All my TVs are 4Ks.
I am playing on the One X and I set the option off to allow 4k but I tried turning it back on the other poster is right that it is much better after the patch. I also have the game on PS4 Pro because I must have ordered it without remembering and it is better on the One X.


Gold Member
Wasnt' expecting to think this, but I think Keanu's voicework is pretty darn good considering the character ... don't think I've ever heard him as aggressive with his voice, the tone ... not even in the Wick movies


This game is equal parts the most amazing, and shitty game I’ve ever experienced in my life. I’m only about six hours in but the stage I just played looked like an HD remaster of a PS3 game. I shit you not. The good thing is. This mission was also the most engrossing ( story wise ) thing I’ve ever played in a long time. Shit is really starting to pick up now. That damn patch couldn’t come soon enough.


I got some time to play today for the first time since it updated to 1.0.4. That hot fix really helped the image quality on XSX (and PS5 from what I've seen elsewhere). Game looks pretty damn good now and pretty much what I expected from the last gen version on new consoles after looking pretty soft before that update (and turning off graphics filters and tweaking HDR).

Having a blast with the game now. Just under 11 hours in and mostly going around and doing Gigs currently. City is amazing with how big and detailed it is.
Today I finished possibly the worst quest line in any CDPR game to date:

Fast & Furious

What a piece of shit. Whoever came up with this should feel ashamed of him/herself.


So, just for shits and giggles, I just tried this on GeForce Now. For reference, I have a 3800X/3080 PC, but I was curious. I've also got a gigabit connection. All that said, GeForce Now looks absolutely awful. Pixelated mess with a pretty noticeable amount of input lag. I've seen people saying this on there and Stadia is a pleasantly surprising experience, so I was kinda shocked by how shit it was.

Back to playing at native.
I mean seriously, reviews for this game must've only barely scratched the surface? I am ~32 hours in now and am level 30 , street cred 50 and done 2 side story lines that ended in an achievement with a bunch of other side jobs and gigs. Just now i unlocked racing missions also lol. On the 3 main mission progression i am from left to right now 60 - 15 - 20% done.

The side missions is really the meat of the game i think and the 'main quest' is like the cherry on top.
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