Cyberpunk 2077 |OT| The Future Is Now

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The lighting must be busted because it's insanely bright when I'm driving in first person during day time. It temporarily corrects itself when I look outside the left window instead of, you know, of facing forward like you're supposed to, or when I switch to the third person mode which I'm not really a fan of. I'm hoping they fix this asap.


Funny thing i once got that powerfull weapon that you hold both hands and started blasting cars on street like one after another from far away about 8 cars blew up. After some time all those cars in fire started driving again and fast lol.. wut? I guess traffic was not an option there.
Or when you just leaving car on side of street then coming back to find huge traffic after your car because your cars one wheel was touching road so they could not pass. Haha those funny moments i swear i like it.
Have too much money anyway so just buying cars because they as missions not because i need them, as if you do lots exploring and killing missions there will be plenty cars and bikes there left by enemies so they free cars for you anyway.
And when you get double jump then dont need follow gps around can find your own paths there and find amazing things in the way. Its new way or exploring then.
Im thinking this game as of now gave me most freedom how to play from all games i played ever... its like do what you want . Shooting yes please, even dmc sword cutting jumping action or then slow hacking and stealth mgs style choking
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I just grabbed the sniper rifle you’re referring to. Can’t wait to reach a high enough level to be able to equip it. Thanks!
No Prob, but someone gave my video a thumbs down so I thought maybe this game was random loot or something!! Thanks for confirming its a good find....I know Lobos Jr missed it.

I really tried to dance around the apartment looking to snatch things in the heist quest at the end of act one....but found it worth reloading?

i'm having fun but i'm sorta over games that aren't in vr

alyx ruined me
Really? I better stay away from VR gaming then..... I cant enjoy regular porn as much after VR and it sucks.
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So, just for shits and giggles, I just tried this on GeForce Now. For reference, I have a 3800X/3080 PC, but I was curious. I've also got a gigabit connection. All that said, GeForce Now looks absolutely awful. Pixelated mess with a pretty noticeable amount of input lag. I've seen people saying this on there and Stadia is a pleasantly surprising experience, so I was kinda shocked by how shit it was.

Back to playing at native.
Lol if you'd seen my post a few pages back you'd have known to save your money. It is pretty terrible. Even an old PC is better than streaming.


Neo Member
I think a lot of the "outrage" over the bonuses being given out regardless of Metascore can be attributed the the Bloomberg piece by Schreier which framed it as a negative to some degree.

He reported that, during periods of crunch, the managers would dole out "tokens" (basically poker chips with the CDPR logo on them) to individuals who deserved special recognition for their hard work and dedication. Once the game released, these tokens could be redeemed for larger bonuses assuming they hit a 90+ Metascore. Now those tokens can be redeemed for a bonus regardless.

On the one hand, this obviously can be seen as a tool to exploit workers' overtime and could easily be used to withhold real money from anyone who didn't work 100-hour weeks, but this hasn't been reported or even mentioned by anyone at CDPR, not even anonymously thus far.

On the other hand, writing a story about workers getting paid regardless of Metascore, and framing it in a negative light, is a hell of a spin - Metascore bonuses and Metascore in general is a fucking demented and cancerous practice and should be celebrated when thrown out.

Either way - the whole tokens angle is a bit draconian but the fact is we just don't know if it was a cruel carrot and stick situation or just a management tool for rewarding hard work.

Except I don't think it's draconian at all. It's a BONUS. You're not entitled to anything except the pay for the hours you work. That's you're right. The fact they even consider a bonus is well A BONUS. Just like any company that gives out bonuses. If they do well they get one, I'd they don't they don't get anything.

It's not a statement against any one individual, just a group performance index prize.

With that said, the bonus being tide to a token and then to a score I can see why as an employee I probably wouldn't be happy about it. Wouldn't seem as fair if it was just bonuses all around.


So are you not supposed to do side missing at the start. I keep getting killed. I am at the mission with the flathead like the 3rd one in the game. Tried some side missions and was getting killed all the time.

Should I level up first with story missions?

Anyone get this weird thing on PS4 with the controls where it drifts to the left when you look left and stop?

I want to like this game but its not hooking me just yet. The game really needs some sort of tutorial for all the side stuff and perks. Force a few side missions on you to teach you what you need to upgrade and different ways of doing missions (stealth, mele, guns, hacking etc...). It doesn't feel like its easing you into the world.


So are you not supposed to do side missing at the start. I keep getting killed. I am at the mission with the flathead like the 3rd one in the game. Tried some side missions and was getting killed all the time.

Should I level up first with story missions?

Anyone get this weird thing on PS4 with the controls where it drifts to the left when you look left and stop?

I want to like this game but its not hooking me just yet. The game really needs some sort of tutorial for all the side stuff and perks. Force a few side missions on you to teach you what you need to upgrade and different ways of doing missions (stealth, mele, guns, hacking etc...). It doesn't feel like its easing you into the world.
You can sure i did that myself just look at mission difficulty low to moderate i did any time didnt had problems. Just hack some then see enemies looking paths go and grap them and hide in boxes. Need to be patience there. But shooting from good cover works fine too. Im just on side missions and exploring from start mostly.
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Spent the weekend playing it. I think I’m just gonna stop for a bit. Not having massive bugs but I’ll just let them fix it up over time. The game can go from looking really nice to bleh at times. I like where the story is going but some of the gameplay feels really weird. I played on two of my systems. One KBM (which I enjoyed wayyyy more) and one Controller.

KBM was on my gaming pc at my desk. Ran 1440p almost fully maxed minus RTX on that PC. For some reason it crashes turning it on.

Controller was on my loft pc. This was at 4K high/ultra. No RTX. I absolutely hate the sluggish feeling of the controller with almost an acceleration feel to it when you hold it for more than a second.

I don’t think I will play on the PC in the loft for the controller aspect alone. When I do come back to it I hope they can fix up the performance and weirdness the game has got going on.


Even on medium-low, running on a weak laptop with a RX 5600, the game still looks gorgeous. Getting 40ish FPS with this baby.

All in all, I have run and tested CP2077 on about 7 different machines and wriggled satisfactory results out of all of them.

I wasn't overhyped. I was expecting a good and deep rpg with the average open world bugs.
But this is a dumpter fire. It's a bug infested mess. And despite looking amazing it feels very dated.

I just asked for a refund.
I can hardly believe all the negativity surrounding this game. Playing on PC with controller and so far the only bug I've experienced is a crash.

Sure, it would be nice if you could talk to NPC:s, right now they feel like shallow props. The lighting looks great and the raytracing is insanely awesome, but animation and characters look super dated.

But other than that..

I've been playing for 17 hours and I'm blown away by the setting, writing, missions, customization and gameplay.. I haven't played anything like this for a long time.

Deus Ex meets Blade Runner and GTA? But with a very unique and personal twist! It really just clicks with me, I can't stop thinking about the game and it's becoming quite the addiction.

Unless the game gets considerably different and worse later on, this will probably be one of my all time favorites.
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Seems like it could be best to focus on upgrading reflexes and guns first and follow the storyline for a while before really branching out into the world.

They definitely play the sense of urgency trope to steer you back to the main missions.
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It has become fashionable to hate on the game.

It'll be Witcher 3 all over again. In two years half of the haters will be screaming up and down that they always thought this was the greatest game of the generation.

People think Witcher 3 was the greatest game of last gen?

I really enjoy all of the easter eggs and nods to other media and games/game culture (both western and Japanese).
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It has become fashionable to hate on the game.

It'll be Witcher 3 all over again. In two years half of the haters will be screaming up and down that they always thought this was the greatest game of the generation.
Yeah, you're right. Some games are just very easy to pick on when they're new. Also I guess it depends if your expectations were set sky high? Maybe people are disappointed, I really didn't expect too much and was blown away.
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Anyone get this weird thing on PS4 with the controls where it drifts to the left when you look left and stop?

Playing on PC, but w/ a DS4; I had left drifting w/ my right analog stick, & I have read others have too. Unfortunately, I don't know of a fix other than swapping to a new controller, which I thankfully had, but yeah, seems to be a thing w/ this game.
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Didn't it win "Game of the generation" here on NeoGAF? I don't know, but it's widely regarded as a masterpiece.

Ok, well I enjoy it minus some annoyances with the combat.

With the criticism of cyberpunk's combat, I think the people complaining need to imagine it working like fallout with more focus on weapon stats and upgrading to overcome a firefight.

Thought the whistle stealth mod was kinda funny though. He couldn't whistle already and needed a tech upgrade to do it?

There is a lot of legitimate criticism for the game but just hating on it is pointless.
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Neo Member
Okay, as I’m progressing, the bugs have gotten much worse. I pretty much had an entire main quest ruined because of the amount of glitches. Everything was just so awkward... sad because it would’ve been an amazing quest if it were to have just worked normally.
I could have sworn I saw a legendary Kiroshi Optics at Vik's place for 14k eddies but now that I have the money he only has the epic. How often do shops rotate their stock?

SF Kosmo

It has become fashionable to hate on the game.

It'll be Witcher 3 all over again. In two years half of the haters will be screaming up and down that they always thought this was the greatest game of the generation.
Thing is, Witcher 3 wasn't a game a lot of people saw coming. It was the first game in the series most people played and CDPR was kind of this outsider studio that took on the big guys.

But Cyberpunk has had crushing hype and impossibly high expectations. It has fans and detractors before ever coming out.

Even without the technical problems I think a lot of people would be disappointed it's "just" a great game with a lot of the same strengths and flaws as Witcher 3.

The complaints about the console versions seem pretty justified, and it's definitely a stain on CDPR's reputation. But the game is still great. Maybe they'll do an Enhanced Edition down the road.
Ok, well I enjoy it minus some annoyances with the combat.

With the criticism of cyberpunk's combat, I think the people complaining need to imagine it working like fallout with more focus on weapon stats and upgrading to overcome a firefight.

Thought the whistle stealth mod was kinda funny though. He couldn't whistle already and needed a tech upgrade to do it?

There is a lot of legitimate criticism for the game but just hating on it is pointless.
Yeah okay, it probably comes down to a combination of expectations and your preferred playstyle.

Of course there's a lot of legitimate stuff to criticize, but to me it's more like nitpicking. The game is so massive and ambitious, so I don't expect them to pull everything off perfectly. They've got to compromise with some stuff, but if that's stuff that really really bother people, yeah I understand if they're disappointed.

Fenris Wolf

I cannot state how much i enjoy playing this game.
After spending almost 29 hours, last night i finally managed to finish the entire first act and i was speechless at the end of this section!
Very great game with great mechanics and amazing level design.
The art style is fascinating as well.
I have encountered a few minor bugs and my FPS increased a little bit after the 1.04 patch. (Steam)
I cannot state how much i enjoy playing this game.
After spending almost 29 hours, last night i finally managed to finish the entire first act and i was speechless at the end of this section!
Very great game with great mechanics and amazing level design.
The art style is fascinating as well.
I have encountered a few minor bugs and my FPS increased a little bit after the 1.04 patch. (Steam)
Patch 1.04 really boosted the visual fidelity across the board😲


Playing on PC, but w/ a DS4; I had left drifting w/ my right analog stick, & I have read others have too. Unfortunately, I don't know of a fix other than swapping to a new controller, which I thankfully had, but yeah, seems to be a thing w/ this game.
I knew im not only one there. Whats going on with that omg..
Funny thing if you dissconnect controller while it drifts it still drifts with mouse left only, and disconnecting mouse doesnt help either...
About game when you creating char dont forget to add genitals to them as i made this mistake and now every time i change clothes i see that it doesnt have nothing there lol. and why game shows you naked for like second everytime you change pants only ?
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Just beat the game on PS4 pro. Around 30H mark. Was playing on Hard difficulty. Only did about 10% of the side stuff.

The ending I got was.
Left Johnny in the matrix. Final scene was me going into space. Grabbing a gun and space walking out to the space station. Then credits

Also the ending boss fight with smasher was damn hard for my build. As his rocket barrage thing is an insta kill. Turns out the 1000dps sword I had on my did wonders kn that fight. And I finally beat him and all the waves he spawns.

Amazing ride! Can't wait to replay and get other endings.


Would be 10/10 easy if not for bugs. I looked at my PS4 error history after I beat it. Had 15 hard crashes. So thats about 1 crash every 2 hours.
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Deleted member 801069

Unconfirmed Member
Anyone else spend time building a nice stealthy pistol build and within 20 seconds all hell breaks loose and out comes the shotty?
I went pretty much all Annihilation tree

I can shoot shotgun while sprinting, gain speed for doing damage, and damage increases based on my current speed

I’m like a blur of shotgun chaos, really fun


I was thinking about this today - the Xbox Series X really is the best place to play Cyberpunk 2077 on console. Not only is the system slightly more powerful than it's competitor; but it has something that the competition doesn't have and that's Dolby Atmos and Dolby Vision support. The PS5 experience is amazing as well; but that Dolby Atmos surround sound is the kicker for a truly immersive experience🤘

The soundscape of this game in Dolby Atmos is unbelievable - it's like living in Blade Runner😲

Seeing that they partnered with Microsoft and Nvidia, we shouldn't be surprised that Xbox SX and RTX cards are performing the best.
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