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IGN Hands-on with Paper Mario RPG! (2)


Awesome impressions. http://cube.ign.com/articles/534/534096p1.html

Our initial impressions from having played a couple of hours of Paper Mario 2 late last week were, to say the least, glowing. But, it turns out, a mere two hours exposes one to just a fraction of what makes the game so great. Now a full twenty hours in, and there's no doubt that you should place this game high atop your most wanted list.
It's in the design of its stages that the game truly shines. Each of the first three stages is completely different from the others. The first one is a classic Nintendo-style dungeon. The next stage is unlike anything we've ever seen in an RPG. Thoughts of Pikmin filled our head as we guided a group of a hundred tiny worm dudes through a multi-level dungeon and lead them in a simple battle against their evil wasp rivals. The third stage was even more unexpected as we took Mario through a battle tournament.
Even outside of the main stages of play, the game gives you plenty of chances to use your skills. The hub town has a "Worry Room" where people post their troubles and ask that you solve them, resulting in a large array of optional side quests at your disposal. Actually getting to the main stages of play requires that you clear a few puzzles that involve searching for characters, finding secret passageways, and even, in some areas, making your way into the far background to trigger a switch or enter a castle. You'll also find lots of things to collect throughout the world, including Shines straight out of Mario Sunshine.
And all this is after just twenty hours of play. Considering how many badges we've yet to collect (dozens) and how many Star Stones await (more than half), we're going to be playing Paper Mario 2 for a long time. If the rest of the game is as good as the first twenty hours, we're in for a treat.

One really should read the whole article as it just brings a smile to my face. Of course, the downside is it just makes the wait till October all the more difficult. :(


works for Gamestop (lol)

oh no what's this, GBA connectivity? :p


Even the worldmap (?) looks awesome


They mention a GBASP PDA for Mario, but I'm pretty sure that's not connectivity.

Sounds absolutely amazing...the Nintendo Holiday title I'm buying at launch, for sure.


And even i am moderately surprised
argh - too many games.
I have this to play, Gradius, FFXI, FF1+2,... um... Alien Syndrome...

i need more time!


(more a nerd than a geek)
Actually, I'd love GBA connectivity in this game...

Am I the only person on the face of the earth who ENJOYED receiving free GBA minigames?


It seems that IGN was also very impressed with the presentation put into the game by Intelligent Systems and calls it the best in a Nintendo game since Wind Waker.

For this all star assemblage of Mario friends, Nintendo brought out its big guns for some of the finest presentation it's managed since Wind Waker. The game world is full of bright colors and wacky background designs. Characters are flat 2D objects, resulting in a smooth look that, surprisingly, manages to stay smooth even when the game zooms in and out to extremes. The characters actually have lots of humorous animation, and blend perfectly into the fully 3D world surrounding them.

What is it, three months until it comes out here?


Guys this game sounds and looks very intriguing but I am simply not into RPGs. Can someone please explain the RPG elements in this game?

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Nintendo is trying to make me like RPGs.

Stop it. stop it nintendo there is already not enough time.


Junior Member
Lisa Lashes said:
Guys this game sounds and looks very intriguing but I am simply not into RPGs. Can someone please explain the RPG elements in this game?

Im not into RPGs much either but this game I would call "RPG light". You can play through the whole game (at least the last mario rpgs) without worrying about leveling up or tweaking out your stats with weopons/badges/clothes etc...It might make the game easier if you do, but its not required if you have skill.

I highly recomend that you try it out, I think I know a little about your gaming tastes and you can take my word for it. IT IS GONNA ROCK!


I love that world map. I thought the art style in PM was kind of bland, and plain. IS seems to be making it more colorful, vibrant, and wicked looking.


Mr Gump said:
About 2007.

Seriously, did Paper mario even have a total of 5 copies over here?

I bought mine when it was released. The release date was two months ahead of the US GC release date which is quite surprising.
I haven't beat it yet...I didn't enjoy it.


Razoric said:
Should I play Paper Mario 1 before this comes out or are they not related in terms of story?
I haven't seen any indication of a connection in the previews. I didn't play the first game, either, but I'm definitely buying this.
Li Mu Bai said:
Pikmin 2 in August, PM2 in October. They act as if none of us attend universities!

I never understand this. I'm a senior at OU, I'm on the president's honor list, taking 15 hours a semester and I buy sky-high-assloads of games. I think the main problem is not drinking enough caffine. I find plenty of time with my games (more time than I spend on school related materials) and my studies. Paper Mario 2 being in October will be a good time for me anyways. After mid-terms, hit it hard and get it out of the way before November.

Li Mu Bai

evilromero said:
I never understand this. I'm a senior at OU, I'm on the president's honor list, taking 15 hours a semester and I buy sky-high-assloads of games. I think the main problem is not drinking enough caffine. I find plenty of time with my games (more time than I spend on school related materials) and my studies. Paper Mario 2 being in October will be a good time for me anyways. After mid-terms, hit it hard and get it out of the way before November.

ER, what's your major? Are you in a fraternity? Do you attend the prerequiste parties along with imbibing large amounts of alcohol? I manage my gaming life/load quite well despite majoring in physics. (although this may change) I'm also taking 15 hrs.


I'm heading into my first year of University, and will be picking up Paper Mario 2 in October...but I'm holding off on Metroid and the DS for the reason of not fucking myself over. I'm pretty bad about time management already, and adding in too many new games would not be beneficial. At all.
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