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(IGN) interview with the producer of Tiger Woods 2005 (movies and screens too!)



lots of nuggets there! you can make your own swing now! this franchise is like the epitome of customization.

IGN Sports: I've been known to routinely score in the low 50s. What has the design team implemented to slow me down?

Micah Loucks: Don't worry; we have quite a number of things to slow you down this year. If you want to get a feel for what we've done, play the Legend Tour against the upper tier players and you'll notice the fairways have gotten narrower, the green's smaller, and the bunkers deeper. If that doesn't faze you, try playing your matches in Tour Difficulty and feel the pain of hitting from the rough. In Tour Difficulty the extra power boost you put on your shot could get you in big trouble unless you hit it on the screws. Oh, and there is no spinning the ball out of the rough in Tour Difficulty either, so hitting fairways and greens is the only way to score low.
:D :D :D





3 new movies here

create a swing looks awesome, tigervision does not :(

and i really hope they added a lot of new commentary.
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