Yeah, yeah, I though Kid Icarus was unplayable. Sue me. I tried every control scheme on offer and none worked for me. Only one I COULD have worked with (Slider for movement, Circle Pad Pro for camera) was the only one it DIDN'T actually offer. So I never got to see the end of that game I paid full price for and all I have to show for it is a scratch across the middle of my 3DS touch screen incurred trying to turn the pos camera around in combat.
in the days of SNES, N64, and especially GC, i usually had a feeling of "aww man too bad that's only on Nintendo consoles..." quite often. never enough to push me over to being a 2 console person though.
i don't get that sort of feeling anymore. i got a Wii to get my gf to game with me, and i got a WiiU for my fiance because she really wanted one and we decided to trade in our Wii's for it. since Wii i've just been getting it for other reasons, but not because i personally was compelled by the type of software coming out.
i feel like Nintendo is just trying to polish the same old stuff over and over as hard as they can but it's not enough to keep up with companies that aren't afraid to expand, try new things, go after niche audiences, and understand that yes, gaming IS for everyone, but it's okay to appeal to all gamers through multiple titles and types of games. the bulk of their offerings don't need to each be a one size fits all kind of deal.
I understand that, but my point pertains entirely to the apparent perception that Wii U has some focus on rehashes to begin with when so many people out there obviously asked for the select few games that can even be called a "rehash". I'm sorry, but I really don't see how one or two sequel-like games with similar mechanics will warrant that conclusion. A full year hasn't even passed since the Wii U's release yet, and in spite of that fact there are a good few upcoming exclusive titles garnering sufficient interest (some of them not JUST an expansion of previous ideas).People are individuals. People are different. I know it seems sometimes that "everyone" on GAF might be leaning one way, but that's never the case. That's just selective bias of a few posts. So while some may be against 3D World for lack of innovation, others may like it for expanding on 3D Land's potential.
I didn't think the scope of this discussion was limited to games developed specifically by Nintendo, but rather to Nintendo exclusives. My assessment of the Zelda title was based on Aonuma discussing the development process.As for your examples of interesting/revamped ideas, it doesn't say much for Nintendo when the two games you come up with are a niche game that was pitched and developed by a company they don't even own and a 2015 Zelda title we really know nothing about.
People still refuse to acknowledge that Xenoblade is first party.
Bloated cinematic epic or not, I just want real human language voices, a non save the princes plot, and a non Ganon main villain in Zelda.
1. Fire Emblem: Awakening
2. Kid Icarus: Uprising/Super Mario 3D World (from the looks of it)
3. Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Minish Cap, Oracle of Ages/Seasons, Link's Awakening, Four Swords, and Majora's Mask.
Also I think Retro had the right direction going with the cinematic feel of Metroid Prime series. It had VO, it had cut scenes, it did try to mix things up. It used these thing to compliment what makes Metroid great.
What Nintendo did with Other M however was essentially go full R-tard. There's a way to do it right and there's a way that completely misses the mark. Nintendo could learn from this, but knowing them they'll just look at Other M and say "THAT'S NOT WHAT PLAYERS WANT. WE KNEW IT." and go back to Mario formula.
The comparison might be off, but it will get a few people to occupy themselves a bit with that piece of musical history and classical music in general. We have people here calling his ballet a "song".Holy shit that Stravinsky comparison is making me cringe. I say this as someone with two degrees in music.
It's like the rest of his life doesn't even exist.
Nintendo SPD handled the cinematic direction. It's still a lame story basically because Kensuke Tanabe is stuck with the shadow samus theme in his head. Other M had Sakamoto pen something for D-Rockets, who also made those illegible DOA and NG cinematics.
That's cute; considering that shooters have been the same games since what, descent and doom?
The Nintendo 2D is not a console that makes playing their games better... it removes features and introduces a cheaper price point. Clearly a stopgap console while Nintendo figures out the predecessor to the 3DS
Bloated cinematic epic or not, I just want real human language voices, a non save the princes plot, and a non Ganon main villain in Zelda.
Agreed.Threads like these make me glad that Nintendo doesn't give a damn about what "gamers" want.
Bloated cinematic epic or not, I just want real human language voices, a non save the princes plot, and a non Ganon main villain in Zelda.
This is what you want, but will it make for an objectively better game? Not certainly.
Nintendo... so backwards they're still trying to figure out how to release a handheld before the 3DS comes out
"Real human language voices:" Play the Wand of Gamelon
"Non save the princes plot:" IIRC Link has never saved princes in a game so I don't know why you'd be worried, it might actually be a nice change of pace actually
"Non Ganon main villain:" There are several Zelda games without Ganon as a main villain:Skyward Sword, Majora's Mask, Link's Awakening, Minish Cap
Never Saved a princess? Wat.
I don't give a shit what the Gamepad does and doesn't do, nor its impact on the market influence. That the Gamepad exists as cumbersome as an entity it is, is enough for me. The fact that I can legally play Earthbound in my own bed without the need for an SDTV hooked up to a dying SNES is enough to validate my opinion.
You're absolutely right. That's why I would love to see Nintendo tackle hollywood like experiences seriously. They've already got the family fare down pat.
Ugh. As if we NEED more 'hollywood' esque games.
Hey Nintendo, drop your unique approach to gaming and go mainstream.
How many 2D platformers do you really need in a single year?
Bloated cinematic epic or not, I just want real human language voices, a non save the princes plot, and a non Ganon main villain in Zelda.
Also I think Retro had the right direction going with the cinematic feel of Metroid Prime series. It had VO, it had cut scenes, it did try to mix things up. It used these thing to compliment what makes Metroid great.
What Nintendo did with Other M however was essentially go full R-tard. There's a way to do it right and there's a way that completely misses the mark. Nintendo could learn from this, but knowing them they'll just look at Other M and say "THAT'S NOT WHAT PLAYERS WANT. WE KNEW IT." and go back to Mario formula.
If only there was some way they could do both. But apparently that is UNPOSSIBLE.
I dunno. I feel like they could really kill it in the Budget space much like Ouya is failing to do.
Hard to blame them given the way Nintendo has treated the game in the West.
Holy shit that Stravinsky comparison is making me cringe. I say this as someone with two degrees in music.
It's like the rest of his life doesn't even exist.
Japanese games with long cinematics have a long history of harsh criticism when landing in the west. Scripts in Metal Gear Solid 4 and Final Fantasy XIII, which come from international production units with more experience than NIntendo at this point, produced mumbo jumbos of a higher exponency. It's really about Nintendo stepping up their production. They have long trailed behind.
It's a home console version of the DS. Nintendo may be reaping from the market but they absolutely helped to sow it as well.
The Nintendo DS was pretty much the 1st huge hit mainstream touchscreen device, iirc.
I'm glad Nintendo is doing their own thing so to say. They are pretty much the last bastion for kids to have something to play. I'm getting tired of all the 'psychotic', twisted, super violent games. It's also refreshing Nintendo still makes platformers.
You know, I've gotten really damn tired of the hyperbolic argument that Nintendo is the only developer making games that are safe to play in front of kids. My five year old niece had an amazing time playing Journey, Flower, Ratchet & Clank, and LittleBigPlanet when she came over during summer break. I think she'd really enjoy Knack if he had the chance to play it.
I swear, some people describe Nintendo's place in the industry as if they're the only sane people in a room full of psychotic, blood-thirsty maniacs.
As someone who's really sick and tired of Nintendo's current direction and isn't even slightly interested in any of their new games apart from X, DKCTF, and Pokemon...
I wholeheartedly agree with this. Kid Icarus Uprising is my single favorite Nintendo game, and I absolutely adore it.
So surely, you'll be reaching out to Microsoft and Sony as well to make sure they have equal amounts of diversity in their respective libraries too? Right?
Different definitions of huge and mainstream. I never even saw one of those (mind you, I'm from europe).![]()
The hugely successful Palm Pilot says "Hi!"
Different definitions of huge and mainstream. I never even saw one of those (mind you, I'm from europe).
Er, they stopped being dungeon style arena item hunts with locked forward views a long, long, long time ago.That's cute; considering that shooters have been the same games since what, descent and doom?.
Threads like these make me glad that Nintendo doesn't give a damn about what "gamers" want.