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IGN Posts Up More Project Cafe Hardware Power Rumors

AceBandage said:
Which, of course, the Cafe will have.

Source? Or just blind faith. I'm not talking about minimal upgrades to an already existing service. For example : OMG!! I only have to use one FC now. I'm talking about a PSN/XBL level service.

Edit: I'm not being sarcastic. Do you have a link to nintendo's latest commitment to a solid online service?

Beth Cyra

DragonKnight said:
Source? Or just blind faith. I'm not talking about minimal upgrades to an already existing service. For example : OMG!! I only have to use one FC now. I'm talking about a PSN/XBL level service.
While that is cearly what most people want. Smash Cafe wouldn't be killed if it wasn't that level.

A better service with acceptable net code and ways to connect with your friends is all they need to allow Smash to grow.


abstract alien said:
There are quite a few other characters they could add. Honestly, I can see Sonic staying in from this point forward though. Seems to be a healthy relationship between the two companies.

Like who? Just curious.
Gravijah said:
Weren't you dragonknight3845838539539 or something before?

Maybe I'm just crazy.

You have the wrong guy. Maybe somebody else had this avatar before me but that's about it. I thought I was just being clever as Dragonite is my fav poke lol
AceBandage said:

Fair enough. Looks like I have some reading to do.

Edit: In reference to the Sam Kennedy article I hope nintendo's "unique" way of handling online isn't another way of them alienated themselves for third parties at the expense of being innovative.
AceBandage said:
FCs really have nothing to do with their online infrastructure, but if you'd like to know what we're hearing about Cafe's online, then here's some light reading.

I just want to warn people before they read this, that if you do go through with reading it, you're probably going to end up disappointed. As much as I want to believe, I have a hard time when it comes to Nintendo's online services.


I typed that as Ludicaro at first
is probably going to be replaced by Zoroark in the next Smash Bros.

DragonKnight said:
You have the wrong guy. Maybe somebody else had this avatar before me but that's about it. I thought I was just being clever as Dragonite is my fav poke lol

I'm probably just crazy.
brochiller said:
I just want to warn people before they read this, that if you do go through with reading it, you're probably going to end up disappointed. As much as I want to believe, I have a hard time when it comes to Nintendo's online services.

We'll see.
Iwata has stated several times that he knows they fucked up with the Wii and DS online, and that to stay relevant they need to move forward.
And it meshes with their wanted to make gaming a more social experience.


Membero Americo
From The Dust said:
the notion of Nintendo games leaking is silly to me. especially Smash Bros :lol

It happened last year. IGN leaked Donkey Kong by Retro. Ace was not pleased.


TruePrime said:
From Nintendo alone?

Several of the assist trophy characters alone have a case for being popular/unique enough to move to a full moveset.

Well in general. Other than the characters they have now I don't really know of anymore. I'm not akin to Nintendo's older characters or partnerships with other companies for that matter.
Please, no more 3rd party guest characters in Smash Bros. And if you have to have some make them replace Sonic and Snake.
Maybe it's just me, but I don't really like guest characters.
brochiller said:
I just want to warn people before they read this, that if you do go through with reading it, you're probably going to end up disappointed. As much as I want to believe, I have a hard time when it comes to Nintendo's online services.

My point exactly. Nintendo's "uniqueness" has not bode well for their third party support. Keeping expectations low is the best way to have them heightened in the end.


AceBandage said:
You don't ruin a game's reveal just hours before E3! Weeks, fine.
Hours?! NO! It's wrong!

I'm glad I never saw that leak, because when they first started playing that DK music... Well, let us just say I wouldn't want that moment ruined.
Chet Rippo said:
Please, no more 3rd party guest characters in Smash Bros. And if you have to have some make them replace Sonic and Snake.
Maybe it's just me, but I don't really like guest characters.

Third parties bring more style and stages to the franchise. I say the more the merrier!

DragonKnight said:
My point exactly. Nintendo's "uniqueness" has not bode well for their third party support. Keeping expectations low is the best way to have them heightened in the end.

You party your way, I'll party mine.
AceBandage said:
We'll see.
Iwata has stated several times that he knows they fucked up with the Wii and DS online, and that to stay relevant they need to move forward.
And it meshes with their wanted to make gaming a more social experience.

It does fit in with Nintendo's philosophy. They have always stated that they don't want to just do the same thing their competitors are doing, which this is certainly much different from. It also could make for new experiences, and most of all, make gaming more enjoyable.

If I can stay connected with my friends online even while playing a single player game by watching what they're doing on my controller screen, that would be fucking awesome. I would seriously be excited by that.

As much sense as this makes, and as much as Nintendo has stated recently that they know they need to improve their online structure, I still find it a little far-fetched.

Beth Cyra

Doctor_20 said:
Well in general. Other than the characters they have now I don't really know of anymore. I'm not akin to Nintendo's older characters or partnerships with other companies for that matter.
Well as someone said we will probably have a Poke replacement to bring up the roster to reflect someone popular.

As for brand new entrants, could be anything really. I personally am hoping for another F Zero rep (they have a few choices they could go with.) as well as Tingle and Ridley to actually be playable characters.

They could also bring in more people from Fire Emblem since that series has several characters that are unique.

I know alot of people I talked to hoped to see Little Mac, Custom Robo and a SnP rep become fully playable.

As for third parties. I would say the big ones are Mega Man/X/Trigger would be something alot of people call for. Not to mention the call for a Final Fantasy guest apperance. SE also developed Mario Hoops and Sports Mix which they let FF characters take part in.

This of course doesn't even go into any of the recent stuff. They could use characters from Xenoblade, Last Story, Captain Rainbow, Pandora Tower, Disaster Day of Crisis.
AceBandage said:
Third parties bring more style and stages to the franchise. I say the more the merrier!

Another thing they do is create a new character that is guaranteed to not be a clone. That's the worst part about the character selection in SSB if you ask me. The great thing is, I'm sure before 3rd parties let Nintendo include their characters, they make them promise to make them unique. Which bodes well for everybody.


brochiller said:
If I can stay connected with my friends online even while playing a single player game by watching what they're doing on my controller screen, that would be fucking awesome. I would seriously be excited by that.

As much sense as this makes, and as much as Nintendo has stated recently that they know they need to improve their online structure, I still find it a little far-fetched.
Woah, calm down now, I don't think anybody has realistically predicted such a feature. The only place I saw that was from that 1up article that was all about Nintendo dreams and fanboy hallucinations. I don't think anyone expects that kind of functionality and if you do, prepare to be very disappointed.

Edit: For new Smash players I'd like to see Travis, Mega Man, and someone from Streetfighter.


BY2K said:
It happened last year. IGN leaked Donkey Kong by Retro. Ace was not pleased.
GoldenEye was also leaked by IGN. Probably we can expect big western 3rd party games or the new Retro game (if it will be shown) to leak, but nothing from EAD for sure.
artwalknoon said:
Woah, calm down now, I don't think anybody has realistically predicted such a feature. The only place I saw that was from that 1up article that was all about Nintendo dreams and fanboy hallucinations. I don't think anyone expects that kind of functionality and if you do, prepare to be very disappointed.

I doubt very much you'll be able to watch your friend playing a game while you yourself are playing a game. But seeing what they're playing on the controller is easily doable. Hell, the 3DS already does this.
TruePrime said:
As for brand new entrants, could be anything really. I personally am hoping for another F Zero rep (they have a few choices they could go with.) as well as Tingle and Ridley to actually be playable characters.

This would significantly increase the replay value for me as I would play this after a bad day just to beat the shit out of Tingle.


v4gr4nt said:
Sure it was. It was a Spanish guy (forgot his name), known for making this kind of stuff.

Actually there was one website that hosted the video (at the time) fans found the domain was owned by Nintendo...
artwalknoon said:
Woah, calm down now, I don't think anybody has realistically predicted such a feature. The only place I saw that was from that 1up article that was all about Nintendo dreams and fanboy hallucinations. I don't think anyone expects that kind of functionality and if you do, prepare to be very disappointed.

No, I'm not expecting that at all actually. I just said it would be pretty cool if it did happen. I was actually trying to point out to people in an earlier post they they would be disappointed if they took that article as anything resembling what to expect.


artwalknoon said:
Edit: For new Smash players I'd like to see Travis, Mega Man, someone from Streetfighter, and maybe Olimar and a couple pikmin, which could work like the ice climbers.

But Olimar is in Brawl?


AceBandage said:
I doubt very much you'll be able to watch your friend playing a game while you yourself are playing a game. But seeing what they're playing on the controller is easily doable. Hell, the 3DS already does this.

Well the 3ds does it over local wifi only and only for 1 or 2 games at the moment. Can Nintendo set up an infrastructure where this is simple and lag free or even possible? Heaps of salt for anything Nintendo and online related. I don't buy the Iwata quote. I'd love for them to prove me wrong, but I've got to see it to believe it.



I saw this on Go Nintendo's site. People are beginning to speculate about how the design of this E3 invitation card may provide clues about Project Cafe's name and potential streaming feature.

"Note that the imagery used is a combination of the squares with beveled edges we know from the DS family with the blue circles that have appeared in connection with the Wii. Combining them is what appears to be a stream or a wave. This may suggest that the next console will bring home consoles and portables closer together. It also may corroborate that the console will be called Stream, as previous rumours suggested." - source

artwalknoon said:
Well the 3ds does it over local wifi only and only for 1 or 2 games at the moment. Can Nintendo set up an infrastructure where this is simple and lag free or even possible? Heaps of salt for anything Nintendo and online related. I don't buy the Iwata quote. I'd love for them to prove me wrong, but I've got to see it to believe it.

Er, no.
I mean, on the 3DS you can see what they're playing. Not watch what they're playing.
Like it'll say "Soandso is playing Super Street Fighter 4".
Of course you likely won't just be able to click their name and actually watch them play a game.
I mean, it's possible on a technical level, but it seems so... boring.

Hiltz said:
I saw this on Go Nintendo's site. People are beginning to speculate about how the design of this E3 invitation card may provide clues about Project Cafe's name and potential streaming feature.

"Note that the imagery used is a combination of the squares with beveled edges we know from the DS family with the blue circles that have appeared in connection with the Wii. Combining them is what appears to be a stream or a wave. This may suggest that the next console will bring home consoles and portables closer together. It also may corroborate that the console will be called Stream, as previous rumours suggested." - source


Eh, looks like any other thing Nintendo has done for the Wii/DS.

Also, why the hell is NoE hosting the event?
I think IGN knows a lot more than they are letting on. I know GAF gives them a lot of flak but I think they have shown that they definitely have inside sources. I believe this is why they are so adamant about the Cafe's specs. You can bet they have a basic knowledge of the games that will be shown as well. It better not be a port fest. If their intention is to bring the "core" gamer back then games like Bioshock, Elder Scrolls IV, and the like will have already been experienced by said group long ago


AceBandage said:
Er, no.
I mean, on the 3DS you can see what they're playing. Not watch what they're playing.
Like it'll say "Soandso is playing Super Street Fighter 4".
Of course you likely won't just be able to click their name and actually watch them play a game.
I mean, it's possible on a technical level, but it seems so... boring.

oh, that makes more sense. Yeah I'm sure that's possible. I thought the 1up article talks about seeing what your friend is playing like you're both playing CoD co-op online and you can see his screen on your controller and talk to each other via head set or something.


Hiltz said:

I saw this on Go Nintendo's site. People are beginning to speculate about how the design of this E3 invitation card may provide clues about Project Cafe's name and potential streaming feature.

"Note that the imagery used is a combination of the squares with beveled edges we know from the DS family with the blue circles that have appeared in connection with the Wii. Combining them is what appears to be a stream or a wave. This may suggest that the next console will bring home consoles and portables closer together. It also may corroborate that the console will be called Stream, as previous rumours suggested." - source


that looks an awful lot like the PS3/PSP "wave" or whatever they call it.... :/
Hiltz said:

I saw this on Go Nintendo's site. People are beginning to speculate about how the design of this E3 invitation card may provide clues about Project Cafe's name and potential streaming feature.

"Note that the imagery used is a combination of the squares with beveled edges we know from the DS family with the blue circles that have appeared in connection with the Wii. Combining them is what appears to be a stream or a wave. This may suggest that the next console will bring home consoles and portables closer together. It also may corroborate that the console will be called Stream, as previous rumours suggested." - source


now we are down to analysing invitatiosn. man we are like crackheads snorting grains off the ground
artwalknoon said:
oh, that makes more sense. Yeah I'm sure that's possible. I thought the 1up article talks about seeing what your friend is playing like you're both playing CoD co-op online and you can see his screen on your controller and talk to each other via head set or something.

It does, and like I said, it's possible. But I doubt very much that would happen.
I'm sure Nintendo has thought about this idea some. It just doesn't seem practical, however.
AceBandage said:

What company could he be talking about that "merger/acquisition" could be applicable? It sure as hell wouldn't be Valve.
Doctor_20 said:
Like who? Just curious.
Hell, there are a ton of 3rd party characters they could choose. Snake is probably the most iconic, but fans would love to see the obvious characters like Belmont, Megaman, and so forth. Hell, if they really wanted to get edgy, they could fill Snake's void with AssCreed guy or something.
AceBandage said:
Er, no.
I mean, on the 3DS you can see what they're playing. Not watch what they're playing.
Like it'll say "Soandso is playing Super Street Fighter 4".
Of course you likely won't just be able to click their name and actually watch them play a game.
I mean, it's possible on a technical level, but it seems so... boring.

Eh, looks like any other thing Nintendo has done for the Wii/DS.

Also, why the hell is NoE hosting the event?

Speak for yourself. I enjoy watching great players during spectator mode every once in a while
Fourth Storm said:
What company could he be talking about that "merger/acquisition" could be applicable? It sure as hell wouldn't be Valve.

Could be any company with a knowledge of how to set up a network and run it, honestly.
Doesn't need to have a presence in gaming currently.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Fourth Storm said:
What company could he be talking about that "merger/acquisition" could be applicable? It sure as hell wouldn't be Valve.

Did it make sense that Activision acquired Blizzard?

Valve takes a similar amount of time to make its games as well. Blizzard also has/had Battle.net.

Beth Cyra

Joey Fox said:
Did it make sense that Activision acquired Blizzard?

Valve takes a similar amount of time to make its games as well. Blizzard also has/had Battle.net.
As far as I remember that is a very werid way to put that.

Activision and Viv merged and they just promoted Blizzards name, but it was a pretty equal thing and not like Activision really acquired anyone.
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