It's not about should. It's about can. And would.
Sacred place is never empty. If you are too complacent and rigid, someone else will get your spot. Starting from small and then simply outgrow you.
Who would thought 20 years ago that top spot in gaming would be Chinese company and Nintendo would be only 6th
There is always uncertainty part of future - unpredictable, that you can't even think of, and it's big, whole ~30% (it's not always lead to negative effect, but the risk is always there)
Nokia thought it has it in it's pocket, until paradigm shift wiped them out
(funny thing that windows mobile was a thing years before Apple made it actually work, pushing winmobile to oblivion, huge loss of MS to Apple and Google). Contrary to popular belief it's not those who ~invent~ things that usually wins. It's those who can put it to practice in a way people would like.