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IGN: System exclusives --Console Showdown - PS3 vs. Wii vs. 360


aka andydumi
Andrex said:
So... what do you guys think 2009 will be?

You mean what will come out?

We know Killzone 2 will be out. And that is about all that we have confirmed with a solid release date.
AndyD said:
You mean what will come out?

We know Killzone 2 will be out. And that is about all that we have confirmed with a solid release date.

We also know that Infamous will be out as well as the new Halo expansion. Most likely White Knight Chronicles will be out, but that is not set in stone. We also know ninja blade, that game by from software, for the 360, oh and The new Ratchet And Clank.


aka andydumi
H.Cornerstone said:
We also know that Infamous will be out as well as the new Halo expansion. Most likely White Knight Chronicles will be out, but that is not set in stone. We also know ninja blade, that game by from software, for the 360, oh and The new Ratchet And Clank.

Good points.


Killzone 2
Ratchet & Clank something or other.

Ninja Blade
Halo 3 expansion of sorts (this is not really a game, but its significant).
Halo Wars.

White Knight outside Japan

I guess after VGAs on Sunday we may know more on God of war 3 and Uncharted 2.
AndyD said:
Good points.


Killzone 2
Ratchet & Clank something or other.

Ninja Blade
Halo 3 expansion?

White Knight outside Japan
Halo Wars?

I guess after VGAs on Sunday we may know more on God of war 3 and Uncharted 2.

Ohh, yeah, I actually think Halo Wars was just dated as well for April.

If I had to guess, I would say Uncharted 2 will be out this year, God of War III March of 2010 (the two God of War games before hand both released in march as well.)

EDIT: nevermind, someone spoke before me. :)


sex vacation in Guam
AndyD said:
Good points.


Killzone 2
Ratchet & Clank something or other.

I guess after VGAs on Sunday we may know more on God of war 3 and Uncharted 2.

GT5 oh who am i kidding lol, Heavy Rain!? Secret PS3 Game!!!!!??


Durante said:
Huh? it's the only reason to own more than one system.

Consoles are more than the sum of their exclusive titles (online experience, Blu-ray, superior multiplatform experience, etc).
tigeroreilly said:

Must-Buy Wii Exclusives of 2008:

--- -----

Must-Buy Xbox 360 Exclusives of 2008:

Fable II
Gears of War 2

Must-Buy PS3 Exclusives of 2008:


If resistance 2 is a must buy so is every other mediocre shooter out there


H.Cornerstone said:
I would say Heavy Rain has a 80% of coming out, where as GT 5 is 50/50.

I know it's still some way off but I'm not worried about Heavy Rain. I think we will see it in '09. I think Uncharted 2 is a shoe-in for '09 too. I have complete faith in ND, they'll have had two years development time and of course they don't have to start from scratch like they did with the first.


you either include the PC in the comparison, or you allow the PC/console multiplatforms into the discussion. I think they should be in, the only point of a comparison like this is to determine which is best for valid purchasing reasons, so it makes little sense to ring-fence the PC conversions.

Personally I'd even put stuff like Ferrari Challenge in for PS3, it bears fuck all resemblance to the Wii version, and is a genuine reason to look at the platform, which is what the comparison is really all about, fundamentally.
list of Sony games (since I only concern my self with these titles) I'm pretty sure 09 release

-Killzone 2
-WKC (there's no way it took more than 1 year for localization while we already got report that localization is already started)
-Uncharted 2
-Ratchet Future 2 (unanounced, but considering IG's track record, I'm pretty sure it's out in 09)
-Heavy Rain
-Afrika and Aqua (if the rumor that it comes out in USA is true, I'm pretty sure it'll be in 09)
-Fat Princess (it's about damn time we hear more of this)
-Flower (I saw a thread in ps3forum there's a new video, meaning they're going to start resurfacing again, meaning 09 release imo)
-Pixel Junk Dungeons (Pixel Junk games don't really have long development cycle, the release 2 pixel junk game in this year, I fully anticipate Dungeon will be out somewhere in 09)


GAF's Bob Woodward
It's not just IGN, using the same criteria on GameRankings you'll end up with a pretty similar order..


2008 (strict) exclusives over 75%

PS3: 13 disc games, 6 PSN
Wii: 10 disc games, 2 Wii-Ware
360: 8 disc games, 6 XBLA


Callibretto said:
list of Sony games (since I only concern my self with these titles) I'm pretty sure 09 release

-Killzone 2
-WKC (there's no way it took more than 1 year for localization while we already got report that localization is already started)
-Uncharted 2
-Ratchet Future 2 (unanounced, but considering IG's track record, I'm pretty sure it's out in 09)
-Heavy Rain
-Afrika and Aqua (if the rumor that it comes out in USA is true, I'm pretty sure it'll be in 09)
-Fat Princess (it's about damn time we hear more of this)
-Flower (I saw a thread in ps3forum there's a new video, meaning they're going to start resurfacing again, meaning 09 release imo)
-Pixel Junk Dungeons (Pixel Junk games don't really have long development cycle, the release 2 pixel junk game in this year, I fully anticipate Dungeon will be out somewhere in 09)

Demons Soul...


GAF's Bob Woodward
seat said:
No love for Braid?

They weren't counting downloadable games, I don't think.

My figures from Gamerankings do.

Another statistic:

if you count ALL 2008 games, exclusive, non-exclusive, downloadable or disc over 75%, the order changes a little:

360: 66
PS3: 55
Wii: 16

That's pretty facking pathetic for Wii. 360 benefits over PS3 with a few more PC ports and XBLA games that make the cut.


Based on my (limited) experience with Gear 2 and Resistance 2, they're definitely not "must-buys". Ninja Gaiden 2 though gets far less respect than it really deserves. Best action game ever.


Callibretto said:
not sure if it can make it in 09 for US version. we barely hear anything about this game

Japanese release in February, and it is a SCE-published game, the worst is that it gets released next Fall in the rest of the world.

WKC, now that is the enigma, even if it is also a SCE game.


Forget about Killzone, God of War and MAG.

2009 is all about:

gofreak said:
They weren't counting downloadable games, I don't think.

My figures from Gamerankings do.

Another statistic:

if you count ALL games, exclusive, non-exclusive, downloadable or disc over 75%, the order changes a little:

360: 66
PS3: 55
Wii: 16

That's pretty facking pathetic for Wii. 360 benefits over PS3 with a few more PC ports and XBLA games that make the cut.

I still kind of find it hard to justify owning both HD consoles. That probably has a lot to do with the fact that I play most 360 exclusives to death on my mates console (although he won't buy Banjo, plus he just bought a PS3 and is talking of selling his 360, I might end up taking him up on that).

The Wii though... I'll probably wait for Zelda Wii at this point, I already got all the stars on SMG. I'll probably sound like an awful troll for saying this, and I do apologise, I'm really not your average Wii-hater (although that line-up). But when DQX was announced for the Wii, all it did was make me not care about DQX.

Hopefully as we start seeing it I'll build some excitement but I thought Lost Odyssey was too much like a PS2 RPG, what the hell's DQX going to be like! FFXIII or bust for me at this point.


somehow, every thread I read today seems to be made just for the purpose to ban as many people as possible before NPD numbers come out :lol

on topic:

and come on, you're reading IGN, so clearly you've impeccable taste and common sense

uhm... yeah...

and this:
No More Heroes 8.5
in the exclusives list but not in the must buy list makes this whole article worthless to me! >:|

seriously, is there a reason why they mixed up the review scores from US, UK and AU so much? did they always choose the best one?
Verve said:
seriously, is there a reason why they mixed up the review scores from US, UK and AU so much? did they always choose the best one?
From IGN Australia.
"Before we get started, however, a few things you need to know about our system exclusives head-to-head:

* We're using IGN AU review scores wherever they're available. If we didn't review it, we're using the U.S. team's score. And if they didn't review it, the U.K.'s.

* We've set a score of 7.5 out of 10 as the benchmark for inclusion in the feature.

* While this is a console showdown, we're not counting games as exclusives if they're also on PC. Sorry 360 fans – Left 4 Dead doesn't count.

* We're only including games available at retail. As mentioned we'll be doing a full showdown between WiiWare, PSN and XBLA in the next day or so."
Man the 360 apparently fails so hard I guess I picked the wrong console to be my primary one. Thankfully the PS3 stands here since summer and this is a great redemption for my investment, I can sleep safe now knowing that it's the year of the PS3 after all.


is now taking requests
Hellraizer said:
Man the 360 apparently fails so hard I guess I picked the wrong console to be my primary one. Thankfully the PS3 stands here since summer and this is a great redemption for my investment, I can sleep safe now knowing that it's the year of the PS3 after all.

That is excellent. And also a slap in the face to those who called IGN worthles because of this article.
I mean - if this article cured just one man of his sleeping problems, how can it not be worth it? IGN redeemed!

vag 2.0

How come all the threads today are system wars sillyness?
If you like games that much, get a real job and buy all three jesus.


gofreak said:
They weren't counting downloadable games, I don't think.
Which is complete horseshit. 4 of the 10 games on my GOTY top ten list were downloadable, including #1 on the list. (Pixeljunk Monsters + Encore)

My figures from Gamerankings do.

Another statistic:

if you count ALL games, exclusive, non-exclusive, downloadable or disc over 75%, the order changes a little:

360: 66
PS3: 55
Wii: 16

That's pretty facking pathetic for Wii. 360 benefits over PS3 with a few more PC ports and XBLA games that make the cut.

I think this is much more representative of reality as far as I'm concerned. 360 and PS3 both have very strong libraries, while the Wii's is pretty poor. It seems like the data for this article was culled in a very specific way to prove a point rather than looking at things from a broader, more honest perspective.


listen to the mad man
gofreak said:
Another statistic:

if you count ALL games, exclusive, non-exclusive, downloadable or disc over 75%, the order changes a little:

360: 66
PS3: 55
Wii: 16

That's pretty facking pathetic for Wii. 360 benefits over PS3 with a few more PC ports and XBLA games that make the cut.

what criteria did you use to generate this? because if you count all games, here's what you get:

360: 182 (metacritic: 212)
PS3: 101 (metacritic: 125)
Wii: 40 (metacritic: 66)

which makes me think that you meant just 2008 games


GAF's Bob Woodward
Stumpokapow said:
which makes me think that you meant just 2008 games

Ya, cause that was the context of the original article..2008 exclusives over 7.5 on IGN AU. I broadened it to 2008 'all games' > 75% on Gamerankings in that post. I'll edit for total explicitness/clarity.


archnemesis said:
From IGN Australia.
"Before we get started, however, a few things you need to know about our system exclusives head-to-head:

* We're using IGN AU review scores wherever they're available. If we didn't review it, we're using the U.S. team's score. And if they didn't review it, the U.K.'s.

* We've set a score of 7.5 out of 10 as the benchmark for inclusion in the feature.

* While this is a console showdown, we're not counting games as exclusives if they're also on PC. Sorry 360 fans – Left 4 Dead doesn't count.

* We're only including games available at retail. As mentioned we'll be doing a full showdown between WiiWare, PSN and XBLA in the next day or so."
They probably should've included PC since they aren't including games that are also available on PC.
danwarb said:
They probably should've included PC since they aren't including games that are also available on PC.

You'd think that.

They're only measuring only console exclusives so they're excluding games that can...only be played on certain consoles?


GAF's Bob Woodward
They should have done PC for sure. But we can do the same via Gamerankings ourselves.

Gamesranking says PC had 24 2008 games rating over 75%, with about 12 being exclusive (I think, but could be wrong on some).

That sort of surprises me, I expected more.


listen to the mad man
BenjaminBirdie said:
They're only measuring only console exclusives so they're excluding games that can...only be played on certain consoles?

You don't need to play dumb. I mean, it's okay to say "I think they should not count games that are also out on PC and I agree with that methodology" but you're clearly aware of why some people think PC/360 games should be counted as 360 console exclusives.

I mean, yes, people did play Mass Effect and Gears of War on PC, but the amount of people who did is an order of magnitude less. When someone says they are a "PS3-only owner" they don't mean that they don't own a PC, they mean that they don't game on their PC.

I don't think it's a stretch to say that the group of people who want to play 360 games, don't buy a 360, and then play those games on the PC are by and large a very small minority compared to the people who want to play 360 games, don't buy a 360, and don't play the 360 games.

It varies from game to game of course--I suspect, for instance, that Gears of War and any hypothetical Halo 3 port would be substantially less PC-tilted than, say, Fallout 3 (I know this is PC/PS3/360), but the general jist is that while the 360 and the PS3 are in direct competition with one another, the same is not true with the 360 and the PC, and that's why people want to include "console exclusives" in with "true exclusives".
Stumpokapow said:
You don't need to play dumb. I mean, it's okay to say "I think they should not count games that are also out on PC and I agree with that methodology" but you're clearly aware of why some people think PC/360 games should be counted as 360 console exclusives.

I mean, yes, people did play Mass Effect and Gears of War on PC, but the amount of people who did is an order of magnitude less. When someone says they are a "PS3-only owner" they don't mean that they don't own a PC, they mean that they don't game on their PC.

I don't think it's a stretch to say that the group of people who want to play 360 games, don't buy a 360, and then play those games on the PC are by and large a very small minority compared to the people who want to play 360 games, don't buy a 360, and don't play the 360 games.

It varies from game to game of course--I suspect, for instance, that Gears of War and any hypothetical Halo 3 port would be substantially less PC-tilted than, say, Fallout 3 (I know this is PC/PS3/360), but the general jist is that while the 360 and the PS3 are in direct competition with one another, the same is not true with the 360 and the PC, and that's why people want to include "console exclusives" in with "true exclusives".

I agree. I wasn't playing dumb so much as recreating a thought process in text by using its limited emotive tools, in this instance, the ellipsis.
Stumpokapow said:
what criteria did you use to generate this? because if you count all games, here's what you get:

360: 182 (metacritic: 212)
PS3: 101 (metacritic: 125)
Wii: 40 (metacritic: 66)

which makes me think that you meant just 2008 games

He did.

edit: nice edit btw.


GAF's Bob Woodward
There were surprisingly few decent (as per Gamerankings) PC->360 exclusive ports this year. You can count them on one hand. If you add them in it'd bring 360 to 12 retail and 7 XBLA titles, which would still be just shy of the PS3 totals, if one prioritises retail games.
For once I can agree with IGN. 2008 was a fine year for the PS3. Too bad they forgot about Wipeout HD.

Also, ban the fucker who tries to be funny by posting heartattack gifs.
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