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I'm tired

I mean how are you truly being affected by climate change? Don't let fear control you. I'm more worried about wars that could affect us quickly. Viruses are a part of the human experience. It's not the first one we've dealt with and not the last one either. Don't let fear control you. Live your life and enjoy it. Getting off social media and the news made me realize that when you live your life it's not that stressful at all and most people don't even care about what we're told to worry about. Life is great honestly if you decide to make it great. Expand your pay by improving yourself.
I guess we're on the same page then.
That was my point with my post. I don't let those things limit me...but sometimes you just stop to think about them, that's all.

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
Sorry to hear OP (and others). For what it’s worth, I think feeling like this is normal and expected. I certainly go though these phases now and again. If you’re not getting enough sleep then try to - people tend to underestimate how important sleep is to mental health.


Gold Member
Dunno what OP is talking about, life is pretty great when you don’t fall into these “woe is me” rants or worry about things you can’t control.

Just sitting here drinking my coffee and overlooking the ocean while working. Life is good!
Naked Gun Movie GIF


The only thing to do is to be a better example than what we see from others in the news, and to make your home and your community the best sanctuary it can be.

You can't control the world, but to an extent you can control your world.
A lot of good tips here already. And yes, if you're not careful it's easy to focus on the negative, and forget that there is still a lot of light and beauty in this world.

OP, I know you mentioned your daughter, but do you have other family around? Or close friends? Would be fantastic if you have those, and if they have kids your daughter's age.

In that case, get out there and do more stuff with them. Notice I said "out" there; something outside in the open air would be great now that the weather is getting warmer.

Someone mentioned the ocean, which is actually a good idea; everything about the beach/ocean (the breeze, the sound of the waves, the view of the horizon) is very soothing.

If none of that is possible, then just simply do more fun, non-Internet stuff with your daughter. Take her to a fun museum. To the zoo -- you can't go wrong with the zoo. To the theater to see a kid's play. Etc etc etc...


I mean how are you truly being affected by climate change? Don't let fear control you. I'm more worried about wars that could affect us quickly. Viruses are a part of the human experience. It's not the first one we've dealt with and not the last one either. Don't let fear control you. Live your life and enjoy it. Getting off social media and the news made me realize that when you live your life it's not that stressful at all and most people don't even care about what we're told to worry about. Life is great honestly if you decide to make it great. Expand your pay by improving yourself.

Climate change is proven but it's cyclical anyway. Anyone with half a brain would know that. Ask a Mammoth.


Gold Member
Dunno what OP is talking about, life is pretty great when you don’t fall into these “woe is me” rants or worry about things you can’t control.

Just sitting here drinking my coffee and overlooking the ocean while working. Life is good!
Ah, the ocean, I think I remember those!

wernt they wet?



Climate change is proven but it's cyclical anyway. Anyone with half a brain would know that. Ask a Mammoth.

Nothing can stop an ice age, that much is very true. We are ultimately beholden to whatever the universe and physics decides to throw at us. However, we can do far more to mitigate the effects of the climate change that we are creating right now, to make the world a better place for both us and everything else. The mammoths had no say in their fate. We do.
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You don't need to change the whole world for your daughter, just need to be good to her.

Yeah OP sounds like he actually has it pretty good, he just needs to focus on his own little patch of the world and learn to tune out the problems of the wider world. Not an unusual issue these days, something a lot of online folks could work on.
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I don't want to burden anyone with a phone call, so I'm just gonna drop this here. Apologies in advance.

I'm at the end of it. I can't take the ugliness of humanity anymore.

But of course, I have to take it, because I'm a father of a teenage girl, and I have to be here for her. And live with the guilt I feel for having brought her into this fucking cesspool of a world, nation, culture.

And I'll live my day to day, to day, wondering if this will be the day when shit of the world finally lands on me, or my kid. Hold on to the job, the paycheck, the toys, what's left of the sanity, the facade of being a strong protector, when truly I'm ultimately fucking powerless to do anything about anything.

Watch people be horrible to each other, watch a show, watch a movie, watch GAF, watch my spending, watch the stock market, watch my retirement fund, watch my years peel off the calendar as I watch the thinning ice I skate upon and pray to fucking god it doesn't collapse before I reach the other side.

We are capable of so much, and instead we opt for ... this fucking bullshit.

I'm so goddamned tired.
Sure, but why not focus on your own life instead of everyone else's.


Gold Member
You gotta carve out your own little space in this world and be happy with that.
A human being was not meant to spend their very brief existence in life trying to move the World.
So much information, things maybe we weren't meant to notice (digest).

Think about your brain as a stomach. Would you eat and eat and eat and eat?

My condolences to the families of yesterdays mass shooting, but im not supposed to be aware of something like that... everytime it happens.
You can't care about everything that happens all the time in this place.

Also, nothing is guaranteed in this life. So appreciate the things, people, experiences you have.
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That energy - that *drain* of energy comes from a focus on the world at large and the negativity that is expressed through a variety of media channels. Of course there are bad things and tragedies that happen, but they are the exception rather than the rule.

Think about your personal life and try to eliminate all the voices proclaiming tragedy and doom "out there". Reign in your focus to what is happening in your immediate awareness and you may be surprised to find that nothing is wrong at all. I'm not suggesting that we have to bury our heads in the sand, but no matter the negative events that happen in the larger world, our sphere of influence is infinitesimal, so by focusing on the negative beyond our realm of control, we not only make ourselves miserable, but we are doing a disservice to those close to us - to those who *matter* by allowing ourselves to be pulled down in the pit.

Take care of you and yours and be kind and compassionate to whatever enters your world, smile and let go of the rest. It's all you can do. It's the ego that says we need to be affected by all the horrors of life because it presupposes influence, when in reality there often is none.


*Refreshes biennially
Go see a doctor OP. I hope you will get better.

Never in recorded human history was a better time to be alive and it's a fact.



Gold Member
I mean how are you truly being affected by climate change?
Well, I live in a city in Europe where temperatures over 25 degrees were very unusual when I was young. We had cold winters with snow.
Now it starts with 30 in May and keeps rising up to 38 until August. No snow anymore. Getting hoter every fucking summer and I'm pretty sure we'll end like this without a helmet.

arnold schwarzenegger eyes GIF


They/Them A-10 Warthog
We live in one of the best times in human history. Of coarse, we might be at the end of this time but that is an argument for another day. Right now the media makes money off of bad news and social media is really only interesting when people are fighting or upset. If you live in the US then disconnect from it all. Get rid of all social media and only consume news from a daily, or weekly local newspaper. Get as many hobbies as you can to pass time you used to spend on the internet or cable news. Only focus on what you can control and your family. Screw the world. At least that is my motto.


Faith - Hope - Love
Catphish Catphish , I'm sorry you've been feeling this way, and I absolutely understand. I've gone through repeating cycles of depression and suicidal thoughts for far too long, and much of that is due to absorbing the negativity of the world and knowing there's nothing I can do to put a stop to it...aside from praying and still hoping that eventually people will change their hearts and start having love and compassion for others. (It's an unrealistic fantasy, I know.)

I've finally come to realize that scrolling through my little window into the world and seeing all the awful things humanity do and say to one another is just a different form of self-harm. We have to take breaks from all of it or we endanger our own hearts and possibly even our physical well-being.

Your love and strength are beautiful- Hold onto the blessings you have in your life, and please don't borrow the troubles of the entire world. Continue to love your family with all you've got and it will come back to you...uplifting each other in times of need.

God bless you and your family! You've got this, friend. Everything is going to be okay. :) ❤️

- - - - -

PS: Congratulations, Peggies Peggies !! I'm sure you are an absolutely AWESOME mommy to those sweet children and I pray everything goes as smoothly as possible!
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I've finally come to realize that scrolling through my little window into the world and seeing all the awful things humanity do and say to one another is just a different form of self-harm.
Your whole post was fantastic, but I'm highlighting this part because it completely blew my mind. I never thought of it that way before, but it makes a lot of sense. You're absolutely right, and I wonder if more people framed it the way you did, if it would encourage a lot of people (especially young people) to take breaks from negative social media.
Turn the news off and forget about it. Just enjoy your space. That's what I did. I have a busy physical job and I'm basically other than the occasional weekend a single dad of a 15,12,9 years Olds. If I worried about all that I would go crazy. I also use the serenity prayer. I do what I can to give us the best life I can and fuck everything else and everyone else if they don't like it.

That works most the time but I have the occasional bad day.
OP, consider throwing out your TV, replace smart phone with flip phone, and join a couple of clubs/groups that get you out of the house and interacting with people IRL.


Agree with OP. But take the opposite lesson.

In the short blink of an eye, no one will ever remember or care you even existed. So just have fun. Do drugs. Play games. Jump off a building. Its all good. None of it matters.

Its like a fruit fly pondering the meaning of life. Take comfort in that your existence is a microscopic second that no one cares about. So just live for your short term happiness.
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Seriously, pause life, find a nice flower and take a whiff of its scent.

Life passes as quickly, so do not fret about it.
Catphish Catphish
I've finally come to realize that scrolling through my little window into the world and seeing all the awful things humanity do and say to one another is just a different form of self-harm. We have to take breaks from all of it or we endanger our own hearts and possibly even our physical well-being.
To the sensitive...to the compassionate, mainstream news and the like is straight up abuse. And I don't want to hear, they're just reporting what's happening nonsense. It purposefully feeds upon and profits from human misery, both in the misery that is cited and the misery of those whom are adversely affected by the initial misery. Are any of these tragedies lessened via all the noise? I don't think so. In fact, I think it perpetuates an environment of heaviness and oppressiveness that brings further atrocities. Our individual and collective psychological well-being *matters*. And when we consume negativity or even allow such negativity into our space, we have no reasonable right to expect a positive world. All is energy. Put in the good vibes for yourself and share them as you come in contact with the world around you. Let the system rot.


Reseterror Resettler
That's how the powers that be want you to feel, OP. The world is curated and filtered to only show us what will outrage us the most and feel despondent. You need to make your own happiness, and search for the things that aren't full of darkness. The world can be a horrible place, but it can also be a wonderful place. Be the effect you want to see. You can't change things om a macro scale, but brighten up the places you have a direct say in.


Gold Member
I'm at the end of it. I can't take the ugliness of humanity anymore.

But of course, I have to take it, because I'm a father of a teenage girl, and I have to be here for her. And live with the guilt I feel for having brought her into this fucking cesspool of a world, nation, culture.

And I'll live my day to day, to day, wondering if this will be the day when shit of the world finally lands on me, or my kid. Hold on to the job, the paycheck, the toys, what's left of the sanity, the facade of being a strong protector, when truly I'm ultimately fucking powerless to do anything about anything.

You know, this has been something that been on my mind since I came out of the drug induced haze I was in last year. I was blissfully unaware of anything that was going on in the world for a few months until I ended up watching Inside on netflix.

According to Spotify, that was the most played song of 2021 for me.

Since then I've spent more then a few evening sitting's in a cloud of weed smoke thinking about stuff and the best I've been able to come up with is.... The Hubris of Humanity is what is going to kill us.

We have corporations that bow to shareholder dividends tell you and me that we need to be the ones that fix the problems. They tell us how to change our lives to "fix things" while they don't change anything about how they make the stuff causing the problem. Not unless the charge us for the cost of retooling that is. Profits above all else.

We support "X-rights" they say here and then they cut it from a market that will make them more $$$$ if they do.
We need to cut back on buying garbage while all the places that make the garbage keep on making it.
Car pool or take public transit to work to make the money you need to afford a week on our giant luxury cruise ship.

Everything is a mixed message and most of us are just tangentially aware of it. With "current issue" more people care about what happens -9 to 0 then they do what happens from 0+ and most people just care about how the frame looks when they place it on their wall rather then if the picture is worth framing in the first place.
Or maybe I'm just high, either way pass that shit back
Kacey Musgraves Smoking GIF by Paramount+


I don't want to burden anyone with a phone call, so I'm just gonna drop this here. Apologies in advance.

I'm at the end of it. I can't take the ugliness of humanity anymore.

But of course, I have to take it, because I'm a father of a teenage girl, and I have to be here for her. And live with the guilt I feel for having brought her into this fucking cesspool of a world, nation, culture.

And I'll live my day to day, to day, wondering if this will be the day when shit of the world finally lands on me, or my kid. Hold on to the job, the paycheck, the toys, what's left of the sanity, the facade of being a strong protector, when truly I'm ultimately fucking powerless to do anything about anything.

Watch people be horrible to each other, watch a show, watch a movie, watch GAF, watch my spending, watch the stock market, watch my retirement fund, watch my years peel off the calendar as I watch the thinning ice I skate upon and pray to fucking god it doesn't collapse before I reach the other side.

We are capable of so much, and instead we opt for ... this fucking bullshit.

I'm so goddamned tired.
Just happened upon your post man. Just wanted to say we all feel that way sometimes. To he honest Yea this world is screwed up. It's hard sometimes. All you can do is just try to be the best person you can and hope that your kid picks up as much of that as you can. I used to deal with extreme depression, I even almost took my life a few times but thanks to family and friends I got past that and didn't. Not saying you're at that point. Just saying I've been there.

To he honest I had so much hope for our future but as I've gotten older I realize I was too optimistic. That's ok too. However also while I've gotten older I've realized that we can't stop fighting the fight. I myself may have never had kids but I have a 28 year old nephew who will always be like a son to me since he lost half his family at birth. I myself worry at lot of days about his future and hopefully someday his kids future. However I see the person he is and know that it's worth the fight.

You may feel at times like you do with this post but you can't forget that people care and that there are good people still left in this world. Your kid included. It's ok to vent and to feel sad and yes even tired sometimes. Just focus on the good things and focus on hope. Focus on that love. It sounds cliche but it's true. As long as humanity still exist on this planet there will always be hope for us and for those generations still coming

Anyway that said I'm sending positivity your way. You're not alone in your feelings. Just know that.
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The collapse is coming, nothing you can do to prevent that. Take solace in knowing you lived during the peak of human civilization.

You're going to die regardless. Keep fighting while you are alive. Memento mori.
Yo, man, you got the inside scoop on the end of it all?


Gold Member
I'm just tired of being tired. Its perpetual. Seems anytime I have energy it goes down the drain, and another 4 or 5 days go by feeling tired and exhausted. No amount of sleep really solves it, and even when I feel good I know I won't soon enough.

It's been years since I woke up confident that I would have an overwhelming need to nap or sleep or just rub my eyes for hours. So the I just drink or otherwise treat myself badly cause being sober is exhausting and drinking is also exhausting but a little more fun - sometimes exciting at the right dose.

Then... Rinse, repeat.


Do you have any hobbies? As in something you genuinely enjoy, not force yourself to do to pass the time or keep up appearances?

If you have one that you can share with family, that's great, but I think it's also important to have one that is just about you.

There's not much you can do about the larger stuff in life. But change does need to come from somewhere, so if it comforts you in regard to your role, you could donate to some well-researched causes, volunteer for them, or even work for them. If you can help affect change, great! If not, well at least you will have tried.

And lastly, exercise. It really does help peel the existential burden from you temporarily. And keeps you healthy!

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I'm just tired of being tired. Its perpetual. Seems anytime I have energy it goes down the drain, and another 4 or 5 days go by feeling tired and exhausted. No amount of sleep really solves it
Hit the gym. Sometimes sleep doesn't give you energy, and it's actually the opposite of what you'd think. Gym will give you energy, exhaustion leading to higher quality sleep, more confidence, natural anti-depressant. It's beyond cliché advice at this point, but it's actually true. Doesn't have to be any heavy weights gym-bro stuff, but just walk on the treadmill to start and move around. Get your pulse up. Training for endurance cardio will give you more energy, and exhaust you so have higher quality sleep.

You also might get a sleep study done if you don't feel energy after waking up. Could have sleep apnea or snoring issues.


I get the feeling from your post that all the mass shootings have fucked with your worldview.

Relaxing or consumption is not the answer. That is stagnation, it keeps the problems alive.

You know, an addict can have one overdose and become so scared they stop doing drugs on the spot, another addict, might have 100 overdoses and never change. Changing your mind is incredibly hard and trying to see things differently is not something you do just because you want to.

There are usually 2 ways to change a person's mindset. Either through some form of major experience that attach to your long-term memory that affects how you conceptualize the world (rare, these experiences mostly happen when you are a kid), or, you need to ask yourself questions about yourself, and answer them honestly, to discover why you feel this way. That's what a therapist helps you with.

I would recommend seeking out online communities that feel the same, there are tons of them, and you will discover that you are in a boat with thousands. Their similar feelings might help you see things differently.


I'm just tired of being tired. Its perpetual. Seems anytime I have energy it goes down the drain, and another 4 or 5 days go by feeling tired and exhausted. No amount of sleep really solves it, and even when I feel good I know I won't soon enough.

It's been years since I woke up confident that I would have an overwhelming need to nap or sleep or just rub my eyes for hours. So the I just drink or otherwise treat myself badly cause being sober is exhausting and drinking is also exhausting but a little more fun - sometimes exciting at the right dose.

Then... Rinse, repeat.
How much drinking are we talking about, daily? if so, the drinking is causing the tiredness.

Also, are you outside at some point in the mornings? if not, then your body ain't waking up properly.


Gold Member
I don't want to burden anyone with a phone call, so I'm just gonna drop this here. Apologies in advance.

I'm at the end of it. I can't take the ugliness of humanity anymore.

But of course, I have to take it, because I'm a father of a teenage girl, and I have to be here for her. And live with the guilt I feel for having brought her into this fucking cesspool of a world, nation, culture.

And I'll live my day to day, to day, wondering if this will be the day when shit of the world finally lands on me, or my kid. Hold on to the job, the paycheck, the toys, what's left of the sanity, the facade of being a strong protector, when truly I'm ultimately fucking powerless to do anything about anything.

Watch people be horrible to each other, watch a show, watch a movie, watch GAF, watch my spending, watch the stock market, watch my retirement fund, watch my years peel off the calendar as I watch the thinning ice I skate upon and pray to fucking god it doesn't collapse before I reach the other side.

We are capable of so much, and instead we opt for ... this fucking bullshit.

I'm so goddamned tired.

I love you Catphish. I really mean that. Though I don't know you, we are connected. In the end, we are all brothers and sisters.

Don't ever give up.

How much drinking are we talking about, daily? if so, the drinking is causing the tiredness.

Also, are you outside at some point in the mornings? if not, then your body ain't waking up properly.

I won’t pretend I’m over it but I’ve dramatically reduced my alcohol consumption from a bottle of wine a day at worst to 1 glass of wine a day for the past 2 months. I feel so much better and realize that being hung over all the time made me tired all the time and in a much shittier mood. Being buzzed is a great feeling but it’s not worth it when the rest of your day is shit. Replace the drink with a good cbd thc tincture.


"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that."
Who cares what other people do. As long as they don't directly bother me or my family/relatives, I just try to live my life. Try to find enjoyment in any little thing I can. We're here to live a good life, and worrying about things out of our control just brings you down.

Maybe see if you can find hobbies or activities that bring you joy. Or even take a vacation. Self care is very important.
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