This is a good point. I. Would consider myself to be pretty successful but over the last few years with the pandemic etc. I have kind of just “checked out”Sounds like maybe you are just bored of life? It does sound like you have already accomplished what most average people would consider a "successful" life.
You should realize that most of the people here and around you feel the same. Everyone goes through struggle in there life not matter what there situation is around family life, monetory situation or some other aspect. I have friends who are not married, earns shit ton of money and still miserable and calls me for hours to share how miserable they feel. I myself married with kids, okayish financially and thinks those single guys must be having time of there life with being single and pockets full but turns out thats not the case. Even in office, I use to think that guys 2/3 level above me must be having a blast. I am now at that level and nature of issues have changed but they are still there.I don't want to burden anyone with a phone call, so I'm just gonna drop this here. Apologies in advance.
I'm at the end of it. I can't take the ugliness of humanity anymore.
But of course, I have to take it, because I'm a father of a teenage girl, and I have to be here for her. And live with the guilt I feel for having brought her into this fucking cesspool of a world, nation, culture.
And I'll live my day to day, to day, wondering if this will be the day when shit of the world finally lands on me, or my kid. Hold on to the job, the paycheck, the toys, what's left of the sanity, the facade of being a strong protector, when truly I'm ultimately fucking powerless to do anything about anything.
Watch people be horrible to each other, watch a show, watch a movie, watch GAF, watch my spending, watch the stock market, watch my retirement fund, watch my years peel off the calendar as I watch the thinning ice I skate upon and pray to fucking god it doesn't collapse before I reach the other side.
We are capable of so much, and instead we opt for ... this fucking bullshit.
I'm so goddamned tired.
If all that is taken care of, try to solve a problem that no one seems to be able to solve.If you already have kids, a house paid off, enough retirement funds, i can see how someone can become "tired" of living. I think you need a constant goal or passion in life.
I'm kind of in the same boat but I know things are going to get better for us, I hope.... So I met my wife about 7 years ago, she moved from the east coast to the west so she could live with me. At the time I was still living with mom in my 30s, so I knew it was going to be hard but we did it anyways. Rented a place and have been living there since.
Living in the city for both of us has been unbearable. Things are getting worse, too many corners are being cut with regards to everything, employment, society, just a lower quality of life in general. The bar has obviously been lowered.
Luckily both of us were employed throughout the pandemic, and we now have a 2 year old and are seriously starting to think about his future and sadly it doesn't look all too good, so we have to make the best of it. Right now we are fortunate because my in laws are going to help us by giving us land to build our house on, and we will be out of here by March 2023. You would think moving away from a place I've called home for 40 years would be a shock to anybody, but at this point there is nothing left for me here. This is not the place I grew up in. Place is a dump and you already know which state im talking about when I say this.
My mom passed away in 2019 and I have very little family left here. She was the only person keeping me from moving away from here, and now shes gone. The best advice I could give to anyone is to think about your family first, save all you can and start making plans if you havent already because its going to get worse. This is what I believe anyways. I have been working this job and taking on unbelievable work but I know now that I will soon be out of here so it doesn't hurt too much. I have the training and experience now with paperwork to back it up.
As for the move itself, it's going to cost a lot of money, moving all our stuff cross country, the cars, we are easily looking at $7000 or more, so we had just about that much saved until one of my investments from 2015 came through and got another $7000 for the move so we are now over our goal. So I feel lucky because I know a lot of people are going to be stuck wherever they are when things start really getting bad.
Jesus, are you trying to kill the man?maybe go bowling
Elaborate.Jesus, are you trying to kill the man?
It's bowling.Elaborate.
Catphish sorry to bump this thread, but just wanted to check on you. You good?
I also feel bad for having children I shouldnt have had any. Oh wait nevermind I'm not a believer.I don't want to burden anyone with a phone call, so I'm just gonna drop this here. Apologies in advance.
I'm at the end of it. I can't take the ugliness of humanity anymore.
But of course, I have to take it, because I'm a father of a teenage girl, and I have to be here for her. And live with the guilt I feel for having brought her into this fucking cesspool of a world, nation, culture.
And I'll live my day to day, to day, wondering if this will be the day when shit of the world finally lands on me, or my kid. Hold on to the job, the paycheck, the toys, what's left of the sanity, the facade of being a strong protector, when truly I'm ultimately fucking powerless to do anything about anything.
Watch people be horrible to each other, watch a show, watch a movie, watch GAF, watch my spending, watch the stock market, watch my retirement fund, watch my years peel off the calendar as I watch the thinning ice I skate upon and pray to fucking god it doesn't collapse before I reach the other side.
We are capable of so much, and instead we opt for ... this fucking bullshit.
I'm so goddamned tired.
Watch people be horrible to each other, watch a show, watch a movie, watch GAF, watch my spending, watch the stock market, watch my retirement fund, watch my years peel off the calendar as I watch the thinning ice I skate upon and pray to fucking god it doesn't collapse before I reach the other side.
I got this same advice at my first orgy.Stop 'watching' and start living.
Look at the stars, not what's between them.Stop 'watching' and start living. Look for the beauty in this miracle of life. Spend time with your daughter and let her know you love. Not in words. Show her.
My pleasure. It's just good to know you're here
Thank you for the check in.
If you want the honest truth, I don't know, man. I'm fed up.
I'm fed up with the economy, with the cost of everything going through the roof. The cost of gas. Groceries. Fucking everything.
I'm fed up with people being shitty to each other. There are multiple shootings, multiple killings every night in this fucking city, and the cops are more and more restricted to do anything about it.
If I focus on my little corner of the world, it's not so bad. I got my kid, I got my job (even though it's driving me fucking insane presently), a couple of cats, one of which didn't die after eating 18" of yarn, I got my toys and my shows...
But I feel like I'm just hiding from the reality of the world. Like, if I don't look at the problems, they won't look at me. But in my heart of hearts I know that it's only a matter of time before one of them calls my number.
Hanging on in quiet desperation. It's not just for the English anymore.
Probably more than you wanted, but there it is. I appreciate you for thinking about me.![]()
Don't tell me what I think this is. We're here for each other always.Life sucks, no doubt about it. With each passing day i feel like i dont belong in this current loopy world, and i just feel like going through the motions waiting for the inevitable to happen.
Maybe thats why some poeple think this is actually hell, and we just dont realize it.
Try to not watch or read any news or Twitter/forum opinions during one month. Your vision of life, humanity and the world will improve A LOT. Trust me, you will be amazed about the impact it will have on you.
Pretty edgy.The collapse is coming, nothing you can do to prevent that. Take solace in knowing you lived during the peak of human civilization.
You're going to die regardless. Keep fighting while you are alive. Memento mori.
Bowling is great.It's bowling.
Thank you for the check in.
If you want the honest truth, I don't know, man. I'm fed up.
I'm fed up with the economy, with the cost of everything going through the roof. The cost of gas. Groceries. Fucking everything.
I'm fed up with people being shitty to each other. There are multiple shootings, multiple killings every night in this fucking city, and the cops are more and more restricted to do anything about it.
If I focus on my little corner of the world, it's not so bad. I got my kid, I got my job (even though it's driving me fucking insane presently), a couple of cats, one of which didn't die after eating 18" of yarn, I got my toys and my shows...
But I feel like I'm just hiding from the reality of the world. Like, if I don't look at the problems, they won't look at me. But in my heart of hearts I know that it's only a matter of time before one of them calls my number.
Hanging on in quiet desperation. It's not just for the English anymore.
Probably more than you wanted, but there it is. I appreciate you for thinking about me.![]()
I have to wait til my kid turns 18 but, yeah, when she does, that’s actually the plan. I’m getting the fuck out of Illinois.Ever thought of moving? some affordable places in Midwest USA. Check how much it would cost you. Could probably end up with a net positive to your budget.