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IMDB has a 'Top 250 TV Shows' list

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What's wrong with them? They're all great. Too popular?

No, they're just not good, let alone "great". None of them would even be in a top 50 anime list, let alone in top 50 TV show.

But sure, it's because they're popular. That's why I didn't mention the ultra-niche anime titled FMA. Or Cowboy Bebop - that shit's so underground that I doubt you've heard of it.
What's with the weird LOST hype in this thread? That show turned legit garbage tier toward the end.

EDIT: And wasn't that great to begin with.


Look, Game of Thrones is entertaining as hell, but no way in hell should it be that high up on the list. Seeing it above The Wire is just….no.
Lost is in no way, shape or form a top 10 show. Even when it was good, shows like The Wire, Breaking Bad, Gurren Lagann, etc were just on another level.
It's definitely not new. If I remember correctly, Game of Thrones was ranked as high as #2 on this list at one point. I think it was just after season 3.

It is new - those weren't weighted rankings, but rather simply the IMDB score. The top 250 on both movies and TV uses a different scale than the usual IMDB ratings. For instance, GoT is at a 9.5 in terms of IMDB, but a 9.4 on top 250. Also, Band of Brothers was not included in the other one due to being a miniseries, but is included here.


It's better than all the shows above it on the list though.

Completely disagree. Band of Brothers, Planet Earth and Breaking Bad are all elite tier. Not in a, 'this is poorly written, over the top and just silly, but we'll let it off because it's meant to be gratuitous' sort of way (a la GoT), but instead just straight up top to bottom incredible.
Wire fans are always the most vocal of any fanbase on how nothing touches or comes close to that show.

I don't see how a series with an incredibly poor last season (generally agreed upon), and a coma inducing second season (for me and many critics) - how that can be considered untouchable with no argument even being worthy of discussion. You have 3 for 5 seasons..60% was good/great, 40% not so good.

So yeah for me Breaking Bad is a better show, Sopranos, The Shield, and Six Feet Under as well. I wouldn't put The Wire even in the top 10.


Hannibal is at least 130 places too low. That said, with Game of Thrones at #4, the whole list is sketchy to say the least. I get that it's popular, but the last two seasons are weak.

Also, True Detective is massively overrated. An excellent first half of a single season doesn't equal a great show when the second half and the following season never rise above mediocre.
Wire fans are always the most vocal of any fanbase on how nothing touches or comes close to that show.

I don't see how a series with an incredibly poor last season (generally agreed upon), and a coma inducing second season (for me and many critics) - how that can be considered untouchable with no argument even being worthy of discussion. You have 3 for 5 seasons..60% was good/great, 40% not so good.

So yeah for me Breaking Bad is a better show, Sopranos, The Shield, and Six Feet Under as well. I wouldn't put The Wire even in the top 10.

Well, S2 is secretly the best season, but don't tell anyone. Then again, I never got the hate for it, and through many a rewatch it cemented itself as tied for top spot with S4 for me.

All the pieces matter ;)

And real talk, S5 was not that bad and still about as good as a lot of shows in the Top 20.


I feel like a few of these shows, The Wire in particular, have been rated lower by salty fan s of other shows because people keep saying it is one of The Best Shows Ever (even though it is).

It should be number 4 On that list.
Game of Thrones isn't poorly written, for the most part.

Exactly. Most critics praise it for its writing, and it has gotten quite a few emmy noms for writing. People latch on to a few phrases in a 10 hour story interweaving 10 different storylines coherently every year, and start talking about how GoT has bad writing due to it.
season 2 of the wire is literally >>> any season of breaking bad. i will agree that the last season was a disappointment but it still had some pretty strong scenes in there.

the wire or sopranos (and maybe even mad men) could be considered GOAT tv drama. everything else aint close enough.
Game of Thrones #4? True Detective #11? Holy hell, there's no need to even keep reading after that. Neither show would even make my personal top 250.
Game of Thrones #4? True Detective #11? Holy hell, there's no need to even keep reading after that. Neither show would even make my personal top 250.

So what's your top 15 look like? I'm curious and interested in all the potentially magnificent shows I may have missed. A fin connaisseur like yourself must have some secret shows I don't know about that will blow my mind.
But you gotta watch a good portion of one before you can judge it and put it on a list. I can't imagine anyone can have a fair 250 list of their own.

I'd never actually try to make a list of the top 250 shows, but I've watched way more than 250+ shows in their entirety. Hell, HBO alone gets me to almost 50 series.


Seinfeld is the highest rated sitcom at 36. That's fine.

The lack of Roseanne, Married with Children, Fresh Prince and That 70's Show is disappointing.

How I met your mother deserves to be on it, even though everything after season 5 sucked. Big Bang Theory shouldn't be on it IMO.
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