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In Depth "Fable" Preview


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
At last all the various elements have come together to form a solid game. Gone, at last, are the days when it was simply a showcase for lots of 'cool', but disparate, features. And therein lay the problem we faced while writing this preview; everything is now so well tied together that it's been a real struggle to focus on just the expression system, or just the combat, or just... without going off on a tangent about another seemingly separate part of the game.

Fable is now, more than ever before, an overwhelmingly fun and enjoyable action-rpg


Whether Fable will be the best rpg of all time remains to be seen. Even though we've had over four hours with the game, we feel like we've barely scratched the surface. One thing is for sure though: so far Fable is the best rpg on the Xbox.

As well as all of these, there are plenty of other sub-quest-game-things around Albion. You'll find doors all over the place which will pose you riddles which you've got to solve in order to get past. Some of these are really simple; like shining your lamp on it, or giving it a flower, while others are deviously hard; like getting an insanely high combat multiplier of 50 (we found it hard to get above 5, but then we did like to kill enemies quickly with our Will powers).

Combat multipliers will increase the amount of exp you receive from defeated foes, which leaves you the choice of pulling the right trigger to collect the exp quickly, or leaving it until you've got a higher multiplier and seeing if you can collect the exp before it disappears. Of course, the best route is to kill someone with a flourish, which means you've already got a decent multiplier and then collecting it before you get hit. You also have the option of finishing most enemies early as well; at a certain limit they'll be knocked down for a few seconds, which gives you the opportunity to stab them through the heart; less combat multiplier, but good if you've got a lot more people to kill still.

We should note that combat isn't exactly always easy either; enemies will surround you if they can, and they'll attack from a distance as well. In one quest we found ourselves surrounded by Hobbes which we only managed to defeat thanks to a clever combination of Slow Time and Drain Life. We weren't crap at combat, honest; the bastards had magic users, and a few 'daddy' Hobbes with massive hammers. That's not to say every situation will be like that; some are really easy (if you find three bandits hassling traders for instance).

That's what we were taught it stood for... Anyway, the AI in Fable is sheer brilliance. This is probably the first time in an RPG where you can actually follow people around as they go about their daily routines. Routines have been done before in RPG's, but never, ever to this extent. It really is amazing to watch the townsfolk going about their lives, and in a way it's more like an elaborate version of the Medieval Sims, only interesting.

We watched in fascination as someone finished their tasks for the day and then went to the pub for a drink, before going back home to bed (although they didn't like us going into their house behind them).

Disclaimer: I'm getting the game

Not sure if you can get too much from a fansite dedicated to the game :| Unless, of course, the writer is simply writing a piece for them, but is normally a writer elsewhere. Still interesting, though.


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
this preview provided far more info on fable than the IGN article - I don't care about their subjective judgements, I like hearing the in-depth info that IGN glossed over or missed. First time I had heard about riddle doors or a really good exp system discussion. It was not all gushing either, they had some critisims of the game as well. A fan site knows a lot about the game going in and is writing for a informed audience as well.


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
busy working, i work the night shift 3-11 and dont get home till late. I miss prime time on GA, though I read it regliously, everything is already posted or commented on by the time I get to it.


It's all interesting sans the fanboysih overtones, and the last bit which has been done dozens of times. It's not amazing, it's not brilliant.

That said, I want Fable, I have it pre-ordered, but I still intend to approach it cautiously.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I've worked that shift, it sucks. All you're doing in the day is pretty much waiting to go to work and then afterwards it's too late to really do anything so it feels like your whole day is taken up. I don't envy you.

To get back on topic, I hope Fable is awesome. Not that it matters if it's crap, I'll just buy one of the games I can't afford this year.


so far Fable is the best rpg on the Xbox

Take that shit, KOTOR!

Cant wait to finally play this. The only thing im worried about is framerate. That could really ruin the experience(although not totally)


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
I'm proud to let you all know that we have worked some magic and have 10 features on Fable for the next two weeks. You can get a jump on things by reading today's feature on being good. Seven new screens and three new direct-feed movies included.

IGN going fable crazy ;)



3 movies too

(and yes I saw it in the other thread)
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