Would I recommend watching it? Sure! But don't expect much. I would wait until it leaves theaters.
Naw man this is a theater movie.
Would I recommend watching it? Sure! But don't expect much. I would wait until it leaves theaters.
A giant orb that sort of has a stare like this
appears from some space warp on the moon base, making them think it's with the evil aliens, but is actually from a race of good aliens that the evil aliens harvested, but as an advanced technology they survived and relocated to a "refugee" planet, and now the good aliens sent the orb to warn the earthlings and to work with them to combat the evil aliens, so the giant queen evil alien is after it so that can't happen as it would pose a legitimate threat, so the queen herself (really big) goes after it at Area 51, which is where they're hiding it, and lesser Hemsworth along with not Will Smith and the ex-POTUS's daughter in a stolen alien fighter attack the giant queen as it's stomping around Area 51 after a school bus full of kids being driven by Jeff Goldblum's dad
They kill the queen which is being shielded by many small alien fighters flying in a tornado-like manner around the queen because lesser Hemsworth gets the idea to... something about the eye of the tornado, giving them a window to blow away the queen before she can kill more earthlings, and Brackish Okun who wasn't dead just in a coma has figured out everything and decides they're going to team up with the good aliens for an intergalactic war with the bad aliens, saying "it's time to kick some alien ass"
and it ends
The giant orb thing was creepy as fuck, especially the framing to show how massive it was to the moon station. There were genuinely cool sci fi shots throughout.
Why can't you people figure out how to spell interdepredendalance? Goddamn commies.
Just a big mysterious space eyeball that shows up with a SUBTLE BUT SCRUTINIZING STARE that almost looked like it was something from the bad aliens that has been travelling there for 20 years just to give us the ultimate staredown before blowing our shit to hell.
In IMAX 3D I was like, the back of my head was pushing into the head rest, I was like damn
In terms of quantity, it was less than Day After Tomorrow in my opinion. They mention the east coast being destroyed also when the mothership is coming down but the only thing we see is a foot of the mothership stopping next to the white house. The only widescale destruction shown was some Asian city being affected by gravity and then Dubai getting chucked into London. But these scenes were short so I didn't get a sense of quantity.
As for visual quality, this is definitely higher quality than Day After Tomorrow and a notch better than 2012. How the destruction was shown was definitely 2012-esque but he put much more of that VFX towards the aliens themselves fighting humans which we never really saw in the first one because CGI was still young and would've aged terribly. I'm thinking that's what he meant in advancement.
eh i'm never gonna see this thing anybody want to spoil it for me?
I thought I did a pretty good job.
Also Vivica Fox falls from a chopper into a collapsing building and dies, Bill Pullman runs a suicide flight into the mothership to smoke out the queen so other people can kill it (they originally thought his suicide bomb would kill it but it HAS ITS OWN SHIELD), before dying he says something like "happy fourth of July"
hah just read your rundown i'm kinda caught btw lol thats awesome and wtf thats riduclous
How's the soundtrack? Does it resemble the original? Is it uplifting?
It has a new theme that it mostly uses that is pretty uplifting. The original theme is there but used more sparingly, and to pretty good effect when it does crop up. I'd say it's a mostly forgettable soundtrack relative to the first, but it's fine and the new theme is alright.
The end credits is the same as the original end credits, up to a point.
Thanks for sharing. I was worried because the original composer wasn't involved. (?)It has a new theme that it mostly uses that is pretty uplifting. The original theme is there but used more sparingly, and to pretty good effect when it does crop up. I'd say it's a mostly forgettable soundtrack relative to the first, but it's fine and the new theme is alright.
The end credits is the same as the original end credits, up to a point.
Thanks for sharing. I was worried because the original composer wasn't involved. (?)
Also, I know this is a pretty ridiculous franchise and I really shouldn't expect any better but the alien queen (a seemingly important figure who controls the ships and whatnot) fighting humans on the ground to chase a MacGuffin on foot seems particularly dumb. lol
When the humans capture the eyeball orb ship thing do we get to see what the orb's species looks like?
Like a hologram or something? Also do we get to see the other civilizations the bad aliens destroyed??
I'd be kind of down to see ID3 if there are cool alien designs.
Also, I know this is a pretty ridiculous franchise and I really shouldn't expect any better but the alien queen (a seemingly important figure who controls the ships and whatnot) fighting humans on the ground to chase a MacGuffin on foot seems particularly dumb. lol
Like does she have powers or weapons??
What did everyone think of Robert Loggia's cameo? I honestly didn't think it was him until the credits. He looked awful and it saddened me to see him like that. RIP.
What did everyone think of Robert Loggia's cameo? I honestly didn't think it was him until the credits. He looked awful and it saddened me to see him like that. RIP.
What does Robert Loggia say in his cameo?
No, the orb ship's species transitioned to a virtual existence a long time ago but were pretty much wiped out beside the lone orb that came to them. The other civilizations aren't shown but I'd assume they'll show up if the movie gets a sequel lol.
It's ridiculous but in an awesome 90's last action setpiece sort of way, and when the alien queen falls the ball rolls out of her hand lol
The queen herself was massive and her own shielding. She had her own large spacecraft as well and was only forced onto the ground after the baited her so while ridiculous, it's not too bad. She carried a giant blaster that could shoot down fighters in a shot lol.
My thoughts exactly as I was watching it.Oh man, she sounds like something that would be a final boss in a video game.
That giant blaster seems like ludicrous fun. lol
What did everyone think of Robert Loggia's cameo? I honestly didn't think it was him until the credits. He looked awful and it saddened me to see him like that. RIP.
Movie was dumb, but extremely entertaining!
After the queen died and the hive all shut down, who piloted the massive mothership back into space? Shouldn't it have shut down like the one in Africa and just stayed chilling out there?
Sphere said another queen would automatically recall it, so autopilot I guess.
I liked how it knew what would happen, despite saying they never actually manged to kill a queen. I was like, um. How do you know that?
They obtained the information from their data banks or something maybe? As I recall, Pullman made the suggestion that it would occur based off what happened in the first movie The first drill stopped after they took out that ship. The Traveler probably got the information from smaller ships they killed, I guess?
Movie was very bad, and I really wanted to like it. I basically liked the concept, Chef Goldblum was perfect, and they occasionally did something self-aware and clever. But there's this strong patina of shit over the whole project. Really conspicuously bad CGI, no practical effects (or locations? even the scenes of people talking outside felt green-screened), some terribly awkward editing, mostly wooden characters.