Just watched it, after loving the first for so many years this one was well, a bit shit. I feel like it just didn't need to be made, not like this anyway.
The characters were awful, I don't know why we were following Hemsworth as a semi main character because he was awful. I didn't care about him or his situation, it felt like there was no emotional depth to the film at all, he was just a pretty face. Goldblums father felt pointless in this, I don't know why Smiths ex stripper wife was in this to then just get killed off, but again that just felt meh.
The set pieces didn't wow me either, maybe because they went so big but I just went "ok" when the big ship landed. They comment that the aliens technology hasn't changed besides "a new HUD", but almost everything with their designs was different. I would have been more impressed if they came back with the same sort of ships they did last time, all the new designs just felt off like this wasn't a sequel to an existing film.
They worked too much with retroactivity saying stuff that happened that we just didn't see in the last film. Oh this giant ship was the only one to land, sort of thing you'd think they notice. There must have also been one of these queens on the last mothership, so when we destroyed it the aliens all stop doing anything, oh, but there was also a ground war in africa for 10 years without a queen, so they don't need one?
We can do wonderfully creative things with the CG technology we have, but nothing felt real in this film, I felt completely out of it the whole time and that none of it really mattered. It was just a 2 hour long disappointment.