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Independence Day:Resurgence|SPOILER THREAD|Today we celebrate our idenpendendneys day

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Do you guys think that we will get a sequel to end the trilogy? I mean the ending of the movie is pretty much setting the pieces together for a continuation


The movie was enjoyable, but I'm not sure whether it was worth the price of admission -- very much a dollar theatre or Netflix viewing.

The biggest problem is that none of the set pieces have any weight to them. There's no sense of urgency or tragedy, which are needed to make diaster movies work.
Man... some of the expository dialogue was just awful.

Still, in all, a good popcorn flick.
See it at a cinema, switch off your brain, enjoy the loud explosions.
Thought it was ok, was bored for some of it. Didn't care for the dialogue between the characters, especially from the younger cast - there were a lot of cringe-worthy exchanges between them. If there's a sequel, they need to not introduce a bajillion characters we don't care about, but instead focus on a core group of characters. Just make Goldblum and his dad the mains.


This is the definition of a sunday tv movie. It was ok but there was no urgency felt even with a 5km spaceship wrecking havoc in your face. Also, with so many special effects nowadays, dogfights felt very underwhelming. Dialog was barely ok. I did enjoy dinosaur jr. guy.

Edit: GF never saw the original and hated this movie so now I have to watch Me after you with her.


i think its funny how the CG looks like complete ass for what should be an easy scene where the president is having her speech but then intricate complicated dog fights were all quite well done.

the movie was ridiculously stupid but still entertaining. theres a couple out of place scenes which are there for the Chinese market. also the end drags on quite a bit.
Those cheesy one liners...they were really something else in this movie.

I really only wanted to watch this movie to get a similar visual spectacle like 2012. There was only once scene that made me say "damn"

No where near as good as the original. Now obviously these films are not to be taken seriously but the first half especially has loads of issues.

The first being when a base on Saturn is destroyed and no one really seems to care. They then quickly somehow organise a huge celebration within 30 minutes about how awesome they were at firing a gun.

The effects whilst technically good were just a visual mess. The whole of London being destroyed just had no impact as everything was on fire and spinning, compared to the original where the destruction was much more focused and had more impact because of it. The fact that hey decided to only have 10 amazing pilots when they saw last time the aliens brought millions of fighters.

Like everyone else it all felt a bit flat, focused on too many people who did not need to be in the film (the guys on the boat, the young guy after the Chinese pilot, the guy following Jeff goldblum around for some unexplained reason). It's such a shame as you'd think this sequel would have been an easy follow up.

Just so many scenes that felt out of place and even the humour felt really forced.

It'll be quickly forgotten which is a shame but I hope it does become a trilogy. I'd loved them to go have gone into a bit more detail about what they learned of the aliens and their tech and how it changed the world more than floating plasma screens everywhere.


Just saw it, went in with low expectations but was pleasantly entertained. That ending and the whole refugee planet definitely sets up a third movie, will be interesting to see where they take it.


Do you guys think that we will get a sequel to end the trilogy? I mean the ending of the movie is pretty much setting the pieces together for a continuation

If the film is a commercial success, then something might happen. If it bombs at the box office, then who knows what happens...

"If it's successful enough, yes [there'll be a third movie], because it's set up for a sequel," he revealed, joking that audiences wouldn't have to wait as long as they did for the second in the series. "In 20 years?" he asked, "No, I wouldn't want to make it with a Zimmer frame!"

One of Resurgence’s plot threads sees a benevolent alien race pop up in our orbit with news of a giant space civil war. This conflict, a kind of extra-terrestrial version of Anchorman’s news team fight, has aliens teaming up against the space bastards currently threatening Earth. In a possible third part, humanity will be joining that fight. "I imagine them now going in one of these ships they've rebuilt into a wormhole,” explains Emmerich, adding: "I think it'll be the classic of going into space but it has to be about Earth, and we have a really good idea for that."


I wasn't expecting much but this movie still managed to fall short of my expectations.

The younger cast was almost without exception pretty bland/terrible here while the older cast was for the most part decent enough. Out fo them, Pullman was probably my favorite.

Had hoped for some fun action scenes but the lack of tension to the action ruined that for me.

Only real part I like is the bit with the sphere and how it will uplift humanity to fight the aliens.



Man... some of the expository dialogue was just awful.

Bad case of "as you know" syndrome.

"As you know, you've been in a coma for 20 years. And you're still in one now so I don't know why I'm telling you that."

"As you know, your father was killed in an accident but if he wasn't but he would be proud of you."

The worst was Whitmore talking to his own daughter:

"As you know, you used to fly airplanes and you belong in the sky but instead you stopped to take care of me."

Just terrible. The worst kind of cringeworthy exposition.
The movie is best described as... if Independence Day was one of the original Star Wars films, Resurgence is one of the prequels. Less grit, more CG, different in tone, lamer comic relief.

I liked the prequels mostly so this worked out for me lol

^^^lol yeah the expository writing was horrible. It was definitely occupied with catching us up to speed than letting things be explained/developed naturally

Michael B. Jordan (or someone with better presence) should have played Dylan Hiller and be the main protagonist alongside David, no Hemsworth, and also be the romantic interest of Patricia Whitmore... not Hemsworth
You know, I didn't think my expectations were too high going into this. I just wanted a solid popcorn flick, in the same vein as the first, but obviously bigger and more epic.

I was so, so disappointed. The pacing was crap. 90% of the characters were forgettable and pointless, seemed shoved in to fill some marketing demographic quota. The lines were trash. So much time was wasted on useless "character moments" and jokes which fell completely flat, yet the movie still felt so rushed. Nothing seemed to have any weight. We got almost zero additional insight on the aliens, who seemed somehow more one-dimensional than the first. Character reasons just seemed completely off and under-expressed most of the time, like cracking a joke at points where no sane human being would. And this obsession with coupling every character to another one just brought upon cliched and contrived situations. This massive alien ship as large as the planet literally appeared over the moon, yet they gave no explanation about why it wasn't detected before, especially with all their advanced tech. Character conflicts seemed so contrived. Will Smith's son had zero charisma or acting ability. Every "inspirational" moment was cringe-worthy as fuck. The "coincidences" were just really over the top, as to make them insanely ridiculous and take away from the movie (school bus full of children? Really? As if a single fucking person believed they would kill of a single one of those kids.). Even Jeff Gold Blum had barely any good lines or moments. So many extra "elements" were shoved in for no reason, when they could have sprent more of that time developing the core of the movie. Also, their queen dies, so they decide to turn off their drill and head back with literally a few seconds to go until they reach their goal? They still had, oh I dunno, a massive fucking ship the size of half the earth that was in no immediate danger. For such an advanced race, these aliens are pretty fucking stupid. Especially the queen, who decided to expose herself, and risk everything, even though waiting it out would have by default wiped out the human race and made that sphere moot.

I really don't have a tainted recollection of the original- I rewatched it a few days ago, and loved it. And I'd watch it again in a heartbeat. It actually had a soul, good lines, good characters, and solid pacing. I have zero interest in ever watching this new one again. The only things I enjoyed were the massive scale of a few of the destruction scenes (but which somehow seemed too brief, and more disconnected than the 1st) and the white sphere. Sucks, this is a movie I figured would not be that hard to get right. You'd think that after 20 yrs the people involved who understand what made the first movie good, and that film making wisdom in the meantime would enable the production of a product at least as good. But no, it's infinitely worse. Was there even a drop of blood in this movie? Everything felt so fucking artificial.
I'm interested in an extended version, you can tell a lot was cut. I think another reason this one doesn't feel as solid as the first is because it was written as a two-parter, and that's typically a result of said structuring. Basically this one doesn't work as a standalone movie and needs the third one to round out the story. Some people hate that and I get it, it definitely makes for a lesser film on its own.

Seeing it again today, it seems. gf wants to go back. Plus I had to piss really bad during the second half of the movie and wasn't able to fully enjoy it. I guess I could have pulled a Hemsworth in the middle of the theater but I don't think it would've been a good idea.
Its kind of funny. RLM's re:view video talked about how Emmerich's schmaltz for developing characters was always going for lowest common denominator, and in Resurgence it's almost entirely gone to the movie's detriment. At least those moments let id4 breathe between the chaos and let the audience get to know the characters.

That may have been why I enjoyed Hirsch's subplot so much. That's what came closest to feeling like id4 imo.
That may have been why I enjoyed Hirsch's subplot so much. That's what came closest to feeling like id4 imo.

Yeah, I liked the stuff with the kids. It didn't "go" anywhere, but was fine. One of those pointless but harmless subplots written as a means to an end, but I appreciated the time-out.


Those cheesy one liners...they were really something else in this movie.

I really only wanted to watch this movie to get a similar visual spectacle like 2012. There was only once scene that made me say "damn"


Yeah I was really hoping for some 2012 moments but it never happened. Even in 2012 the cheesiness and humor kinda worked well. I think I'm gonna rewatch 2012 tonight.


It was okay. Fun for what it was. There are some intense moments, some intriguing plot development but still feels relatively empty. Do they really need the school bus plot? Or the boat people? Did they really get million dollars for doing neighborhood watch?

Performance-wise, I never liked the old cast members to begin with. I thought they were too hammy for my taste. And it's the same here. Well, not that the young cast are any better. Younger Hemsworth is lacking screen presence. For some reason, either through writing or performance, the character of Charlie (his sidekick) actually has more screen presence. I never get the adoration for Maika Monroe either. I feel that she coast along Dan Steven's magnetic performance in "The Guest". And when she was the lead in "It Follows", she wasn't that impressive either.
The characters being hammy in the first worked for it I think, it made them charming and even memorable... it's better than bland, which is mostly what the young cast is here. With its premise they need to be a little knowingly goofy. Liam, Maika and Jessie didn't really bother me but didn't leave an impression on me either. Truth be told some of the supporting cast were better, like Liam's friend, the nerdy dude that wanted to be a badass, and the warlord guy. Those guys were cool.
Love how it seemed like no one really have a fuck this time, just another day at the beach. Also, loved how somehow the aliens looked more fake and less threatening than 20 years ago. Literally every single scene looked green screened to hell and back, not sure how they managed that. Not once during the movie did I feel a second of tension. There was zero buildup.

I would have loved if they at least brought over an upgraded version of their laser from the 1st one, powerful enough to blow up an entire country, or something, instead of their only goal being to bring down a massive driller.

It's like the people who made this didn't have a fucking clue of what made the first one decent.


Also - did anyone else think the sound mixing/editing was kinda lackluster? In my viewing I could barely hear the shots coming from the fighter jets. And everytime a character screamed it seemed there was no background noise, just them screaming which sounded weird.
Also - did anyone else think the sound mixing/editing was kinda lackluster? In my viewing I could barely hear the shots coming from the fighter jets. And everytime a character screamed it seemed there was no background noise, just them screaming which sounded weird.

I'll pay attention to it more today, but I thought it sounded pretty good for me (at a decent IMAX).
Saw it yesterday, 3 o clock showing. There might've been 8 people in the theater.

Entertaining, filled with clichés from the 90s, bad acting, decent CGI.

I'll definitely pick up the 4k bluray.


Budget was around $165, hopefully it does just enough to get that third one.

A third would would likely be a waste of money at this point. San Andreas cost $110M and will outgross ID4 by around $50M domestic and is looking fairly likely to top it worldwide as well. Emmerich's ID4 sequel couldn't even top the Emmerich rip off film.
A third would would likely be a waste of money at this point. San Andreas cost $110M and will outgross ID4 by around $50M domestic and is looking fairly likely to top it worldwide as well. Emmerich's ID4 sequel couldn't even top the Emmerich rip off film.

Yeah but they gave me a cliffhanger and I demand resolve. I don't care how much money they have to waste; that was a promise.


The film seemed to have two ideas about what would happen when the queen was killed, but wasn't sure which to use. Pullman said the drill stopped when the queen was killed in '96. And when this one died, all the ships around it started crashing like they turned off, too.

But Traveler, Jr. said the ship would be recalled / fly home when the queen was killed, despite never successfully killing a queen. And then the ship flies home, instead of turning off like the one from '96 and the ships that flew around the queen. Maybe the other Harvester queens put it the big ship on auto pilot or something? But they couldn't do that to the older ship for reasons I didn't catch.

Worst effect: the bus windshield wipers swiping the queen's digital slime. It looked like a bad screen saver.

It could simply be that because it's a hive, the aliens and the fighters they pilot are under direct control of the queen so they go down when she dies but the mothership is separate and automatically is recalled when she dies or whatever. They're not exclusive ideas but it could have been explained a bit better. It wouldn't make sense to scuttle a 3000 mile wide ship because one queen gets bopped.


Gold Member
Probably some of the most inconsistent visual effects I've ever seen. Incredible how many of the explosions and city destruction scenes from ID4 were actually better (well, some specific shots at least).

This movie had a sizable budget too.


Something I didn't quite put my finger on last night that bugged me. The big ship was...too big. So big skips right over threatening and into implausible and something I never once took seriously. An invading cruiser that big is basically an instant win if it even tried, but it basically just parked and started to drill, instead of the all out invasion from the original. Despite the whole drilling to Earth's molten core, the stakes felt much lower in this film than in the original.


Something I didn't quite put my finger on last night that bugged me. The big ship was...too big. So big skips right over threatening and into implausible and something I never once took seriously. An invading cruiser that big is basically an instant win if it even tried, but it basically just parked and started to drill, instead of the all out invasion from the original. Despite the whole drilling to Earth's molten core, the stakes felt much lower in this film than in the original.

Agreed. The amount of destruction the mere arrival of the ship caused was too much, that really there would be no beating it. If it decided to keep flying around, everything would die, and then they could drill the core. Movie over, bummer ending.
God, Hemsworth and Usher are just complete dorks in this, aren't they? I knew I was going to miss Will Smith, but I had no idea I'd miss him as much as I did whenever they were on screen. The film really should have been the adventures of Smith and Goldblum.

Worst effect: the bus windshield wipers swiping the queen's digital slime. It looked like a bad screen saver.
Heh, this was probably the worst CGI I've seen in a major summer blockbuster in years. I'm struggling to come up with an example that looked more shoddily put together. My first thought was literally "Man, I guess when Fox tells you you're out of money, you are out of fucking money."
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