I watched it again last night (hooray for free movie passes that I had to use last night because where I am moving to has no Cinemark theaters) and it really hit hard at me again how bad the editing and pacing is. Liam Hemsworth should have been written out of the film entirely and focus just on Will Smith's character's son, along with the former president's daughter.
The sub-plot with the kids and then the bus was pointless filler. Goldblum's dad in this should have been written better. The obnoxious/butting heads like a typical older father/son chemistry worked so well in the first one that when they finally did meet again in this one, that chemistry came back great but way too short. Part of me wonders how well the dad and warlord chemistry could have worked instead of the nerdy white guy.
"It was a totally different story. There was no new generation or anything like that. It was a father-son story. And when that didn't work, I said, 'You know, let's explore other possibilities'.
"It was maybe two years ago when it fully had me, because I hired two young writers and they said this has to be a hand-off to a younger generation."
Saw this in a Digital Spy article about Emmerich and the original script. The father-son story with no new generation would have been awesome.That's what I can see Emmerich doing. All the rumors about why Will Smith didn't join pains me more now. Those two young writers seem to be the source of this fuckery.
I'm nitpicking harder than needed now. It was still enjoyable enough overall. Just a lot of flaws that an extended director's cut could at least dull the pain of the theatrical cut.
I watched it again last night (hooray for free movie passes that I had to use last night because where I am moving to has no Cinemark theaters) and it really hit hard at me again how bad the editing and pacing is. Liam Hemsworth should have been written out of the film entirely and focus just on Will Smith's character's son, along with the former president's daughter.
The sub-plot with the kids and then the bus was pointless filler. Goldblum's dad in this should have been written better. The obnoxious/butting heads like a typical older father/son chemistry worked so well in the first one that when they finally did meet again in this one, that chemistry came back great but way too short. Part of me wonders how well the dad and warlord chemistry could have worked instead of the nerdy white guy.
Saw this in a Digital Spy article about Emmerich and the original script. The father-son story with no new generation would have been awesome.That's what I can see Emmerich doing. All the rumors about why Will Smith didn't join pains me more now. Those two young writers seem to be the source of this fuckery.
I'm nitpicking harder than needed now. It was still enjoyable enough overall. Just a lot of flaws that an extended director's cut could at least dull the pain of the theatrical cut.
Remember when the alien ship felt like a real threat in ID1? Here they reminded mw of soulless objects like in battleship. Especially when the queens ship flew around the area of area 51.
So.. I saw this earlier and I would just like to start with the fact that this movie broke something in me. It really did. I don't walk out on movies, but on this one... I was ready. I was prepared for my spirit journey to the plains of refunds. I am undone.
I will now proceed to summarize the movie to show why it deserves to be shat upon.
Let's just start from the beginning: I don't recall what the first scene was exactly - oh wait I do, it's the distress call and symbol thing dream in the mind of former president Pullman, first of his name, ruler of all kingdoms, more Amurica than the real thing, and apparently a psychologically broken man. Okay, strange place to start from, but makes sense considering what actually happened in the first movie. That really should have ruined people.
Except it didn't, because then we are treated to glorious Pacific Rim inspired "future Alien-Human tech world", where apparently everything is dandy, wars are so two decades ago, reverse engineering is all done, and the world is awesome again.
Except it isn't, because then we see real main boy (the other Hemsworth, who actually sounds exactly like the other one.. so I'm not sure why one is Thor and the other is here, but I suppose we just have to think of him as a drunk pilot who nearly killed the late Smith's boy during training - that dick) fucking around on the moon, using said awesome future tech to fuck up a perfectly routine moon base construction thing and nearly kill everyone there. But he saves the day and only gets grounded for it. Wow, future world sure loves drunk incompetence. Man, Randy Quaid really left a mark. He's not back btw, before you ask. So now everything is fi-
EXCEPT it isn't because Jeff Goldblum is doing some stuff out in the African boonies, with some people who are apparently related to a WARLORD and they shouldn't be pissed off. What happened to cumbayaa-world? I'm sorry, but it seems like you're just making this up as you go, movie. Are you?
But wait, they have aliens weapons! Hey that's actually neat. And they have experience with dealing with the aliens too. Tell me more! Apparently, there are alien prisons on Earth from all the fuckers that didn't just die, and these guys have been hunted by the aliens and returned the favour with nothing but old-school Earth tech. AW YEAH! SHOW ME THAT MOVIE! All Stalker and shit! Alas, this never moves past a 'this shit happened yo' and some later on payoffs with how you kill an alien. Spoiler:
hit its weak spot for massive damage. It's in the back.
But basically this black African man, son of the former warlord (oh), with awesome backstory is SUPER. WILL. SMITH, MOTHERFUCKER. So obviously he doesn't do anything for the rest of the movie other than babysit useless extra gag accountant-man, who for some reason is in this movie. John Oliver is probably wondering right now why people think he's in ID4-2, because that guy looks like a parrot that works at a bank. Also Goldblum has a love interest, but his ex from the original is never brought up. She knows something the alien language, and Super-Smith happens to have gained intimate knowledge of it in his many adventures that we never get to seeeeeeee. Fuck you, movie. But all that language has the same slit-like symbol (like an Oreo, not what you just thought, pervert), so that has to be important enough to be relevant.
So a fucking spaceship shows up at the moonbase, happens to have a convenient slit on it, and despite Goldblum saying: "it might not be them, them?" they just use earlier conveniently placed space laser by Thor-less to blow it up. Because their Saturn post is somehow gone and has the same warp effect near it. But what if wasn't -and then Thor-less steals a ship and flies to Earth to pick up Goldblum, parrot, love interest, and Super-Smith to fly BACK to the moon to investigate the crash site. You think this is getting crowdy now? Oh man, you have no idea. Because I completely forgot to mention Thor-not's co-pilot, almost-killed-not-Smith, and Chinese woman (you can literally hear the KA-CHING! for that China money when she shows up, she even has Chinese lines to go with it). AND Goldblum's dad is trying to sell his book to old people. Must suck for those people to have lived through so much and so long, only to get hit by aliens again, but we're getting to that, finally. So this should be our already overcrowded crew, we have had surprise contact with unknown alien, and we basically haven't even gotten to the Inciting Incident (or Hook, if you prefer) at roughly half an hour into the movie. And I know that because I checked when I noticed it was dragging its feet at getting somewhere. Oh, btw, I completely forgot not-Data waking up from coma and making the same symbols as Super-Smith and President Pullman I have been making. So that's three characters doing the same fucking thing, and each having scenes. You starting to feel me as to where this is going?
But okay, OTHER, this time real aliensies show up, and turn moonbase into hot plasma poop, conveniently taking care of sto-len space ship item (check!), before sliding the top off the moon. Because if you have continent-sized ship, it obviously needs to just slide right over the moon. Sliiiiiiide. Let's ignore that you could fit all the planets between the Earth and Moon in reality, so dodging the moon isn't exactly fucking hard, but hey, I'm sure the aliens got off real hard on that one. Because reference, yes. Much like Jurassic World, this movie doesn't know when to try and not try to be the first movie. If it was in the first, just shove it in there.
Except this time, the ship is big, it has its own gravity!!! Ehm.... yeah... you know how everything has mass and / or energy, and said mass causes a curve in spacetime that makes other objects fall towards it, so that every object has a gravity of its own- WHATEVER EINSTEIN. So its gravity conveniently hooks Goldblum and everyone else back towards Earth, because how else would they get back there (Check! Shit, this writing thing is easy! ), and the gravity of it starts ripping up half the planet, with London being shown (See? Even this movie knew that British 'independence day' wasn't going to end well. And it is dumb as bricks, let me tell ya. ) and not-Smiths stripper-gone-doctor mom dying, but nobody cares. Also Goldblum's dad on a boat appears to die, but that one is a cop-out, because despite being right in front of the ship's gravity + water displacement wave. How? I don't fucking know, okay? And then, as the ship is ripping up its path from London to New York over the entire Atlantic, where it strangely has the same distance from the surface on either end and the ocean (the Earth is flat? OMG THEY FLATTENED THE EARTH- no, Emmerich just forgot), that story reaches its high point. So HARD CUT to "meanwhile at the ranch" which is some fucking pirate James Cameron crew in the middle of the ocean, and has ANOTHER wopping five 'characters' to go with it. Maybe I should just call them people-things at this point. But that cut right after 'big explosions' is so bizarre you can't miss noticing that. Like, literal 'the fuck' moment. So that goes on for a bit and crazed Pullman goes to engage an alien prisoner because reference to same scene in the first movie (shot for shot, almost), while the sliiiiiiiiide into the earth comes to a halt because apparently the aliens remembered they have anti-gravity.
And then, a hour into the movie (we have breaks on movies here), I swear to god, FOUR KIDS IN A CAR are now somehow relevant people-things to introduce (I don't know what's going on with the writing in this anymooo-oooo-ooore. help me. Somebody help me) to find washed up Goldblum's Dad, who somehow survived, to conveniently further whatever the fuck the plot is. Which appears to have FINALLY run out of useless characters played by far, far lesser actors than the original cast, to introduce. Thank go- I mean Emmerich. That's obviously what I meant.
Now we can finally have the real movie, where there is an assault on the ship (okay, neat), the not-Thor crew gets inside and the aliens have brought their own ecosystem with them (also neat, but what's it doing in a movie where aliens invade other worlds?) but that doesn't do anything else, there is mandatory counter (check!), while the pirates on the ship are somehow keeping their boat near a mile-wide drill-beam (not the makakosapo) to the Earth molten iron core.... which we know to be actually solid (since a few years, so that's okay), and if you wanted molten iron, you could just take it from the mantel that you're drilling through, which also somehow doesn't make magma violently erupt towards the ship- okay enough. And with all this plot, and written things and such, and reference to original by parrot, and Super-Smith finally doing something, you might think the movie has finally stopped being a disappointment. You are not ready. You are not ready for a climax filled with such OMG bad acting that you will wonder why you ever thought this was going to end well.
Saw this tonight. Anytime there's a scene with the old president, Goldblum or Data its great. Any scene with the new young actors that weren't Hemsworth were awful. Any sort of emotional reaction fell completely flat, they should've just put up on screen "Feel sad now!" when anyone dies. It's fast paced enough to make you forget about all that stuff so its not too big of a deal. It's a pretty fun movie to watch and its got a bunch of cheesy 90s style action/humor in it that put a smile on my face.
That movie was dumb fun and stupidly entertaining (comparing to the Theatrical Cut of ID Resurgence which is just all over the place). I still remain a Roland Emmerich fan though. http://www.blu-ray.com/movies/Battleship-Blu-ray/45489/
The Case Of The Missing Stefanovic And Other Editing Sins
It shouldn’t be any surprise that one of the film’s best attributes is its visual effects. 20 years on from the original and watching landmarks be destroyed by alien lasers just doesn’t cut it anymore with movie-after-movie offering metropolis destruction on an apocalyptic scale. So, of course, Emmerich goes big including a nifty sequence in which a spaceship’s gravitational pull sends an entire Asian city floating towards the sky, and a particularly absurd one where Judd Hirsch rides a tsunami to shore.
The CGI work is some of the most impressive in recent times, right down to the textural bodies of the aliens and their mother queen which could almost be mistaken for practical effects. It’s certainly more realistic than the overly plastic aesthetic of another late-breaking sequel, Jurassic World.
Where the film suffers is in its editing, where it becomes crystal clear that somebody took to it with a mighty big pair of scissors. Rumor has it that somewhere between 20-30 minutes were cut out of the movie and it shows in the way certain characters are suddenly dropped out of the picture and the third act feels incredibly rushed.
Also, despite all the talk last year, Karl Stefanovic was not to be found among the rubble, the trailer features scenes that aren’t in the finished product, and keen watchers of end credits will notice song credits that are never heard. I’m rarely one to criticise a film for choosing to be 120 minutes as opposed to 150, but something feels missing in the final product. There’s no doubt a director’s cut waiting in the wings to be sold on home entertainment in six months’ time.
Well just got back from seeing it.
"Atleast it look good..." is how I would describe the movie.
It's like I just saw half a movie. The first 10-15 minutes before the aliens show up were actually giving me hope as in it was pretty good but then it's like someone keeps pressing the fast forward button. It jumps all over the place, there's no build-up, no reasons to give about any of the characters. The destruction is on screen for like what 2 minutes or so and half of the time I had no clue wtf was going on.
Like we get to see some place in China (Shanghai, HK?) and we see Jeff Goldblum's character flying in that little spaceship under the alien vessel and then the next shot is them flying around landmarks in London????
His dad on a boat scene is even more rediculous and he survived that tsunami some how?
And what purpose did that bus full of kids serve anyway?
It's like they had a 4 hour movie, said fuck it and cut out all the story and character arcs and "slower" scenes and we go jump from this point to the next and I as a viewer don't give a shit about anything that's happening. We get 2 speeches: one from old president guy and one from general promoted to president guy and they both have zero impact.
When you look at the potential thats in the movie for a far better story with some original stuff in it (like the land based guerilla war in Africa), it's trying to some how retread the original but doesn't even come close to it in anyway. None of the new characters are likable and it's not like we spend enough time with them to give a shit anyway.
I've got the feeling the full uncut 4 hour edition might actually not be bad at all.
But the shit I just watched? Just looks good and that's it.
(I saw it here in China and the China pandering in this is ridiculous, my Chinese friend was facepalming and said she thought it was retarded (qq, milk and angelababy))
The sequel really did feel like it had a screwed up sense of scale. The giant continent-sized ship never felt as big or as intimidating as the original ships
That movie was dumb fun and stupidly entertaining (comparing to the Theatrical Cut of ID Resurgence which is just all over the place). I still remain a Roland Emmerich fan though. http://www.blu-ray.com/movies/Battleship-Blu-ray/45489/
This pretty much nails my feelings on it. The film really fails with the character potentia and eexposition. Everything else was great. But yeah, the trailers have a lot of footage that didnt make it to the final cut.
Saw it earlier tonight. I loved the hell out of it.
That last act in particular was freaken awesome, and I loved the Queen. God she was cool! Loved how she was this behemoth and so aggressive.
Pullman , spiner and goldblum were incredibly fun to watch and I even liked Hemsworth.
Felt so bad for that other sphere alien, they just blew up her ship! The ending though suggesting the humans will lead the galaxy in destroying the baddies was pretty cool. Guess this means we should be getting a sequel hopefully in the next few years.
Music was hit n miss. Not as memorable as id4.
Visually the movie is gorgeous.
Don't really have any complaints to be honest. If I were to criticise anything it would be the sphere alien learning English. Just seems way too convenient.
Also smith's charisma was missed
Solid movie, would recommend if you love your blockbusters
They took everything that made the aliens interesting and completely fucked it up.
They were such a cool concept in the original, and the art direction for their technology was beyond top notch. Now it is such over designed fucking shite.
You know, I went into this thinking it could not be that bad. Had the same things before seeing BvS as well. You could say I believe in 'innocent until proven guilty' as far as criticism goes.But it's kind of like we're seeing an unravelling of cinema editing and / or the language of the screen. There are far too many movies this year that have sudden and inexplicable editing issues that should not happen with any movie that cost millions to make. Is there a shortage in editors these days?
However, I love the original and Stargate, despite some silly moments. They might be stupid, but they are the right kind of stupid and that's something you can defend. It's from The Day After Tomorrow onwards that it becomes the wrong kind, with White House Down as Emmerich's sole exception, which may just have been Tatum - Foxx chemistry and the fact that 'Olympus has fallen' was boring as shit.
I don't know, maybe they had an open invitation to the cast of the original and it backfired on them. Or maybe it's just really what it looks like, which is a lot of separate ideas and characters from earlier sequel and TV show pitches that were put into one script without combining them in the script editing process.
But that final segment of the movie (those reaction shots of the actors! Like omg, did they have only five minutes to shoot that?) looks like it was made in one day, for reasons we don't know. Maybe a DC can make it more evenly spaced, but the 'same scene, same scene, new characters, more new characters' can probably not be fixed in any way or form. It's a shame, because some ideas here are actually cool. That "aftermath of the 1996 invasion" stuff is a legit movie. I want to see that movie, or perhaps TV show, but the movie does nothing with it. The alien tech is cool, the 'aliens hunting inside the ship' is a neat shot (particularly if it had tied in with the other hunters or at least the pilots figuring out how to do that themselves, but that doesn't happen), but all in all there is a few ideas mixed in with a mountain of shit, and that makes it all shit.
We'll probably come with a huge ship and then some. Considering Spiner was giddy about the orb knowing tech 'thousands of years' more advanced than what they have now. I can see the third movie being an orgy of space battles, probably saving the refugee planet from the aliens that somehow discovered its location and as long as the editing isn't bad, just obliterating the alien homeworld/true mothership.
We'll probably come with a huge ship and then some. Considering Spiner was giddy about the orb knowing tech 'thousands of years' more advanced than what they have now. I can see the third movie being an orgy of space battles, probably saving the refugee planet from the aliens that somehow discovered its location and as long as the editing isn't bad, just obliterating the alien homeworld/true mothership.
No it doesn't, it's the same as the US version I think.
Which is really on the nose to make sure that in every scene you know he's gay.
I don't have a problem with a gay character but it felt like they really went out of their way to point it out all the time. Like some 12 year old pointing and screaming: "LOOK HE'S GAY NOW"
But considering this movie is basically a clusterfuck and jumping from this scene to that, there's not really a chance to do any subtle character building (not like there is much character building anyway) so it's like they thought this was the only way.
I loved the special effects and some of the concepts but this movie really has a problem with women making decisions that don't go unquestioned or undermined in some way. The only one who doesn't dies too early in the movie to matter.
First thing: on a mission that's so important where human kind is literally in the balance of its success, they allow the former president to fly the payload when he's been mentally unstable, physically distressed, and prone to being incapacitated for some unknown reason other than some unpredictable alien transmission invading his senses? Rather than his perfectly capable daughter?
Not even Madame President is capable of having a shining moment to give an awe-inspiring speech, it's the guy who's sworn in to replace her. Even during her celebration speech, she's undermined by the former president interrupting her to give a warning.
The Asian girl is shown at every opportunity to be either emotionally distracted (uncle's death nearly causes her death), or second-guessed (Charlie usurps her decision while escaping the mother ship), or takes a back seat while literally everyone else who she's flying with is involved in figuring out how to escape the swirling vortex of ships. She's literally there to be Charlie's love interest.
Patricia gets one small moment to disable the Queen's shield but becomes helpless and needs to be saved in the process.
Catherine serves no additional purpose other than to hang around David and end up his romantic partner.
Vivica A Fox may have the shortest on-screen time, but it seems they did her a service by not keeping her alive long enough to question her judgment too.
What a shame. They had decades to make what ended up being this disaster.
I picked up the first film bluray today from a thrift store for $1, just finished watching it. Holy shit it hit home how much better it is. Just repeating whats already been said countless times already, the original characters were so much more interesting and likeable, way better pacing, sense of scale, the effects for the most part hold up, just an entirely different class of film from Resurgence.
William Fichtner's character was invented just to have a stirring monologue because his voice sounds like Bill Pullman's voice. What a weird movie. Felt like it was concocted in a test tube.
William Fichtner's character was invented just to have a stirring monologue because his voice sounds like Bill Pullman's voice. What a weird movie. Felt like it was concocted in a test tube.
I'd say a lot of blockbusters the past decade feel this way. Too safe, designed by committee and focus groups, too much executive meddling, etc. Only directors like Cameron might be somewhat immune.
Always be weary of a movie that took FIVE guys to write. This was pretty awful and I had some hope because the beginning before the alien invasion was actually decent. But what was said above about the editing is true. Transitions are sloppy as fuck starting in the invasion and it's clear that a whole lotta chunk was taken out. There is no sense of tension AT ALL.
- You can tell story went through TOO MANY revisions and cuts seeing as the female President died off-screen and Vivica A. Fox's character seemingly lived through the end linked a few posts back in a behind-the-scenes look.
- They made a big hoopla before the movie's release hyping the moment when a big chunk of Asia was falling down onto London but only 1 person out of the main cast pointed out that fact. There's like barely any crying or anger over the mass destruction. Everyone has that same amused "Huh" Jeff Goldblum look.
- If they had to cut something, cut out Jeff Goldblum's dad and those school kids entirely. WTF was that? Who the fuck introduces a D-Plot complete with new characters towards the end of Act 2?
- The comic relief guy with the glasses who goes from accountant to incompetent guy given a gun is the WORST. Even worse than the hasty ending.
- Liam Hemsworth's white best friend character I thought for sure was played by a foreign actor because his accent was awful and his voice kept cracking. But no...he's all American...
- The prodigy Will Smith stepson actor pinged so hard on my gaydar that it nearly cracked.
Saw this yesterday and it had so many cringe- worthy lines and plot scenarios which made the move feel really sloppy. I echo that the acting was bad but I'm not sure if the greenness of the actors or terrible writing. I know that the movie isn't trying to be realistic but even if you accept the basic premise, the complete lack of any plausible physics but then to invoke the name of gravity as an attempt to legitimately explain thighs heart by head.
I sort of enjoyed it but would never want to sit through it again.
The movie definitely had the spirit of the first movie, but dear lord was it bad. It was really, truly bad. Like, if it weren't for the amazing hamburger I was eating I would've walked out.
Still don't know if a grossing of $250 million is enough to help the film break even (if you add all the promotion and advertisement campaign)
But if it starts to yield profit, then the 3rd sequel is probably going to happen
(much to the chagrin of this reviewer...)
Dave Palmer of The Reel Deal gave the film 2/10, saying, "The final shot of the film is a set up for another sequel (all that is missing is the characters turning and saying, see you guys in Independence Day 3!), and I just pray to God aliens come and wipe us out before that day comes."
Did they ever mention what the hell happened to Goldblum's wife after the first movie? Like, there was just this new subplot with this writer woman...with no mention of his wife? At all? Or did I miss something?
Did they ever mention what the hell happened to Goldblum's wife after the first movie? Like, there was just this new subplot with this writer woman...with no mention of his wife? At all? Or did I miss something?
I think she died but I can't remember for sure.
Anyway I think the movie might have to hit at least 400-500 million to help ensure a sequel. That's what Pacific Rim did
Horrible. It makes the flawed original look like a fucking masterpiece. A better score (and David Arnold returning) wouldn't have saved this movie but at least from a musician's perspective, it would have made it a little more enjoyable to watch.
The Asian girl is shown at every opportunity to be either emotionally distracted (uncle's death nearly causes her death), or second-guessed (Charlie usurps her decision while escaping the mother ship), or takes a back seat while literally everyone else who she's flying with is involved in figuring out how to escape the swirling vortex of ships. She's literally there to be Charlie's love interest.
, and she's pretty popular in HK/China so basically just there to grab some Chinese cinema $$. Not sure about the US cut but here in Taiwan when Hemsworth was done SkypingFace Timing cybering with President's daughter, the program said "Thank you for using QQ". QQ is a popular Chinese IM... I chuckled when I heard that because I hate how every other Hollywood movie's gotta cater to China now with blatant product placement.
Not sure about the US cut but here in Taiwan when Hemsworth was done SkypingFace Timing cybering with President's daughter, the program said "Thank you for using QQ". QQ is a popular Chinese IM... I chuckled when I heard that because I hate how every other Hollywood movie's gotta cater to China now with blatant product placement.
And if it's true that killing Vivica Fox's character was added later I'm sure it was in an attempt to add some needed dramatic weight to the destruction sequence.