Not very good sequel or movie. Right down there with BvS this year lol.. This sequel should've been better handled
Can't remember any iconic moments in this. The movie also feels very disjointed, and the scope of movie felt very small to me although it's set on quite a number of location (including the moon).
And that alien ship that covers the whole Atlantic sea sure didn't look that big when they went and attack it lol
Feels like we don't really get to see the struggle of the common people much like in the first one, or the destruction of cities and the aftermath much. The build up to the alien's arrival also lacks compared to the first.
Only Goldblum and Spiner feel like real characters, the rest didn't really act like they care lol.
And stuff I can't think about right now.. chinese space milk I guess..
The old characters had so much more charisma. Seeing Jeff Goldblum was like meeting an old friend. Too bad he doesn't do much. And i missed Will Smith.
The new generation is so dull. I rolled eyes so many times.
And almost fell asleep during some scenes.
Oh, and the pandering to the chinese audience felt so forced.
Truly awful movie. Which is a shame. I liked the premise.
A movie 15 years too late. Also the new cast lack the charisma and the acting ability of the old one. Liam acting career is mistake, not Will Smith sucks too. The best actor was the comatose scientist.
I still maintain that despite the stupidity in this movie, it's at least well-mannered stupidity. The Transformers movies are for kids yet are over-long and chock full of jokes for "adults" and sexualization. I'll take this over any of that shit any day.
I understand that, it's what I meant, but I wasn't clear. Take the planet for their own means they can take what they want from it. I still think the retcon of the drilling ship we never saw was poorly thought out and ultimately undermined the story.
This is the way everyone read it back in the day, the drilling stuff absolutely is a retcon. I always figured the aliens went from planet to planet, living there temporarily until they used up all the resources, then went to another planet. They even assume that in the first when they say they're so much like us, which is why they want our planet.
If they just needed to take our lava center, then why did they have a ground invasion force waiting in the first place?
I liked it for what it is. Biggest two criticisms are definitely the actor who plays Will Smiths kid. He does not come off as Will Smiths kid at all. Not an ounce of charisma. Second was after a billion references to the original movie theres no fat lady sing cigar.
So we've been preparing to fight the aliens for 20 years and the best we can come up with is shooting them with a big gun? Did nobody in this movie watch the first one?
So we've been preparing to fight the aliens for 20 years and the best we can come up with is shooting them with a big gun? Did nobody in this movie watch the first one?
So we've been preparing to fight the aliens for 20 years and the best we can come up with is shooting them with a big gun? Did nobody in this movie watch the first one?
Adopting alien technology and making the things they made within 20 years is actually extremely impressive. But yeah I mean what else were they supposed to do lol
I thought it was actually pretty crazy what they developed in that time. It's just, you know, what're you supposed to do against things like that.
Adopting alien technology and making the things they made within 20 years is actually extremely impressive. But yeah I mean what else were they supposed to do lol
I thought it was actually pretty crazy what they developed in that time. It's just, you know, what're you supposed to do against things like that.
I would have focused on trying to figure out how to bring down the shields that they never even got remotely close to figuring out how to bring down even after nuking them rather than building bigger weapons personally.
I would have focused on trying to figure out how to bring down the shields that they never even got remotely close to figuring out how to bring down even after nuking them rather than building bigger weapons personally.
Guys, I gave the film a glimpse and I couldn't wrap my head around the editing, the introduction of the characters and way the plot of the film unfolded....
It's like the entire editing of the film was some sort of joke. Something fishy is going on.....
It's like somebody sabotaged the film to become a mere hodgepodge of events of some sort of alien invasion (or returning).... It's like somebody sabotaged the film to be some sort of heavily-cut and heavily-trimmed rushed story... I think that Roland Emmerich and Dean Devlin clashed with some executives at 20th Century Fox over the running time and the volume of the film (sometime during the post-production). And as a result, they were ordered to start cutting down on parts of the film. This is what I want to believe right now.... Yes.... I refuse to believe other scenarios and explanations....
A power struggle between the team Roland+Dean and the executives of Fox, led in a heavily-trimmed and shity-edited Theatrical Cut.
I don't know.... I hope that there is going to be an extended version (like Batman V Superman) with something like 30 minutes of scenes that were removed from the Theatrical Cut. I'll wait for the Blu-Ray release, and hopefully there is going to be an extended version after all. This is the only thing I can do right now.....
The movie is terrible, looks cheap, and somehow manages to be worse than the first one.
But I have to admire Emmerich for basically doing the gay retcon and having a gay character have a "my lover died time for revenge" scene that you see in every single action movie.
Wow I can't wait for the eventual next movie of the series with I hope a triumphant return of will smith. I don't know why but it felt like there's stuff missing from the movie... Needed to be fleshed out a bit... Didn't feel like a Roland movie at all
The movie is terrible, looks cheap, and somehow manages to be worse than the first one.
But I have to admire Emmerich for basically doing the gay retcon and having a gay character have a "my lover died time for revenge" scene that you see in every single action movie.
In the same way, it's kind of shitty that it took Roland Emmerich to get a film about Stonewall made. But the fact that no one made it before him is kind of proof that no one really gave a shit.
But maybe we'll see a James Bond movie in the future where the "Bond girl" is actually a "Bond boy" in the far future and we can point to this movie as the beginning?
The movie is terrible, looks cheap, and somehow manages to be worse than the first one.
But I have to admire Emmerich for basically doing the gay retcon and having a gay character have a "my lover died time for revenge" scene that you see in every single action movie.
There's something wonderful about the most heroic figure in this movie being a gay scientist who'd been in a coma for twenty years. And still picks up on ways to use technology no one else does.
So.. I saw this earlier and I would just like to start with the fact that this movie broke something in me. It really did. I don't walk out on movies, but on this one... I was ready. I was prepared for my spirit journey to the plains of refunds. I am undone.
I will now proceed to summarize the movie to show why it deserves to be shat upon.
Let's just start from the beginning: I don't recall what the first scene was exactly - oh wait I do, it's the distress call and symbol thing dream in the mind of former president Pullman, first of his name, ruler of all kingdoms, more Amurica than the real thing, and apparently a psychologically broken man. Okay, strange place to start from, but makes sense considering what actually happened in the first movie. That really should have ruined people.
Except it didn't, because then we are treated to glorious Pacific Rim inspired "future Alien-Human tech world", where apparently everything is dandy, wars are so two decades ago, reverse engineering is all done, and the world is awesome again.
Except it isn't, because then we see real main boy (the other Hemsworth, who actually sounds exactly like the other one.. so I'm not sure why one is Thor and the other is here, but I suppose we just have to think of him as a drunk pilot who nearly killed the late Smith's boy during training - that dick) fucking around on the moon, using said awesome future tech to fuck up a perfectly routine moon base construction thing and nearly kill everyone there. But he saves the day and only gets grounded for it. Wow, future world sure loves drunk incompetence. Man, Randy Quaid really left a mark. He's not back btw, before you ask. So now everything is fi-
EXCEPT it isn't because Jeff Goldblum is doing some stuff out in the African boonies, with some people who are apparently related to a WARLORD and they shouldn't be pissed off. What happened to cumbayaa-world? I'm sorry, but it seems like you're just making this up as you go, movie. Are you?
But wait, they have aliens weapons! Hey that's actually neat. And they have experience with dealing with the aliens too. Tell me more! Apparently, there are alien prisons on Earth from all the fuckers that didn't just die, and these guys have been hunted by the aliens and returned the favour with nothing but old-school Earth tech. AW YEAH! SHOW ME THAT MOVIE! All Stalker and shit! Alas, this never moves past a 'this shit happened yo' and some later on payoffs with how you kill an alien. Spoiler:
hit its weak spot for massive damage. It's in the back.
But basically this black African man, son of the former warlord (oh), with awesome backstory is SUPER. WILL. SMITH, MOTHERFUCKER. So obviously he doesn't do anything for the rest of the movie other than babysit useless extra gag accountant-man, who for some reason is in this movie. John Oliver is probably wondering right now why people think he's in ID4-2, because that guy looks like a parrot that works at a bank. Also Goldblum has a love interest, but his ex from the original is never brought up. She knows something the alien language, and Super-Smith happens to have gained intimate knowledge of it in his many adventures that we never get to seeeeeeee. Fuck you, movie. But all that language has the same slit-like symbol (like an Oreo, not what you just thought, pervert), so that has to be important enough to be relevant.
So a fucking spaceship shows up at the moonbase, happens to have a convenient slit on it, and despite Goldblum saying: "it might not be them, them?" they just use earlier conveniently placed space laser by Thor-less to blow it up. Because their Saturn post is somehow gone and has the same warp effect near it. But what if wasn't -and then Thor-less steals a ship and flies to Earth to pick up Goldblum, parrot, love interest, and Super-Smith to fly BACK to the moon to investigate the crash site. You think this is getting crowdy now? Oh man, you have no idea. Because I completely forgot to mention Thor-not's co-pilot, almost-killed-not-Smith, and Chinese woman (you can literally hear the KA-CHING! for that China money when she shows up, she even has Chinese lines to go with it). AND Goldblum's dad is trying to sell his book to old people. Must suck for those people to have lived through so much and so long, only to get hit by aliens again, but we're getting to that, finally. So this should be our already overcrowded crew, we have had surprise contact with unknown alien, and we basically haven't even gotten to the Inciting Incident (or Hook, if you prefer) at roughly half an hour into the movie. And I know that because I checked when I noticed it was dragging its feet at getting somewhere. Oh, btw, I completely forgot not-Data waking up from coma and making the same symbols as Super-Smith and President Pullman I have been making. So that's three characters doing the same fucking thing, and each having scenes. You starting to feel me as to where this is going?
But okay, OTHER, this time real aliensies show up, and turn moonbase into hot plasma poop, conveniently taking care of sto-len space ship item (check!), before sliding the top off the moon. Because if you have continent-sized ship, it obviously needs to just slide right over the moon. Sliiiiiiide. Let's ignore that you could fit all the planets between the Earth and Moon in reality, so dodging the moon isn't exactly fucking hard, but hey, I'm sure the aliens got off real hard on that one. Because reference, yes. Much like Jurassic World, this movie doesn't know when to try and not try to be the first movie. If it was in the first, just shove it in there.
Except this time, the ship is big, it has its own gravity!!! Ehm.... yeah... you know how everything has mass and / or energy, and said mass causes a curve in spacetime that makes other objects fall towards it, so that every object has a gravity of its own- WHATEVER EINSTEIN. So its gravity conveniently hooks Goldblum and everyone else back towards Earth, because how else would they get back there (Check! Shit, this writing thing is easy! ), and the gravity of it starts ripping up half the planet, with London being shown (See? Even this movie knew that British 'independence day' wasn't going to end well. And it is dumb as bricks, let me tell ya. ) and not-Smiths stripper-gone-doctor mom dying, but nobody cares. Also Goldblum's dad on a boat appears to die, but that one is a cop-out, because despite being right in front of the ship's gravity + water displacement wave. How? I don't fucking know, okay? And then, as the ship is ripping up its path from London to New York over the entire Atlantic, where it strangely has the same distance from the surface on either end and the ocean (the Earth is flat? OMG THEY FLATTENED THE EARTH- no, Emmerich just forgot), that story reaches its high point. So HARD CUT to "meanwhile at the ranch" which is some fucking pirate James Cameron crew in the middle of the ocean, and has ANOTHER wopping five 'characters' to go with it. Maybe I should just call them people-things at this point. But that cut right after 'big explosions' is so bizarre you can't miss noticing that. Like, literal 'the fuck' moment. So that goes on for a bit and crazed Pullman goes to engage an alien prisoner because reference to same scene in the first movie (shot for shot, almost), while the sliiiiiiiiide into the earth comes to a halt because apparently the aliens remembered they have anti-gravity.
And then, a hour into the movie (we have breaks on movies here), I swear to god, FOUR KIDS IN A CAR are now somehow relevant people-things to introduce (I don't know what's going on with the writing in this anymooo-oooo-ooore. help me. Somebody help me) to find washed up Goldblum's Dad, who somehow survived, to conveniently further whatever the fuck the plot is. Which appears to have FINALLY run out of useless characters played by far, far lesser actors than the original cast, to introduce. Thank go- I mean Emmerich. That's obviously what I meant.
Now we can finally have the real movie, where there is an assault on the ship (okay, neat), the not-Thor crew gets inside and the aliens have brought their own ecosystem with them (also neat, but what's it doing in a movie where aliens invade other worlds?) but that doesn't do anything else, there is mandatory counter (check!), while the pirates on the ship are somehow keeping their boat near a mile-wide drill-beam (not the makakosapo) to the Earth molten iron core.... which we know to be actually solid (since a few years, so that's okay), and if you wanted molten iron, you could just take it from the mantel that you're drilling through, which also somehow doesn't make magma violently erupt towards the ship- okay enough. And with all this plot, and written things and such, and reference to original by parrot, and Super-Smith finally doing something, you might think the movie has finally stopped being a disappointment. You are not ready. You are not ready for a climax filled with such OMG bad acting that you will wonder why you ever thought this was going to end well.
Usually I give a flim a chance regarding shit.... trying to find something positive.
But I just don't like films and acting that insult my intelligence.
I was only able to deal with this movie by laughing at shit about stuff I wouldn't laugh at.
like when
Vivica A. Fox fell from the chopper
... i had already lost it before that scene... but the movie just continued to get ridiculous.
Hated Will Smith's son's character.
it's not so much that I was pissed I paid 20 something dollars for it, and that I wasted 2hrs of my life for it, but also that disappointment of knowing something possibly good was ruined.
Guys, check 0:18-0:27
Why is Vivica A. Fox (Jasmine Dubrow) in the final celebration when the mothership departs from earth? Shouldn't she be dead by then (according to the plot-line of the Theatrical Cut)?
Or is this another indication that the Theatrical Cut was heavily-edited and severely-chopped, because some idiots at Fox didn't like Emmerich's original vision and ordered him to shorten his film remarkably?
Guys, check 0:18-0:27
Why is Vivica A. Fox (Jasmine Dubrow) in the final celebration when the mothership departs from earth? Shouldn't she be dead by then (according to the plot-line of the Theatrical Cut)?
Or is this another indication that the Theatrical Cut was heavily-edited and severely-chopped, because some idiots at Fox didn't like Emmerich's original vision and ordered him to shorten his film remarkably?
Honestly? I suspect the movie is probably beter as it is. From what I hear they mostly cut out material pertaining to the new characters, and since the new cast is pretty blah and filled with bad actors that's probably for the best. And if it's true that killing Vivica Fox's character was added later I'm sure it was in an attempt to add some needed dramatic weight to the destruction sequence.
I like the movie for what it is, but you're coming off like an apologist. The movie's retarded - embrace it!
It broke the series in ways I couldnt have expected. Completely misunderstood the success of the first one and didnt even respect itself. It's not without its moments and there are things I enjoyed in the movie. It had a lot of neat ideas that if executed better would have really made it worth it, but overall it is trash. Doesnt even feel like the same series. And holy shit, the pacing. I think a 7 year old with ADHD edited this movie.
I was really rooting for this one so that is very disappointing for me.
At least I got to see more of characters that I have previously enjoyed and got to see more of those sweet alien battle suits. I dont regret my time but I'm also glad I watched it with a free ticket.
Solid description. Someone gave a full hollywood budget to a student's early draft. Cant believe someone read this and said "yeah this is ready to go."
Ok.. I came in with low expectations knowing it would be bad. But holy shit.. you guys are not kidding.. this is possibly the worst movie I've seen in a while. Me and my wife walked out like halfway. First time I ever do that. Thank God we didn't pay a dollar to see this piece of shit. Thanks T-Mobile
Even after reading and watching a bunch of video reviews, and reading this thread, I'm still weirdly interested in seeing this thing. Is it worth $8 on cheap day (Tuesday) even with all its insanity?
Here's the real test: does Jeff Goldblum say "checkmate" in this one like in the first?
This was like the SW prequels in the sense that Emmerich completely misunderstood what made the original great. I think they needed a fan of the original to make this a la JJ Abrams & TFA. It probably would have been even a bigger retread of the original but a fan would have at least gotten the original characters and the tone right.
Honestly? I suspect the movie is probably better as it is. From what I hear they mostly cut out material pertaining to the new characters, and since the new cast is pretty blah and filled with bad actors that's probably for the best. And if it's true that killing Vivica Fox's character was added later I'm sure it was in an attempt to add some needed dramatic weight to the destruction sequence.
I like the movie for what it is, but you're coming off like an apologist. The movie's retarded - embrace it!
I'm honestly shocked how bad this movie was. I was going in with some pretty low expectations and just wanted a fun destruction movie. I felt like every 4-5 minutes this movie went out of its way to insult my intelligence. Just when I forced my brain to forgive something that just happened something else would happen. The pile on effect by the end of the movie caused me to audibly laugh by the time the credits rolled.
Fucking piece of shit movie through and through. And I used to be an Emmerich fan. lol
i was really hoping for sth good. even loved the trailer
and oh my god the pandering for china. i actually saw it in a chinese cinema. it was fun how the crowd always went "oooh" when they saw QQ, the chinese milk or angelababy for the first time lol
Well just got back from seeing it.
"Atleast it look good..." is how I would describe the movie.
It's like I just saw half a movie. The first 10-15 minutes before the aliens show up were actually giving me hope as in it was pretty good but then it's like someone keeps pressing the fast forward button. It jumps all over the place, there's no build-up, no reasons to give about any of the characters. The destruction is on screen for like what 2 minutes or so and half of the time I had no clue wtf was going on.
Like we get to see some place in China (Shanghai, HK?) and we see Jeff Goldblum's character flying in that little spaceship under the alien vessel and then the next shot is them flying around landmarks in London????
His dad on a boat scene is even more rediculous and he survived that tsunami some how?
And what purpose did that bus full of kids serve anyway?
It's like they had a 4 hour movie, said fuck it and cut out all the story and character arcs and "slower" scenes and we go jump from this point to the next and I as a viewer don't give a shit about anything that's happening. We get 2 speeches: one from old president guy and one from general promoted to president guy and they both have zero impact.
When you look at the potential thats in the movie for a far better story with some original stuff in it (like the land based guerilla war in Africa), it's trying to some how retread the original but doesn't even come close to it in anyway. None of the new characters are likable and it's not like we spend enough time with them to give a shit anyway.
I've got the feeling the full uncut 4 hour edition might actually not be bad at all.
But the shit I just watched? Just looks good and that's it.
(I saw it here in China and the China pandering in this is ridiculous, my Chinese friend was facepalming and said she thought it was retarded (qq, milk and angelababy))
Well just got back from seeing it.
"Atleast it look good..." is how I would describe the movie.
It's like I just saw half a movie. The first 10-15 minutes before the aliens show up were actually giving me hope as in it was pretty good but then it's like someone keeps pressing the fast forward button. It jumps all over the place, there's no build-up, no reasons to give about any of the characters. The destruction is on screen for like what 2 minutes or so and half of the time I had no clue wtf was going on.
Like we get to see some place in China (Shanghai, HK?) and we see Jeff Goldblum's character flying in that little spaceship under the alien vessel and then the next shot is them flying around landmarks in London????
His dad on a boat scene is even more rediculous and he survived that tsunami some how?
And what purpose did that bus full of kids serve anyway?
It's like they had a 4 hour movie, said fuck it and cut out all the story and character arcs and "slower" scenes and we go jump from this point to the next and I as a viewer don't give a shit about anything that's happening. We get 2 speeches: one from old president guy and one from general promoted to president guy and they both have zero impact.
When you look at the potential thats in the movie for a far better story with some original stuff in it (like the land based guerilla war in Africa), it's trying to some how retread the original but doesn't even come close to it in anyway. None of the new characters are likable and it's not like we spend enough time with them to give a shit anyway.
I've got the feeling the full uncut 4 hour edition might actually not be bad at all.
But the shit I just watched? Just looks good and that's it.
(I saw it here in China and the China pandering in this is ridiculous, my Chinese friend was facepalming and said she thought it was retarded (qq, milk and angelababy))
I liked it, I really liked it despite having a very low expectation on it after reading people's thoughts on the movie here. Sure it's dumb but I personally think it was a worthy sequel.
There are some stuff I didn't like but I'm glad I saw the movie, can't wait till it comes out on Blu Ray