RiZ III said:
That would explain why he's been taking sooo long to return. Hes getting murdered all over the universe :lol
That's the thing... that makes no sense(getting murdered in order to forgive)!!! So, rather than simply saying "I forgive you" a human(or alien)/god sacrifice has to take place(a sacrifice done by us, maybe to show how heartless some of us are) in order to forgive us. Let's ignore the fact that saying one cannot forgive unless one's killed makes no sense, and think: Forgive us for what exactly? I mean, for not following God's words, when you've not even heard them personally(yeah, so you're supposed to believe what your local priest/holy man says without question, or you're going against the supreme being :lol )?
Or is it because of the original sin? So entirely innocent people are blamed for what others did, for what their ancestors did(which was simply to disobey by taking an apple, for which they paid dearly... and so must we all, unless we return to the light by following the holy man's words?)?
When they add the concept of soul, and life's ephemeral nature... they're basically saying hey this is a big MMORPG-esque simulation, only with fvcked up rules done out of love. We know this, because God told some hicks throughout the millenia, and he believed you would never require any rational explanation or facts, just our words. Oh and he loves you so much that if you don't believe what we say he'll torture you forever...
These are the main rules(for other more subtle ones, ask the holy man):
1. your intellectual capacity is nowhere near as high as it could be(less face it we could be far far more intelligent)
2.your knowledge is insignificant, you're given instincts/predispositions and predisposing environments and temptations
3. and when you do something wrong(which is something that's not told to you in any rational manner, just someone saying: "believe this ancient texts without question") you may very well be sent to perpetual torment.
4. in order to avoid perpetual torment, you must follow what you're told by this religion which is oddly enough "often molded to the culture of the time"
5. Redemption is achieved by the Creator coming into the mmorpg and being tortured to death... otherwise your violations of the untold rules(or the rules broken millenia ago by some distant ancestor) is unforgivable(though, the creator is omnipotent which means he could forgive it if he wanted too... but this death-ritual just makes it all the more striking/impressive/convincing so as to spread the religion "he died for you sounds way more impressive than he forgave you" )
6. NO you can't ask for forgiveness after you die(no respawning either), it must be done here, cause otherwise you can't contribute to this religious organization :lol
7. If you follow reason/rational thought and think it through, thus seeing through the holy man's facade(aka deep down his claims are baseless, and they're going to modify your live with made-up-often-bothersome-rules... for no reason.) you lose... perpetual torment
8. These rules are made out of love, and just pure love, rather than making you super capable with super intelligence, and giving you a decent environment, and a nice rule book( none of which compromises your free will)... you're not given such, and often you're even given violent temper, antisocial inclinations, environments that promote criminal behavior, and the like, and the rules are given in a ridiculous manner that requires you to forgo reason or be lucky enough to have gotten dah brainwashing(and be lucky enough not to come upon anything that makes you question it, and gets you out of it.)... and remember failure in this mmorp is punished by perpetual torment, out of love which you did not accept(by following untold rules, and believing what you're told without basis, without facts, and remember: to believe without facts is a virtue, not a failing ).
any willful disregard for the norms revealed by God is a sin
That quote is from wiki
BTW, they also give us several answers to the question of: Why did he have to die?
NONE, IMHO, make sense or is in anyway acceptable, so if some of you guys can come up with something I'd like to hear it.
UFOs in the bible? lol