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Indiana Jones 5 for July 19th, 2019 with Spielberg and Harrison Ford

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A daughter could provide an interesting dynamic for Indy 5, but I dunno about replacing him. Let's be honest, Indiana Jones is the quintessential male power fantasy. That's the whole point of the franchise.

I don't think I agree with that. He's good looking and charming and all that, but he doesn't use incredible strength or skill to solve his problems. He usually barely scrapes by and usually does it by having luck on his side. He's always shown to be intelligent and a quick thinker, but I wouldn't call it a power fantasy. I don't think he's as alienating as male power fantasies can be.

He obviously attracts a lot of female attention, but they almost play that up as a little funny at times, since he's kinda a big nerd. If anything, it's Ford alone that adds that fantasy aspect, not really the writing of the character. I don't think it would be weird at all of a woman was his successor, assuming he has one.

When I think Male Power Fantasy, I think Die Hard, Terminator, Rambo, God of War, Call of Duty, etc. Not really Indiana Jones. But maybe that's just me.


I'm warming up to the idea of a haunted scottish castle... Since Indiana Jones is now owned by Disney Spielberg can shamelessly steal the best ideas from the donald duck stories (Son of the Sun God, Manco Cápac comes to mind, etc...).


He needs that beard though, but otherwise still looking good 20 years older.

That Frank Darabont bit makes me weep.

Yeah, Saucermen From Mars was a great Indiana Jones script and much better than the watered-down and rather boring Kingdom of the Crystal Skull one. There are still some hints of it in the final version, but it's not the same.

Russ T

A daughter could provide an interesting dynamic for Indy 5, but I dunno about replacing him. Let's be honest, Indiana Jones is the quintessential male power fantasy. That's the whole point of the franchise.

oh he's a fantasy all right (or... was? unless you're into older guys i guess, then maybe he still is)
I like how one meh installment makes some people not think they can't do better next time.

I am confident Spielberg will learn from Indy4 as much as Star Wars learned from the prequels when making EpVII.

At the very least I know it can't be worse than Crystal Skull. And for the love of Marion: dial down the CGI, please! More practical effects!


I don't think I agree with that. He's good looking and charming and all that, but he doesn't use incredible strength or skill to solve his problems. He usually barely scrapes by and usually does it by having luck on his side. He's always shown to be intelligent and a quick thinker, but I wouldn't call it a power fantasy. I don't think he's as alienating as male power fantasies can be.

He obviously attracts a lot of female attention, but they almost play that up as a little funny at times, since he's kinda a big nerd. If anything, it's Ford alone that adds that fantasy aspect, not really the writing of the character. I don't think it would be weird at all of a woman was his successor, assuming he has one.

When I think Male Power Fantasy, I think Die Hard, Terminator, Rambo, God of War, Call of Duty, etc. Not really Indiana Jones. But maybe that's just me.

Well, I'd say there's more to being a male fantasy character than raw, physical strength. Indy being an everyman physically just makes it easier for people to project themselves onto him. Basically, Indy is kinda what every man wants to be. Smart, funny, physically capable, goes on globe-trotting adventures, bangs a different woman in every movie, punches nazis... There's not a whole lot of depth to his character, really. He's popular because your average joe can live vicariously through him. Die Hard definitely also fits this category.

I suppose Kratos is also a power fantasy, but nobody really relates to Kratos because he's so different.
At the very least I know it can't be worse than Crystal Skull. And for the love of Marion: dial down the CGI, please! More practical effects!

Without Lucas breathing down his neck I'd say things are already looking better. I like George Lucas and respect the man a lot, but he was disgustingly obsessed with that stuff. Spielberg wanted to shoot Indy 4 on film, Lucas wouldn't stop until he shot it digitally. Spielberg wanted more practical effects and action, Lucas again wouldn't back down and got all that weird CGI sheen all over the movie. Spielberg didn't even like the aliens concept, but respected Lucas' idea for it enough to just go with it.

I'm not saying every inch of the movie's problems were on Lucas, Spielberg still directed it and David Koepp wrote the script, but without Lucas trying to shove digital and CGI up every orifice of the film, it probably didn't help matters. Here, Spielberg will be able to make the movie he actually wants to make, at least more so than he did when Lucas was controlling everything.
I'm absolutely down. One of the few who loved Crystal Skull.
Write it with the age of the character in mind (which they obviously will) and this could be good indeed. I personally love the idea of a grouchier, more jaded Indy that we started to see in the 4th movie.

Then why bring back Harrison Ford?

If Indiana Jones isn't running away from boulders and shit then it shouldn't be an Indiana Jones movie. That's just boring grandpa man trying to act young. Nobody gives a shit about Indy as a character, he's just cool action man. And you want to take away the cool action part!

No way, he is a great character. So much more than just an action hero - intellectual professor, humble in the face of great mysteries and power, interesting relationships with other characters like Marion/Marcus etc.

I'm personally very interested to see how they will handle his marriage and son and reconcile his "domesticity" with a new adventure.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I'm personally very interested to see how they will handle his marriage and son and reconcile his "domesticity" with a new adventure.
"Note: His wife and child died on the way back to their home planet"


The original deal with Paramount was for 5 films, and Lucas had planned on honoring that deal. I believe I first heard it one of the official making-of pieces for Jones or possibly even Star Wars down the line, but I checked and it's on the Wiki page for the franchise complete with citation (it's a book, so I can't link it obviously). Like I said in my other post, as far as I can tell, no, there wasn't ever any stories arced out for a full series, and yeah, it was done one film at a time. 4 took ages to happen because Spielberg, Lucas, and Ford couldn't agree on a story for it. Lucas ended up coming up with the idea while doing Young Indie, but it took Ford and Spielberg quite a while to warm up to doing a 50's sci-fi (IIRC Spielberg was begging not to do aliens, er, interdimensional beings, pretty late into pre-pro).

I had no idea about the initial deal. Thanks for the info!

That would be a hell of a way to retire, going out with a bang. I'd respect the hell out of him if he pulled that off.

That would actually be really great. It doesn't have to be Daisy, but a young daughter could be a new dynamic for the womanizer in Indy 5 and be a breath of fresh air for action movies if she replaced him going forward. Not to mention it would probably help avoid some of the obvious criticisms about the replacement not living up to Ford if it's clear they're going in a different direction.

I really don't get the Fridge hate, even after all these years. It was a play on the idea of the time that lead-lines fridges would keep you safe from nukes. I thought it was cute and funny. It really wasn't that finally off from past Jones.

Jeep scene was a little over the top though. Still not enough to ruin the movie for me.

I would be really disappointed if they do that. I though Crystal Skull was cool largely because it brought the series into a new era, with all that entailed. Temple of Doom already showed that Indy is allowed to deviate from the initial formula, so I'm not sure why people are so adamant about sticking to that.

Indy was initially a love letter to a specific type of entertainment from the decade it took place in. As time goes on, it really just makes sense for the franchise to move into new eras and idols. It's sort of defined the potential for this series to continue for me. We don't need an older, slower Lara Croft/ Nathan Drake on screen, and swastikas on the enemy's sleeves doesn't somehow make it unique. It plays to their strength to do something new, IMO.

I think the hate for the fridge comes from it careening into the air. If it had just bumbled across the ground, I think the reaction would have been much, much less. But it does look somewhat ridiculous bounding over the henchmen's Buick.

P.S. One of the early drafts for Indy 4 gave Indy a daughter, which was the beginnings of the Mutt character.

Without Lucas breathing down his neck I'd say things are already looking better. I like George Lucas and respect the man a lot, but he was disgustingly obsessed with that stuff. Spielberg wanted to shoot Indy 4 on film, Lucas wouldn't stop until he shot it digitally. Spielberg wanted more practical effects and action, Lucas again wouldn't back down and got all that weird CGI sheen all over the movie. Spielberg didn't even like the aliens concept, but respected Lucas' idea for it enough to just go with it.

I'm not saying every inch of the movie's problems were on Lucas, Spielberg still directed it and David Koepp wrote the script, but without Lucas trying to shove digital and CGI up every orifice of the film, it probably didn't help matters. Here, Spielberg will be able to make the movie he actually wants to make, at least more so than he did when Lucas was controlling everything.

Crystal Skull was shot on film. And the vast majority of the effects were practical. In fact, it was Spielberg who called for more CG than intially planned because it was just more practical. George has never had much of a say in how the Indy movies were made. Once they were written, his part was essentially done. Spielberg has control of them once he approves the script. He had such control, he nearly crippled Harrison Ford on Temple of Doom before Lucas showed up and slapped some sense into both of them.

Melon Husk

They jump out of an airplane in a frigging life-raft in ToD!

If only the internet had existed back then to complain about it and make it a meme...

That's plausible, it feels like inflatable rafts would have a high drag coefficient. It's not as intuitive to imagine he could walk away from that fridge-blast without breaking every bone in his body.
Weird stuff should only happen in indyverse if it's supernatural.
A daughter could provide an interesting dynamic for Indy 5, but I dunno about replacing him. Let's be honest, Indiana Jones is the quintessential male power fantasy. That's the whole point of the franchise.

Gives them an excuse to put an attractive girl on the screen sans love interest (shudder).
Possible candidate:


at last, for christ's sake
I'm not sure if he can act, but a friend of mine pointed Derek Theler as a possible young Indi. He's way too big but if Disney decides to go with lesser known actors like with TFA, he would be a good fit.

can CGI add charisma as well? because it would be needed
Ford may be old but he's still Indy. I think this could work and I'm excited to see a new installment that could help me forget Crystal Skull.

Can we have Sallah and Indy ride off into the sunset in this one again? I need Sallah as he's in all the good Indy movies.


Gold Member
I REALLY hope that they don't use Nazis (well, Neo-Nazis) or Russians as the villians, but go for something more along the lines of The Temple Of Doom. Something more ethnic. who agrees? I bet it will be good. They will give Indy a proper sendoff.


The problem with Indy IV was the mediocre script and mediocre direction. No sense of direction. No memorable characters. No sense of danger.
I have a few requests before i will allow this movie to proceed.

1. No Shia.
2. No George.
3. Speilberg please fire the lighting guy you've been using for the last 10 years because he makes your movies look weird and shitty.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I REALLY hope that they don't use Nazis (well, Neo-Nazis) or Russians as the villians, but go for something more along the lines of The Temple Of Doom. Something more ethnic. who agrees? I bet it will be good. They will give Indy a proper sendoff.

The villains should be the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

Indy has a contact in the military... we meet him and it's adult Short Round, now in his 40s.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Fucking hell, a 75 year old headlining an action film. Incredible.

One of my uncles is 83 but would make a more convincing action hero than Sebastian Stan.
Only if they bring Shia back. Indy's too old for this shit. Drop the greaser vine swinging shit and make Mutt a fucking badass. Pass the torch!

This is actually not wrong. I mean, in Crystal Skull, we still got the OLD Shia, who was then probably near the height of his unpopularity.

Now, however, things have changed. We now have bearded controversial psycho Shia who has somehow transcended all those previous shortcomings and has mutated into a total badass indeed! I can see it...


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
No mention of Lucas is a good thing.
Oh good, this sounds like a wonderful idea. The only problem with Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was that Harrison Ford wasn't old or uninterested enough. I can't wait to see a 76 year old action hero on the big screen.


Heck I'll give it a go if it sounds decent.

They're never gonna top Raiders though.

Popped off to watch it couple of weeks ago on big screen in London and it's still the best (arguably best action adventure film full stop).

But hey he's survived crashed planes and the Millennium Falcon trying to cut him in half so why not keep going?


Is it sad I got more excited about the possibility of a new Plinkett review if this is bad then the movie itself?

Honestly they need to replace Ford. I love the guy but he's getting way to old to play an action star. They should of given us a new Indy actor James Bond style.
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