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Indiana Jones & The Dial of Destiny


She denied Indy an absolutely unique opportunity to end his life on his own terms

What's more is that her reasoning, the fear that he'd change history, ignores that it has previously been established in the scene where they find Archimedes' tomb that everything which will happen in the past has already happened. If not, the watch wouldn't be there and there wouldn't be any 'modern' technology on the engraving. By implication, anything Indy does during his trip to Syracuse has already been accounted for by history, so it does not matter whether he stays or is taken back. A better reason would have been that given Indy's advancing age, he might want to reconsider his plans to stay in Syracuse purely for the lack of modern plumbing.


Gold Member
Plus, don't you think Indy would hate her for causing the death of so many of his friends and putting him through hell for nothing? She caused most of what he suffered through in the movie. I am surprised they didn't show her still have the bag of diamonds Zoller gave her on the boat so they could give her another "win" in the end.
If you've ever seen her show "Fleabag", its a very similar character in a lot of ways. Incredibly self destructive and harmful to those around her, but given easy moral victories for transient "I'm actually an okay person" emotional beats.


What's more is that her reasoning, the fear that he'd change history, ignores that it has previously been established in the scene where they find Archimedes' tomb that everything which will happen in the past has already happened. If not, the watch wouldn't be there and there wouldn't be any 'modern' technology on the engraving. By implication, anything Indy does during his trip to Syracuse has already been accounted for by history, so it does not matter whether he stays or is taken back. A better reason would have been that given Indy's advancing age, he might want to reconsider his plans to stay in Syracuse purely for the lack of modern plumbing.
I guess if you can reflect on the plot with the amount of brain cells necessary to notice this (more than three) you aren't the intended audience and they don't need you.


Just watched it.

Not nearly as bad as some make it to be, not by a long shot.
They play the old Indy card quite well, and the girl has at least a somewhat original character, though she is/acts kinda stupid a couple of times.
Mads is, of course, perfect in the role, though his character and the overall plot is, dissapointingly, not fully realised. I mean, you gotta do a bit more with this kind of narrative where you basically have no constraints.

That scene towards the end with Arhimede was surprisingly poignant, but i was hoping for more punches like that, and a bit more time-travel connections of some kind.

Still a highly watchable movie, with a few noticeable downs, like the bad de-aging (is this all that can be done nowadays, with unlimited budget, really??).

Ps. These almost but not quite send off type of movies always make me appreciate how fucking amazing and effortlessly emotional MGS4 was. Damn.


It should go without saying that the character who just wants the archaeological treasure so they can sell it for the highest price is


Also, the character that laughs after the death of the protagonist’s ally, and incurs the anger of the protagonist because they do is


Also, the character that wants to stop the protagonist from doing what they need to at the climax of the film is

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I enjoyed the movie and thought it got way too much hate. Entertaining if maybe a little too long like most film nowadays.

The "girl Indy" was fine and I don't get the hate. The movie did not feel "woke" or like this was some over-the-top girl power story.

Story was cool with the time travel aspect, although I think it could have gone even crazier. Why stop at the ancient world?


Simps for Amouranth
Was an enjoyable enough romp tbf, the de-aging whilst not the best did give me a longing to watch the original trilogy again as you simply can't bate a young Harrison Ford/Indy and that magic can't be replicated with a fucking pensioner so either retire the character or reboot the damn thing, I'm a huge fan of these types of films/games so it wouldn't annoy me one bit if they rebooted it, sure as fuck wish they'd reboot the god awful Uncharted movie and made it more like the incredible games.

Tbf the only thing that really bothered me was not giving Mads character a load of scars from facial reconstruction after whacking that sign post face on at 50mph


I enjoyed the movie and thought it got way too much hate. Entertaining if maybe a little too long like most film nowadays.

The "girl Indy" was fine and I don't get the hate. The movie did not feel "woke" or like this was some over-the-top girl power story.

Story was cool with the time travel aspect, although I think it could have gone even crazier. Why stop at the ancient world?
Everything gets way to much hate nowadays .. can’t point my finger on it but it might have todo with COVID and lockdowns and the human influence on social behavior.

Everything gets burned to the ground atleast on the internet.
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Gold Member
It does occur to me that this was a HUGE missed opportunity to have a D+ animated show with old Indy, Wombat, and an ethnicly diverse and gender fluid group of young people use the Dial to go back and explore historical events. Kinda of a Young Indiana Jones Chronicles but with a broader scope.

The running gag is old Indy always wants to stay so the kids have to come up different ways to knock him out and get him back on the plane, kinda like the A-team did with B.A. Baracus.


Was this movie woke stuff from Hollywood? I’m trying to avoid woke agenda pushing movies

Not woke. Just poop trash level of movie, with a clear intention of destroy the character and the franchise.

Did it make everyone appreciate crystal skull more or no?

I did enjoy Crystal alot, but totally understand and agree why people dislike it. I would say Dial is more prone to this dumb trend of "I don"t get the hate" type of stupid answer.


Perpetually Offended
I'm going to wait til it's on Disney Plus before watching.

I hope I like it. Might end up not liking it. Doubt I'll love it.


Did it make everyone appreciate crystal skull more or no?
Even with the nuke and the cartoony and messy second half CS still manages to be fun adventure film for a good chunk of its run time. It's still bad but it does have its moments. It's just the really bad bits are really goddamn bad. It was certainly more watchable than I had remembered.


Even with the nuke and the cartoony and messy second half CS still manages to be fun adventure film for a good chunk of its run time. It's still bad but it does have its moments. It's just the really bad bits are really goddamn bad. It was certainly more watchable than I had remembered.
Yeah, for as bad as CS is, it's not nearly as boring as Dial. Dial took me four attempts to get through and it felt like work.


I went in blind to watch this. Always been a big Indy fan and lot of good memories watching them with my parents, especially Dad (raiders was his fav movie). It was sickening how Indy was portrayed as this feeble old loser. This was suppose to be his final test hurrah. Didn't care for the women at all. Any chance she got she knocked him down a peg it seemed. Like who hated Indiana Jones this much to make this his last movie.

The bad guys were up there ass the whole time. Like Indy gets to a new location and the bag guys would instantly know where they were going and we're never far behind. I get that they were left with the clues from whatever they got from Indy that they took out would take them no time at all to figure where they went.

Movie is basically Indy and co go to location, bad guys show up real quick and they are chased till they head to new location and rinse and repeat like 4 times.

This movie was depressing for all the wrong reasons


Gold Member
'I love this movie, I don't understand all the hate he gets' should be the new slogan for movies from now on.

Ignore the entire conversation on the subject, don't read any review or consumer conversation around the movie, define every opinion you disagree as a 'hate' and you have the recipe for Social media and generation z arguments.
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Perpetually Offended
'I love this movie, I don't understand all the hate he gets' should be the new slogan for movies from now on.

Ignore the entire conversation on the subject, don't read any review or consumer conversation around the movie, define every opinion you disagree as a 'hate' and you have the recipe for Social media and generation z arguments.

Slightly disingenuous... I can watch the movie, enjoy it and then read all the comments in a thread and still not get why some hate a particular movie.

Like for every point you have for not liking it, I can explain why that point was enjoyable to me but with a different perspective. As has been the case all throughout this thread with people explaining why they liked it or what they liked about it. Even with specific counters for a given scene.

A lot of what people see is colored by experience and perspective. Two people can see the same thing yet see two different things. You may not understand WHY someone likes something, even after they explain it... But you're not them and that's ok. Just like I may not understand why you dislike said thing... And that's you and that's ok, too.


Gold Member
For those of you who saw this movie and Crystal Skull which is better?

I havent seen DoD, but I thought CS was terrible. Harrison Ford was already a fossil who could barely act and move, and it was such a cheesy movie. The franchise is always one part comedy and one part action, but CS was just on another level of cringefest. The 80s movies were more grounded.


Gold Member
For those of you who saw this movie and Crystal Skull which is better?

Crystal Skull is not a good movie by any means, but is better. Saying is better than 'X' don't make the movie a good one.
Both are terrible movies, but only one of them put the main character down.

In short, two bad movies, but only one of them an Indiana Jones fan could watch without problem.
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Watched it.

First of all - fuck you for making a movie 2 hours 30 minutes because you wanted to sell more popcorn and drinks in the cinema.

Second - last scene was stupid AF

Third - villain was weak, Indy was weak

Fourth - too much sulking about old age, nostalgia, “times behind us”, they do fucking realise there are old people who are living life to their fullest doing sport and travelling?
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I saw it in the theater. First, it was way too dark. As in the actual picture. Not sure if it was like that everywhere.

Second, the woman was unlikeable. So was her sidekick. Banderas was killed off too quickly.

For Harrison - nothing but respect. But making him sad and alone in his old age was a low blow.

I will re-watch once I get the disc at home to add to my collection but I too feel Skull was a better movie.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Watched it.

First of all - fuck you for making a movie 2 hours 30 minutes because you wanted to sell more popcorn and drinks in the cinema.

Second - last scene was stupid AF

Third - villain was weak, Indy was weak

Fourth - too much sulking about old age, nostalgia, “times behind us”, they do fucking realise there are old people who are living life to their fullest doing sport and travelling?
Funny enough is that it is likely some of the writers are super anti ageism if they had to be keyboard warriors somewhere online…


Funny enough is that it is likely some of the writers are super anti ageism if they had to be keyboard warriors somewhere online…
This is really starting to piss me off because all the data from the past 2 decades shows the same thing: the richest countries will get older, the % of old people in the population will increase. Then why TF all movies, commercials, products are targeted at young people and if we discuss old age it's always with a negative, 'alone in his apartment' spin?

Here's a fucking retiree for you:

Started watching this on a 2 hour flight, had to stop with maybe 30 minutes left. Mixed feelings about so far. Younger Indy on the train was fun, so was the car chase scene with the motorized rickshaws; both were long but not overly so. Underwater dive scene was a little confusing but I got the idea. Discovery of the Dial hit my Indiana Jones nostalgia button, which was nice.

One weak point is the historian with no scruples and gambling debt being completely self serving in her goals. Is Wombat supposed to be likable? Because this is the stuff antagonists are made of. I assume she has some sort of come-to-Jesus moment at the end of the movie, she is Indy’s goddaughter after all 🙄

We’ll see…
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omg I realized he was also in Uncharted!


Started watching this on a 2 hour flight, had to stop with maybe 30 minutes left. Mixed feelings about so far. Younger Indy on the train was fun, so was the car chase scene with the motorized rickshaws; both were long but not overly so. Underwater dive scene was a little confusing but I got the idea. Discovery of the Dial hit my Indiana Jones nostalgia button, which was nice.

One weak point is the historian with no scruples and gambling debt being completely self serving in her goals. Is Wombat supposed to be likable? Because this is the stuff antagonists are made of. I assume she has some sort of come-to-Jesus moment at the end of the movie, she is Indy’s goddaughter after all 🙄

We’ll see…

She doesn't but the movie just arbitrarily acts likes she does anyway.


Perpetually Offended
Just saw it, finally. I really liked it and some of the stuff some of y'all were saying wasn't in the movie at all.

Indy got a resolution and happy ending with his wife.

I think over the course of the movie, Wombat is reminded of who she was supposed to be, who her father was and who her godfather, Indy, was to her. There's not one particular moment where she realizes she has to change, the change happens in fits and starts until it settles in during the cave sequence at the ear of Dionysus... Especially when Indy is shot. She sees the error of her ways through Indy's eyes. When Remmy dies and they escape on the boat .. Indy reminds her his friend just was murdered... She has remorse for her celebration and apologized. Her facial expression visibly changes to somber.

Overall, I'd give this a 7.5. Not the best but not the worst either... The CG faces and bodies were wack tho.


Just saw it, finally. I really liked it and some of the stuff some of y'all were saying wasn't in the movie at all.

Indy got a resolution and happy ending with his wife.

Like what exactly?
And what resolution is that? Suddenly appearing in house after being knockout, meeting with his wife and all magically resolved including the people being after him?
Too bad the happy ending doesn't include his son.


Gold Member
Like what exactly?
And what resolution is that? Suddenly appearing in house after being knockout, meeting with his wife and all magically resolved including the people being after him?
Too bad the happy ending doesn't include his son.
Agreed. As a farewell to Indy it was woefully inadequate. His obsession with Archimedes and a desire to flee into the past wasn't very deep, thus Wombats denial of his final wish comes off as petulant rather than as a salvation. It's a weak "suicide is bad, m'kay" allegory more than any kind of validation of Indy's life choices, realization that his life has meaning, or anything like that.

As a Wombat film it is even worse, as she has an arc more like an Indy villain than anything. She isn't Elsa Schneider but turned good at the end, she is more like Irina Spalko, driven to complete the quest regardless of the consequences, but somehow we are supposed to like her anyway.

The Mutt stuff just pisses me off. Recast him if you can't use Shia, or use him AS the MacGuffin, he is rumored to be in a POW camp, Indy goes on a lush jungle adventure through Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos to rescue him. We can have legit Russian and Communist villains, none of that half baked FBI/Nazi nonsense, and there are plenty of mythic/religious artifacts for him to encounter. The POW/MIA stuff feels very 80's (was there EVER an actual documented case of a POW held significantly after the end of the war?) but could have worked well if they wanted to give us a real Indy film without a shoehorned in Wombat.

Melon Husk

Agreed. As a farewell to Indy it was woefully inadequate. His obsession with Archimedes and a desire to flee into the past wasn't very deep, thus Wombats denial of his final wish comes off as petulant rather than as a salvation. It's a weak "suicide is bad, m'kay" allegory more than any kind of validation of Indy's life choices, realization that his life has meaning, or anything like that.
It comes across as "I'm old and useless and I want to die, there's no reason for me to go back."
The resolution or "fix" is of course that Marion comes back. Which would be okay if she was in the movie and part of the plot, but it's kind of like she comes back because Indy is too sad and depressed alone post-retirement and needs someone to take care of him. These are real issues faced by the elderly, it's not an elevating ending for an action star. It's an ending you might have in a drama, but in not an action-adventure movie.
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Gold Member
It comes across as "I'm old and useless and I want to die, there's no reason for me to go back."
The resolution or "fix" is of course that Marion comes back. Which would be okay if she was in the movie and part of the plot, but it's kind of like she comes back because Indy is too sad and depressed alone post-retirement and needs someone to take care of him. These are real issues faced by the elderly, it's not an elevating ending for an action star. It's an ending you might have in a drama, but in not an action-adventure movie.
I agree with the sentiment, though it is somewhat undercut by having Indy be in such good health that he can galavant across the globe, routinely beating up thugs half his age or more, fight off eels, and lay pipe with Wombat (certainly that happens offscreen, right??? :p


Perpetually Offended
Like what exactly?
And what resolution is that? Suddenly appearing in house after being knockout, meeting with his wife and all magically resolved including the people being after him?
Too bad the happy ending doesn't include his son.
He doesn't suddenly appear in his house. It's obvious days have gone by AND Wombat didn't do it alone to get him home.

Marion specifically says "I was told that you're back. Are you back, Indy?"

Not physically... she meant his old self... his confident and self-assured self. I thought that was obvious... apparently not.

and NONE of y'all liked Mutt... I remember most people on message boards saying "I hope they kill him off in the next one"... your wish granted!


He doesn't suddenly appear in his house. It's obvious days have gone by AND Wombat didn't do it alone to get him home.

Marion specifically says "I was told that you're back. Are you back, Indy?"

Not physically... she meant his old self... his confident and self-assured self. I thought that was obvious... apparently not.

and NONE of y'all liked Mutt... I remember most people on message boards saying "I hope they kill him off in the next one"... your wish granted!

You still doesn't answer me how they magically reconciled and magically all the people after him stop hunting him but ok. How did she and whatever help her grab him back in time again?

Oh so other people said don't like him and that somehow includes me? This sounds like tales from your fetid ass, spare me of your ridiculous smart act.

People may not like Crystal Skull (and for valid reasons, I agree with them), but I think its an enjoyable film(already posted in this thread in case you don't believe me). Mutt is, for all intent and purposes, a side-kick to Indiana. He never try to steal the spotlight or outsmart him because...he is a sidekick and he pretty much act like one, complementing Indiana and learning from him. Very different from this character which is all almighty, smarter bitch from start to botton. And honestly from the way you act it doesn't surprise you didn't see anything wrong with her outside saying she has remorse through her facial expression.


Gold Member
You still doesn't answer me how they magically reconciled and magically all the people after him stop hunting him but ok. How did she and whatever help her grab him back in time again?
I am kinda curious why Marion gets a pass for divorcing an old guy CLEARLY dealing with depression. She basically abandons him when he is at his most vulnerable

Sure, he basically seduced her when she was a kid and ditched her soon after the Ark, but IIRC she hid her pregnancy from him and he had the stones to take her back anyway. Cut the guy some slack, old age ain't like fightin' Nazis and banging blondes like Elsa and Willie :p
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