He did Logan, remember?!?!?
TBF, Indy is often just "along for the ride" in these films, which is fucking INFURIATING because it has been a major complaint since Last Crusade but they KEEP DOING IT. They are just locked on to the template of Raiders and can't really see a deviation, ToD burned them so much. As much as it pains me to admit, ToD is the only film where Indy shows up and then leaves the place better BECAUSE of his actions. All the others, the macguffin defends itself and all Indy does is largely delay the enemies inevitable demise.
At least Crystal Skull had some fucking energy. This piece of shit is soulless, empty, dead inside, and lacking anything even remotely resembling a heartbeat.
The saddest swansong for a character I think I've ever seen. Pathetic.