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Indiana Jones & The Dial of Destiny


The movie does what it is supposed to do. It is a swan song for Indy. Let him fade away.

That is why Ford is getting so choked up.
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Gold Member

Indiana Jones & The Dial of Destiny​

they should have named it something more appropriate

Like: The Old Man and The Crazy Woman
I actually watched crystal skull the other day for the first time since opening day and it wasn't nearly as terrible as I remember. It still has some insanely dumb moments and the second half of the movie is a mess but it still manages to be a fun little movie for most of it. Nowhere near the original trilogy of course but compared to a lot of the rubbish lately it's a decent enough adventure flick.
its mainly the car chase scene thats gets me, looks awful in every possible way.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
What did George Lucas do to Kathleen Kennedy? Did he murder her parents? Did he steal her grandma's heirloom? Why is she so single-mindedly focused on destroying every franchise he ever touched?
Contemporary woke ideology. It's infected even people who were at one time sane.


What did George Lucas do to Kathleen Kennedy? Did he murder her parents? Did he steal her grandma's heirloom? Why is she so single-mindedly focused on destroying every franchise he ever touched?

I dunno about him, but apparently theres a recording of Spilberg saying she was incompetent at her work and love to interupt people. Maybe she is doing on purpose or just is real bad like he said...
I went into this with hopes of a grand finish and throw back adventure for Indy. (And to see my city looking like New York in the parade scenes)

Left with mixed feelings. Like the crystal skull, it ticked the Indiana jones back on the big screen box, but felt like there was something missing or that they went too far with the main driver/maguffin of the plot. Although having Mads in the cast was a great move and he was as good as ever. if very understated and not in ‘bad bastard’ mode (really only when he spoke to the waiter, could you see how evil and disturbed he really was, as well as what he planned to do. Once he used the dial)

I don’t think the new main characters really added anything, other than to make you miss the friends and family, that Indy had in the first 3 movies

Not saying it wasn’t any good, but it just didn’t come close to touching the first 3 movies and I left feeling that perhaps a reboot, or film focussing on other younger Indy adventures further down the line. with less reliance on cgi could be doable. Although without Harrison Ford in the role, that could be a big (paramount shaped) mountain to climb

Even the train sequence feels nowhere near as exciting or engaging as the one in the new mission impossible movie

But it’s Indiana jones and on the big screen. So the little kid in me was thrilled to see another doctor jones movie (my daughter very much unimpressed, but that might just be that she didn’t grow up with the movies and modern audiences have very different tastes and expectations)

Maybe time and another viewing will help



'Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny' Finally Breaks Even at the Global Box Office:

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny might not be doing so bad at the worldwide box office, but its extensive production budget might be the factor that prevents it from being a total success. As of this morning, the sequel directed by James Mangold has earned $302 million, finally matching the estimated $300 million it cost to be made. Even with Harrison Ford back in the iconic role of an archeologist who spends his free time saving the world from unspeakable evil, there's no denying that the movie will have a hard time with turning a profit for the studio
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Ulysses 31


'Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny' Finally Breaks Even at the Global Box Office:

Eh, that's not what breaking even means. Gross wise worldwide it made as much as the production budget but then you have to give theatres their cut(usually 50% and in China they take 80%?) and then it's still a big loss. And that's not factoring in the marketing costs. It would need to make about 900M $ to start being profitable.
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Jinzo Prime



Yeah...thats NOT how it works. That valor isn't even counting marketing expenses for instance. That site is totally trying to spin a real bad performance as positive.


Gold Member
Dude is totally clueless. Quantity wouldn't be an issue if the quality was there. Here's an idea - hire better writers, focus on telling better stories and writing better characters instead of focusing on pushing an agenda.
That's not how streaming works, though. You pay just enough to make sure people will keep paying for the monthly fee. No more, no less. So you hire mediocre writers on purpose. To keep the costs down.


Gold Member
That's not how streaming works, though. You pay just enough to make sure people will keep paying for the monthly fee. No more, no less. So you hire mediocre writers on purpose. To keep the costs down.
I'm not sure they hire mediocre writers DELIBERATELY, it's just that they are only willing to pay so much for known talent yet they have SO MUCH content to make, so a lot of crap gets through. The sheer number of productions going on is one of the reasons it is odd that writers are complaining that they lack constant work, seems like it would be pretty easy to bounce from show to show to show once you are "in" because the demand is certainly there.


Gold Member
I'm not sure they hire mediocre writers DELIBERATELY, it's just that they are only willing to pay so much for known talent yet they have SO MUCH content to make, so a lot of crap gets through. The sheer number of productions going on is one of the reasons it is odd that writers are complaining that they lack constant work, seems like it would be pretty easy to bounce from show to show to show once you are "in" because the demand is certainly there.
I'm sure they hire the best for whatever range their paying. The deliberate part is that range is being whittled down by limiting the number of episodes and pushing out the seasons to be 14-16 months apart. A good writer will not deal with that shit because they don't have to.


Gold Member
I'm sure they hire the best for whatever range their paying. The deliberate part is that range is being whittled down by limiting the number of episodes and pushing out the seasons to be 14-16 months apart. A good writer will not deal with that shit because they don't have to.
Eh, but lots of shows are serialized now and the delay is due to all the production. If writers are wanting the old 22 ep episodic mill back then they are just out of luck. Now I would argue that having 10 writers, each doing ONE episode of a serialized show is damned stupid. Just have a couple writers do the whole thing so there is more consistency. So we are in a weird transition point where no one really knows where it is going.


They should've done the Last Crusade part 2, but with Harrison/Indiana as the old father figure retired type similar to Sean Connery's Henry Jones and I don't know maybe introduce a new Indiana played by someone with charisma, maybe Nathan Fillion.
I am part of that missing $600M in revenue Disney needs to recoup their expenses.

I love Indiana Jones, and other than having James Mangold at the helm, nothing about this movie piqued my interest.

A big part of the problem was the one that CAPCOM recognized with Resident Evil 6: it was the most financially successful entry in the series up to that point, but they knew the fan reaction would mean they needed to go back to their roots for their next entry, and it paid off with 7. Crystal Skull burned a lot of credibility with fans, so, no, you don't get my money on this one, and I bet my attitude is shared by many.


They should've done the Last Crusade part 2, but with Harrison/Indiana as the old father figure retired type similar to Sean Connery's Henry Jones and I don't know maybe introduce a new Indiana played by someone with charisma, maybe Nathan Fillion.
Everyone keeps bringing up Nathan. The dudes old too.


Wasn't Ford 40 during Raiders of the Lost Ark and 50 during Last Crusade? I think Nathan is around 50 too.
To old to jump into someone’s shoes. If it was gonna get passed down it should be someone at least under the age of 35. I guess it could work though.


What the fuck even is this utter piece of shit?

What the hell was that ending? Indy does nothing. There's no climax. There's no denouement. He's utterly and completely robbed of all agency.

Why is it all so boring and pedestrian? Why is it so long?

Why does nothing make any sense? Why do they not even try to explain things properly?

Worse than Crystal Skull.

FAR fucking worse.
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Gold Member
What the fuck even is this utter piece of shit?

What the hell was that ending? Indy does nothing. There's no climax. There's no denouement. He's utterly and completely robbed of all agency.

Why is it so boring and pedestrian? Why is it so long?

Why does nothing make any sense? Why do they not even try to explain things properly?

Worse than Crystal Skull.

FAR fucking worse.

He did Logan, remember?!?!?

TBF, Indy is often just "along for the ride" in these films, which is fucking INFURIATING because it has been a major complaint since Last Crusade but they KEEP DOING IT. They are just locked on to the template of Raiders and can't really see a deviation, ToD burned them so much. As much as it pains me to admit, ToD is the only film where Indy shows up and then leaves the place better BECAUSE of his actions. All the others, the macguffin defends itself and all Indy does is largely delay the enemies inevitable demise.
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