Null Zone is a Metroid-like 2D survival horror game with tank controls and a Pikmin style time limit. You turn left, right, towards the screen, or away and combine it with movement despite the 2D perspective. Gifs of movement coming eventually.
The game uses a battery mechanic that slowly drains as you walk around, run, or attack, so wasting movements forces the player to head back to their space pod to recharge. At the bottom of the screen is the heartbeat monitor that spikes when in danger and turns colors when hurt. The player has a limited number of days to collect all of the parts to fix your ship (hence the Pikmin mechanic) each of which are hidden away in one of the four "Zones". The player is equipped with the Phaser - basically a stun gun that gains new abilities as you traverse the Null Zone, like remote detonated bombs and a shot that creates bridges.
Map of the first zone, "Apophenia" - the map design is partially inspired by Metroid, except it's
Each of the zones is modeled after a type of mental delusion, so the first obviously has horror/level design/puzzles/enemies/everything else linked to Apophenia. Because of how the controls function, the game is much heavier on the puzzle side - I want to approach everything from new rooms to enemies/bosses as a puzzle, which of course will allow for tons of sequence breaking. Since your phaser is set to stun, you're gonna have to figure out how to get around enemies by using your brain. Also, there's a random element to all of the maps wherein random things can happen depending on the day you're on.
I have a ton of other stuff I'd love to talk about regarding the design, but since it's a horror game, I'd be spoiling the horrawr, and the scenes would lose all of their feels.
I'm thinking of doing a Kickstarter thing in a month or so, mainly cause it would free me up from doing commissions. Tell me what you think - I'm not sure if that's too soon or not. I'm going to be throwing all of my time into getting a website up in the next week or so.