Here's what I'm seeing:
I think the issue is the hair/head "whipping back" a bit. Her entire upper body should be heaving, not just her head.
Hahaha, thanks :-D I see it now :-D Well, okay, that was not at all what was intended but I understand the problem better. The hair is actually the crest from the mask and is supposed to whip a bit wildly because that's what it does and is a part of her visual signature, but there is indeed something about her upper body that I could change so it's clearer. There's also rhythm to consider, as well. All in all : thanks! :-D
Actually i think that the problem is that the left hand is supposed to look like it's connected to a wall, but since we cannot see any wall, we interpret it as being turned toward the character.
I am pretty sure doing something else with that arm would solve the issue.
Otherwise, great job !
Yeah, that's about it - changing the view of the hand to a profile view, and the arm to be more straight would help solve many issues here, I'll try it out and see!
Lots of good feedback on this already. Here's some more. =)
The left hand is definitely weird. I think your idea of having it more profile is good. It looks like it's turned awkwardly right now. Also, if she's tired/exhauseted, maybe the left arm should be more or less straight, so there's some weight on it and the wall. For the right arm, maybe don't have it on the stomach/abdomen? (Unless she's clutching a wound or something). If she's just winded, perhaps straight and on the thigh. Maybe also adjust the entire pose and try to find a gap/triangle/negative space between the right arm and the body so it reads better. Hair might be moving a bit much as well (or it's very silky, smooth, and soft hair).
Hope this helps.
Lots of good feedback indeed :-D
I had actually considered what you're saying for the right arm (straight, on the thigh, or just resting in the air) and found that it made the shape a bit more uninteresting and somewhat harder to read, too... The original animation had a larger gap as well, with the hand resting on the side of the body, but I thought it gave off a bit more of an energetic look, as if she had something left, while this is supposed to look like she has nothing more to give (and it's your cue to go to sleep, soon). The left arm being bended instead of straight comes from that same logic, but in the end, the pose is maybe indeed not that great. I'll go back to some of that previous stuff and your suggestions and see how it looks

As for the hair, as mentioned above, yeah, it's exaggerated because it kinds of flows wildly on all of her moves, since it's a mildly long crest that has little resting support. So any small move will have it tumbling forward and backwards, to create trailing movement, like the same kind of animation stuff that we love scarves and capes for, or at least, that was the intention :-D
Put like a solid wall there of a lighter dark, and it'll complete the illusion.
That's an interesting thought as well! Maybe there's something to try out there. Thanks!
Another thing that might help is making it less rhythmic. Maybe two cycles. Maybe a longer pause between breaths/heaves
Yeah, there's maybe some of that to try as well - actually when I posted the second gif I made an error recording it and the second cycle has a bit of a shorter pause, making the two cycle look a little dissymetric (while the cycle itself actually is), and the result is definitely interesting. At the very least, that's something I can try and test.
And once again : thanks a lot for your thoughts on the matter, everyone :-D Have a happy Honey to share a bit of the excitement of that much feedback :