What started as an off-hand comment on twitter in late 2013 became a full-time job for 4 people in 2014, and Finji's main project in 2015. Developed largely behind closed doors at that time, Overland made its publicly playable debut at the GDC Mild Rumpus on March 4, 2015, and has since appeared at the XOXO Festival, IndieCade, PAX, E3, and other events.
The Overland First Access program started in April 2016 as a new way of running an alpha. Three rounds of alpha keys were made available for public sale in April (500 keys), May (500), and June (1000). The longest any key was available was about 72 hours. This stage of the First Access program was a huge help for Overland and had a dramatic impact on what we worked on and why. Huge thanks to alt-games storefront itch.io for making it possible!
Overland First Access opened up with unlimited keys on August 30 2016. We are currently planning on completing Overland sometime in 2017.